Web Review, Week 2022-26
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-26. It’ll be the last one for a little while, I’m taking an extended break, other reviews will follow after that.
Facebook Brands Jane’s Revenge as Terrorists
Tags: facebook, censorship, politics
Their moderation rules keep being opaque, random and then… dangerous. Especially telling is this quote: “Ukrainians get to say violent shit, Palestinians don’t. White supremacists do, pro-choice people don’t.” They privately get to pick who they like or not.
Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come!
Tags: tech, github, copyright, licensing, machine-learning
There’s really a problem with GitHub overall… and the Copilot move is definitely worrying. Not Copilot by itself really but how they just don’t want to tackle the questions it raises.
GitLab CEO: ‘Remote work is just work’ | Fortune
Tags: tech, gitlab, remote-working, management
It’s great to see GitLab be such a public and outspoken champion of remote work. Let’s hope more organizations walk the path.
Run Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines with Quickemu
Tags: tech, virtualization
Looks like a neat little project for easier desktop VMs management. Worth trying I think.
Introduction to OpenRewrite - OpenRewrite
Tags: tech, java, refactoring
Looks like an interesting tool to port code to newer APIs… too bad this seems to be very much Java focused only.
What’s new in Python 3.11? - DeepSource
Tags: tech, python
OK, this looks like an interesting release, next to the performance improvements there are quite a few neat new features as well.
Don’t let dicts spoil your code - Roman Imankulov
Tags: tech, programming, python, type-systems, data-oriented
Good set of advices around dicts. This is Python centric but some of it applies to other languages as well. Mind the lack of anti-corruption layer.
Things You Should Know About Databases
Tags: tech, databases, architecture
Nice primer of important characteristics of databases and transactions. With doodles so I’m biased. ;-)
Write Better Commits, Build Better Projects | The GitHub Blog
Tags: tech, git, codereview, craftsmanship
This explains fairly well the reason why I spend so much time doing git rebases or push for more readable history in branches submitted for reviews. It helps a lot with the reviews and with finding root causes of issues later on.
Prioritization is a Political Problem as Much as an Analytical Problem
Tags: tech, product-management, engineering, business
Very good set of advices in my opinion on how to prioritize product work in an organization. It very well accounts for the natural tension between sales/marketing and product/engineering.
Questions to ask the company during your interview
Tags: hr, interviews
Since I keep telling candidates interviews are also for them to know the company before hand, I welcome this kind of list. I’d like to have more candidates ask some of that. :-)
The Last Human – A Glimpse Into The Far Future - YouTube
Tags: scifi, philosophy, surprising
Interesting thought experiment… Let’s not screw up indeed and give a chance to loooots of people.
Bye for now!