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Glaxnimate 0.6.0 Beta

Thursday, 6 February 2025 | Glaxnimate News

Glaxnimate 0.6.0 Beta has finally been released for testing!

It has been a while since the last release of Glaxnimate, but in the background we worked hard to make this first release under the KDE umbrella happen!

Please help us testing and report any issue you may encounter on

Glaxnimate joins KDE

The Glaxnimate team is proud to announce Glaxnimate is now part of KDE. Glaxnimate benefits from the shared KDE build and distribution infrastructure, the collective knowledge of the community and libraries such as KDE Frameworks. This way the developers can spend more time on the code to fix bugs and develop new features for you!



  • The rotation handle now preserves rotation direction and multiple full rotations
  • Alt + click on keyframes cycles between built-in easing curves
  • Alt + click on bezier points cycles between tangent symmetry modes (Ctrl+click still works)
  • Changing a bezier point from corner to smooth will add tangents if they are missing
  • The import image dialog now allows importing multiple images at once


  • Added support for SVG text-anchor

User Interface

  • Middle mouse drag now pans the timeline
  • There is an icon on the timeline to quickly toggle keyframes
  • Buttons to jump to the next/previous keyframe in the timeline
  • Improved LottieFiles import dialog
  • Improved autosave recovery process
  • Script console now supports basic autocompletion


  • Exposed method to add new compositions


  • Switched to an even/odd version numbering scheme
  • Integration with KDE Frameworks

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed keyframe context menu showing the wrong "after" transition
  • When drawing bezier points that don't have tangents are correctly marked as corner
  • The play button now resumes from the current frame rather than resetting to the start
  • Fixed saving custom templates
  • Toggling visibility / lock of a layer by clicking on its icon now adds an undo/redo action
  • Fixed LottieFiles import
  • Fixed dropping file as object
  • Fixed closing compositions from the tab bar
  • Fixed loading colors from older lotties
  • Shape modifiers marked as not visible are now correctly ignored
  • Fixed rendering of round corners modifier
  • Fixed "New Composition" action creating an invisible layer
  • Fixed repeater opacity not being applied correctly
  • Improved handling of repeater with stroke
  • Fixed SVG animation export
  • Fixed animated raster plugin I/O

How to get it

Note that this is a beta release. Most Linux distributions do not package unstable releases.

We recommend to test this release with one of the binaries we provide:

Packager Section

The source code tarball are available from the KDE servers:


Source: glaxnimate-0.5.80.tar.xz

Signed by: 97B71AA02D63EA6C5C44C23B962AC48EF0501F0B Julius Künzel