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Release of KDE Stopmotion 0.8.7

Sunday, 9 June 2024 | Gruenich

Today marks the release of  KDE Stopmotion 0.8.7!

About Stopmotion

Stopmotion is a Free Open Source application to create stop-motion animations. It helps you capture and edit the frames of your animation and export them as a single file.

Direct capture from webcams, MiniDV cameras, and DSLR cameras. It offers onion-skinning, import images from disk, and time lapse photography. Stopmotion supports multiple scenes, frame editing, basic sound track, animation playback at different frame rates, and GIMP integration for image. Movies can be exported to a file and to Cinelerra frame lists.

Technically, it is a C++ / Qt application with optional dependencies to camera capture libraries.

Changes in release 0.8.7

This release comes with no new features, but improvements to the project itself.


  • The project is now officially called to KDE Stopmotion. The former name Linux Stopmotion is no longer used.
  • Support for qmake has been removed. Use CMake instead.


  • Port serialization to libarchive. libtar is abandoned. (thanks to Bastian Germann)


  • The .sto files miss the tar trailer. (#16, thanks to Bastian Germann for providing a fix)


  • Use pkg-config to find dependencies vorbisfile and xml2 (thanks to Barak Pearlmutter)
  • Remove code that relies on deprecations in Qt 5; this is a preparation to move to Qt 6.

Future plans

  • Transition from Qt 5 to version 6. I am stuck with my port as QAudioDeviceInfo that was dropped in Qt 6. I need some help to port Stopmotion to the new way to handle audio with Qt 6 / Qt Mulimedia.
  • We should integrate better to KDE's tech stack: Internationalization, using KDE libraries, update and reformat documentation.

Get involved!

If you are interested, give Stopmotion a try. Reach out to our mailing list or have a look into our project. Share your ideas or get involved!