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Donate to KDE with a 10% power up! (1-week-offer)

Friday, 23 December 2022 | Albert Astals Cid

Hopefully by now, you know that in KDE we are running an End of Year Fundraising campaign.

If you didn't, now you know :)

The campaign has already raised around 16 thousand euros, but there's still a bit to go to the minimum goal of 20 thousand.

So let's spice things up a little, I will donate 10% of every donation you make, you donate 1€, I will donate 0.1€, you donate 100€ I will donate 10€, etc.

I'm placing my maximum total donation amount at (20000-16211.98)/11 = 344.37, that is if you all donate 3443.7€ (or more), I will donate 344.37 and we'll reach the 20K goal.

How is this going to work? 

I will make my donation on the 31st of December (just one donation, to save up on fees).

For your donation to be included in my matching donation you need to send me an email to with your name/email and put in copy (CC) the KDE e.V. board so they can confirm your donation.

Only donations between now (23rd of December around 18:00 CET) and 31st of December will be considered.