Web Review, Week 2022-48
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-48.
osquery | Easily ask questions about your Linux, Windows, and macOS infrastructure
Tags: tech, monitoring
This looks like an interesting OS level monitoring solution.
WebAssembly: Go vs Rust vs AssemblyScript :: Ecostack — a developer blog
Tags: tech, webassembly, performance
Little simple benchmark of WebAssembly performances for the most common languages found there. Careful to the payload size though.
Using Rust at a startup: A cautionary tale | by Matt Welsh | Nov, 2022 | Medium
Tags: tech, programming, rust, architecture
Don’t believe claims about Rust (or any other options in fact) being a language for universal use. It has a few spaces where it shines and others where it’ll be a drag. Picking the right language and stack is a multi-factor decision process where the technical advantages of the language itself say less than half of the story.
I am disappointed by dynamic typing • Buttondown
Tags: tech, type-systems, metaprogramming
Interesting take about what could make dynamic typing truly shine if it got all the way to runtime manipulation in a consistent manner. We’re far from it though.
Git Notes: git’s coolest, most unloved feature - Tyler Cipriani
Tags: tech, git
Obscure feature definitely but we’re happy it’s there… maybe one day it’ll indeed allow to have much more independence from the code forges.
I/O is no longer the bottleneck
Tags: tech, performance
Definitely this, we have to stop pointing disk I/O so much for performance issues. This is just not really slow anymore. Obviously network is a different story.
Falsehoods programmers believe about undefined behavior
Tags: tech, compiler, c, c++, rust
Undefined behavior do exist and well… they’re really undefined, don’t make any assumption about them.
Cache invalidation really is one of the hardest problems in computer science – Surfing Complexity
Tags: tech, performance, multithreading
Nice summary on the false sharing problem with caches and how it can impact your performances in multithreaded contexts.
Recognizing patterns in memory // TimDbg
Tags: tech, debugging, memory
Interesting set of memory patterns. Didn’t know all of them, some are definitely useful and I already use, I’ll try to look for the others next time I need to.
Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests
Tags: tech, git, project-management, maintenance
Nice list of things to keep in mind when working on projects, even small personal ones. This greatly improve maintainability in the long run.
Why writing by hand is still the best way to retain information - Stack Overflow Blog
Tags: tech, low-tech, note-taking, book
There’s definitely a tension between something which you can organize and search easily (by typing) and something you can remember better (by hand writing). That’s why I can’t get rid of hand written notes completely, I practice a mix of both depending on the use.
Bye for now!