Web Review, Week 2023-07
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-07.
AMD Grabs Over 30% CPU Market Share As Intel Continues To Decline
Tags: tech, cpu, intel, amd
Interesting, this is likely a good thing for everyone to have AMD very much alive and the dominance of Intel fading away a bit. I wonder how the ARM based processors will position themselves in the server space in the future, this is still not much there (contrary to mobile).
Apple doesn’t want you developing hobby apps – Bennett Notes
Tags: tech, apple
This is really a stupid rule they got there. I really don’t get why makers would turn to this ecosystem it makes everything difficult.
Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first”
Tags: tech, api, gpt, politics, ethics
There’s really something rotten in this AI “arms race”… they’re clearly making mistakes to go fast for PR purposes and using tools the wrong way. This can only lead to large scale disinformation if they don’t correct course quickly. This has more political impacts than it looks at first sight.
ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare. If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned
Tags: tech, law, copyright, ai, gpt
For all the conversations about how chat GPT might displace jobs, there’s a big untold: how much of copyright is violated in the process? It’s also very concerning about how much data it collects when interacted with.
ChatGPT Is Ingesting Corporate Secrets - Schneier on Security
Tags: tech, ai, security, gpt
Are we surprised? Not really no… you don’t own any of the data you’re feeding it. Keep it away from your secrets.
Wolfram|Alpha as the Way to Bring Computational Knowledge Superpowers to ChatGPT—Stephen Wolfram Writings
Tags: tech, knowledge, gpt, ai
So transformer models produce things that look plausible… and that’s it. What would it look like if we started to make hybrid models in which a transformer model is also tied to proper computation tools with general knowledge? This piece is a good illustration of what it could provide.
A promising mess - Chez pieq
Tags: tech, linux, complexity
Indeed we’re clearly in a transition period on the Linux ecosystem. If it all comes out to fruition it’ll be better for everyone… in the meantime this throws quite some complexity at everyone (in particular for portability and deployment).
Reduce the environmental footprint of your mobile apps with SonarQube
Tags: tech, ecology, quality, metrics
Interesting plugin for SonarQube to evaluate the footprint of a mobile application. This should complete well what exists for desktop applications and web frontends.
Handbook - KDE Eco
Tags: tech, ecology, desktop, kde
Cool! It’s nice to see this handbook published. Should help quite a bit to have more desktop applications certified.
boxxy puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files
Tags: tech, command-line, config, rust, tools
Oh, that looks very interesting. I’d definitely have use for this. I tend to manage several aws or ssh configs per customers and it’s not always easy to deal with. This could lead to a nice separation.
Why I’m not the biggest fan of Single Page Applications
Tags: tech, web, frontend
The article is a bit confused about what is really about SPAs in general or React in particular. Still it is clear they raise questions regarding accessibility and navigation. In turn, this requires a lot of careful implementation to make sure the user experience is acceptable.
Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns
Tags: tech, architecture, web, frontend, react
Nice demonstration that web frontend can and should be organized like a regular GUI application (like a desktop application for instance). This will bring the same benefits in term of maintainability and modularity.
A “Notion-style” block-based extensible text editor built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap
Tags: tech, frontend, web
Looks like a nice editor to use in web frontends.
The Heisenbug lurking in your async code - Textual
Tags: tech, python, asynchronous
This is clearly a dangerous pitfall in the asyncio API.
How C++23 changes the way we write code - Timur Doumler - Meeting C++ 2022 - YouTube
Tags: tech, c++
Nice talk about what’s new about C++23. Claims to cover only four features but uses nice presenter tricks so that you also take a quick peek at other features.
The Real C++ Killers (Not You, Rust) | HackerNoon
Tags: tech, performance, python, c++
A bit of a sarcastic tone but a few good point in there. Also shows interesting alternatives to C++ to squeeze every ounce of performance out of your code whatever the platform it runs on. Of the three options explored I knew only about Numba really.
Simple Physics-based Flight Simulation with C++ | Jakob Maier
Tags: tech, c++, physics
A very simple flight model which seems to do wonders.
When Rust hurts
Tags: tech, rust, programming, safety, multithreading
It’s good to also see articles which point out the problems with Rust. Overall I find it an interesting language but people tend to oversell it too much. This is a nice reminder it already carries complexity issues.
Re: Factor: Proquint
Tags: tech, encodings
This is a cool encoding I find. Might come in useful sometimes.
Fixing “Too much WIP” | by Jason Yip | Jan, 2023 | Medium
Tags: tech, agile, project-management
This can indeed quickly become a problem. This slows down everything and can bring with it a silent killer: context switching. It is avoidable though, there are good strategies to prevent WIP to go out of control.
Retrospectives Antipatterns
Tags: tech, agile, retrospective
Interesting first set of antipatterns… I clearly already encountered the “In the soup” and “Loudmouth” ones. This is like a long advertisement to the book of course but I think I’ll try to get my hands on it.
Bye for now!