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Web Review, Week 2022-25

Friday, 24 June 2022 | Kevin Ottens

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-25.

What would a Chromium-only Web look like?

Tags: tech, browser, web

This is a good question… not a good outcome overall. Are we really heading that way? Looks like it.

I fucking hate Jira.

Tags: tech, jira, funny, satire

Totally unbiased of course. I admit I’m not really in love with that ecosystem either.

Brenton Cleeland - Six things I do every time I start a Django project

Tags: tech, python, django

A couple of good advises in there for a Django project inception.

DORA Metrics: the Right Answer to measuring engineering team performance - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Tags: tech, devops, metrics, project-management

Interesting set of metrics indeed. As usual the danger lies in how/if you set targets and potentially fuzzy definitions of some of the terms.

“Sharing Interesting Stuff”: A simple yet powerful management tool | by Florian Fesseler | Shipup blog | Jun, 2022 | Medium

Tags: tech, management, knowledge

OK, this is an interesting practice… I do some of that in a less formal fashion, maybe it’s worth exploring further.

writing one sentence per line | Derek Sivers

Tags: writing

OK, this is a neat and simple trick. I think I’ll start experimenting with it.

Bye for now!