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Web Review, Week 2022-34

Friday, 26 August 2022 | Kevin Ottens

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-34.

A new jailbreak for John Deere tractors rides the right-to-repair wave

Tags: tech, repair

Good news for the right to repair movement. I wish they would stop DRM’ing equipments like this…

Coping with Copilot | SIGARCH

Tags: tech, machine-learning, github, copilot, university

Indeed, this is going to be “interesting” in educational situations… I guess that’ll at least push into richer assignments.

VS Code - What’s the deal with the telemetry?

Tags: tech, editor, microsoft, surveillance, gdpr

The obvious problem with VS Code, you just cannot have any trust into it.

Stable Diffusion Public Release — Stability.Ai

Tags: tech, machine-learning, ai, art

OK, now this is out and potentially a big deal to have this in open source.

The New Normal: The Coming Tsunami of Fakery

Tags: tech, ai, internet, machine-learning, fake

The come back of the Dead Internet Theory? Getting more and more probable by the minute indeed thanks to the newer wave of generative AI text and art.

The Three F’s of Open Source Development | Ben E. C. Boyter

Tags: tech, foss

A good reminder for some of the loudly annoying Free Software users out there.

Preparing for the wave of open source funding

Tags: tech, foss, fundraising

Indeed, there’s more funding available. It’s becoming a maze though and PR shouldn’t be underestimated.

Rust: A hard decision pays off | Pinecone

Tags: tech, rust, python, safety, productivity

Interesting points in there, indeed we rarely see things presented along an advantage in productivity for Rust when it’s compared to Python.

Developers, please nurture your coding experience

Tags: tech, programming, craftsmanship, tools

I definitely recommend adopting this mindset. Been doing most of that for a long time and this definitely helps.

How to deal with money in software

Tags: tech, programming, money

Very good summary on how to process currencies properly in software. Goes all the way to explaining how such a library must behave (should you make one or decide which one to pick).

Why your website should be under 14kB in size |

Tags: tech, http, web, networking, tcp

A good reason to try to make pages as small as possible. Interesting to see where this threshold is coming from.

Journey to Lumen

Tags: tech, 3d, unreal

Very interesting account of the techniques evaluated to reach real time global illumination in the Unreal Engine.

Bye for now!