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KDE Gear 24.05.0

Osteguna, 2024(e)ko maiatzak 23 | KDE komunitatea

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Dolphin lets you navigate your folders and files, move and copy things from one place to another, connect to file servers and manage everything in your local and remote storage.

It is important to the Dolphin team that you can see what is happening at all times, and we have implemented animations to help you follow every action. For example, dragging a file or folder over another folder triggers a subtle animation if the option to open the folder is enabled. Dolphin's bars also animate when they appear and disappear.

Dolphin also provides more tailored and informative insights into specific folders by default, so when browsing through recently used files and folders, users will find modification times listed by default and have streamlined access to the most recent items. Similarly, the Trash folder now offers detailed information on the time and origin of each deleted file.

During searches, Dolphin has refined its result views to offer more pertinent details. For images, we display dimensions and creation times, while audio files reveal track information such as author, album, and duration. For general searches, results are conveniently accompanied by their respective paths and modification times, so you have all the context you need at your fingertips.

Seamless navigation through interfaces is crucial for users around the world, and our latest update delivers just that. Now, when using right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew, Dolphin's arrow navigation works flawlessly.


Itinerary now shows more information about your train and coach facilities (where this information is available). This includes general comfort features such as air conditioning or WiFi, as well as things specifically relevant if you are traveling with young children, a bicycle, or a wheelchair. These can also be qualified by availability (e.g. if they require a special reservation) and marked as disrupted. This information is displayed when viewing a train's car layout and when searching for a connection.

The Itinerary team, in collaboration with other open source projects, has started work on a community-run, vendor-neutral international public transport routing service called Transitous. Transitous aims to focus on users' interests rather than on those of public transport operators). It is free to use, respects users' privacy, and does not stop at borders. We are now at a point where public transport information is available for a large part of Europe, and the data for services outside Europe is growing. The amount of information is now large enough that we have decided to enable support for Transitous by default in Itinerary and KTrip.

Current Transitous coverage for long-distance travel in Europe.

As with most updates, we've improved the coverage of travel document extractors, as well as adding support for a number of companies including AMSBus, ANA, Deutsche Bahn, Eckerö Line, Elron, European Sleeper, Eurostar, Eventim, Finnair, Flibco, Leo Express, LTG Link, Moongate, National Express, Pasažieru vilciens, Salzbergwerk, SNCF, Thalys, ti.to, Trenitalia and UK National Railways.


NeoChat is a chat app that lets you take full advantage of the Matrix network.

In its newest version, we moved the search to a popup allowing you to search for a conversation independently of the space you are in.

NeoChat will also now scan PDFs and other files sent to the chat for travel documents, and displaying all the relevant information directly in your conversation. All the processing is done on your device and no private information is sent to any third parties servers. Similarly your text documents will be directly displayed in the timeline.


Tokodon brings the Mastodon federated social media platform to your fingertips. With Tokodon you can read, post, and message easily. Now when writing a new post, it is possible to do that in a separate window, allowing you to continue using Tokodon while writing your post.

In this release, we also added a badge counter for follow requests in the sidebar.


Kdenlive is KDE's full-featured video editor that gives you everything you need to build advertisements, documentaries, TV shows, and full-fledged movies.

Version 24.05 adds Group Effects, effects that can be added to clips grouped together all at the same time. You can also reach wider audiences by using an offline AI that can translate your subtitles with the Automatic Subtitle Translations feature.

The feature that allows you to capture audio from your desktop or microphone from directly within Kdenlive is back, and the performance of moving clips with the spacer tool has been hugely improved. The multiple resource bins management feature (bins being the areas where you keep your clips, images, titles and animations) has also been reworked and improved.


Elisa is KDE's elegant and feature-rich music player. Yet another improvement to its already sleek design is that this new version lets you switch between list and grid views.

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Ark helps you manage compressed files and archives. Ark can now open and un-archive self-extracting .exe archive files

The date and time picker in Merkuro has been updated and is now significantly faster.

The reading experience on Akregator, KDE's RSS news reader, is more pleasant in this version thanks to a new layout and the support of dark themes.


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Nahiz eta gure softwarea kaleratzen duten banaketak erabat babesten ditugun, laster, KDE Gear 24.05 aplikazioak Linux aplikazio biltegi hauetan ere erabilgarri egongo da:


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