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Plasma 5.26 and Plasma Mobile Gear 22.09 in Manjaro ARM

Saturday, 15 October 2022 | Dan Johansen

Plasma 5.26 and Plasma Mobile Gear 22.09 in Manjaro ARM

Both Plasma Mobile Gear 22.09 and Plasma 5.26 have now hit Manjaro ARMs unstable branch, so it's time to get some testing in before it gets to stable branch.

Plasma 5.26 and Plasma Mobile Gear 22.09 in Manjaro ARM
New Homescreen in Plasma 5.26

To make testing easier, we have created new images, based on our unstable branch, with these shiny new packages. You can find the links below.

Plasma Mobile on PinePhone
Plasma Mobile on PinePhone Pro

We did have a few hiccups along the way. Namely a long standing bug on our end, prohibited the panels from starting. This was a configuration issue on our end, made visible by the update to Plasma 5.26, which we have now fixed.

Plasma 5.26 and Plasma Mobile Gear 22.09 in Manjaro ARM
New App Drawer in Plasma 5.26

Another small issue was with the Dialer. Functionality is still hit'n'miss, but in 22.09 there wass an issue where the dialer was not quite fullscreen. It started in fulscreen and then resized a little bit. Like below.

Plasma 5.26 and Plasma Mobile Gear 22.09 in Manjaro ARM
Plasma Dialer 22.09 not quite fullscreen

This was also recently fixed with a configuration update!

So please help test out these new packages, so we can have a fairly stable new Beta release soon!

Thank you all.