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KDE Goals Process

Monday, 16 May 2022 | Adam Szopa


Sorry everyone, it has been a while. Of course, the lack of updates to my blog doesn’t mean that the KDE Goals were also not progressing. On the contrary! Wayland, Consistency and Apps are looking better than ever before.

Today, I don’t want to talk about the Goals themselves, but rather about the process of selecting new Goals.

You see, Akademy 2022 has been recently announced. And because we have a date of the event, it means we can take a look at the process that is described on the community wiki and determine when the new Goals can be created.

Akademy 2022 logo

The process says, that 15 weeks before the start of Akademy the submission stage begins. Since this year’s Akademy is held October 1-7, looking at my calendar it means that June 17th should be the start date. That’s soon! But don’t worry, that stage lasts 4 weeks, so if you’d like to submit a new Goal for the KDE community, you still have time to think about it.

After the submission stage, a refinement stage and voting follow. Check the wiki page for details.

I’d like to use the remaining time before mid-June to talk about what makes a good KDE Goal, summarize the current ones, and interview with our Champions about tips for those that would like to take their place. Check the blog for updates on all of that!