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Web Review, Week 2023-25

Friday, 23 June 2023 | Kevin Ottens

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-25.

Celebrating 25 years of The KDE Free Qt Foundation |

Tags: tech, kde, foss, community, licensing

Happy birthday the KDE Free Qt Foundation! It’s really nice to see it survived the test of time. It is for sure an essential tool of the KDE ecosystem. I wish there would be more such foundations around.

Reforming the free software message

Tags: tech, foss, criticism

Following up on his “The Free Software Foundation is dying” post, Drew DeVault has been working on the messaging part of his recommendations. The result is not bad at all!

We need more of Richard Stallman, not less

Tags: tech, foss, criticism

Despite the (sometimes valid) criticism floating around RMS and the FSF, we can’t deny RMS has been proven right more than once.

Raters helped train Google’s AI. But after speaking out, they were fired. - The Washington Post

Tags: tech, machine-learning, ai, gpt, google

Maybe it’s time to make so called “reinforcement learning from human feedback” actually humane? It’s not the first account along those lines in the industry.

People Are Using AI to Automate Responses to Site That Pays Them to Train AI

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning

Oh the bad feedback loop this introduces… this clearly poison the well of AI training when it goes through such platforms.

Most tech content is bullshit

Tags: tech, programming, craftsmanship

We went from quality to quantity it seems. We also have whole swats of developers who are just consuming content without critical thinking and it’s a problem. The conclusion says it all: “Don’t consume. Create. Ask questions. Stay curious.”

OpenLLM: An open platform for operating large language models (LLMs) in production

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, foss, self-hosting

Looks like an interesting tool to run LLMs on your own hardware.


Tags: tech, 3d

Looks like a really nifty 3D procedural generator. I wish I’d have an excuse to use it on a project.

Linux Namespaces Are a Poor Man’s Plan 9 Namespaces · Yotam’s blog

Tags: tech, unix, plan9, linux, history

Sometimes I really regret Plan 9 didn’t take off. So many good ideas and designs in there.

Squeezing a Little More Performance Out of Bytecode Interpreters ·

Tags: tech, machine-learning, bytecode, performance, optimization

Interesting research turning to genetic algorithms to optimize bytecode handler dispatchers.

Copy-and-Patch Compilation

Tags: tech, compiler, performance

This compilation technique brings very interesting results. Hopefully should find its way in some JIT compilers.

Why Static Typing Came Back • Richard Feldman • GOTO 2022 - YouTube

Tags: tech, programming, language, type-systems

Interesting point of view on why static typing seems to make a come back right now and why it’s likely to continue. I think a few of the arguments in here are wrongly framed (like some of the benefits of using an interpreter rather than a compiler are attributed to dynamic typing while it’s rather orthogonal) but a large part of the analysis seems valid to me.

Compiling typed Python | Max Bernstein

Tags: tech, python, compiler, type-systems, performance

Unsurprisingly, it’s not as simple as it sounds. Type hints in Python can be used for various reasons but performances is rarely the main motives. It’d need other adjustments to the runtime. People are working on it, and this article is an interesting dive on how things work under the hood.

The best Python feature you cannot use

Tags: tech, python, tests, safety

Kind of sad to see asserts misused so much in the Python community. Still that’s a good lesson for everyone: when using an assert, expect it won’t get executed when in production.

Designing Pythonic library APIs

Tags: tech, design, api, python

Good set of advises for Python APIs. Some applies more generally though.

Graphics for JVM @

Tags: tech, java, graphics

Is the graphics community warming up to the JVM? Or is it the other way around? Let’s see if it makes progress in any case.

Rust vs C++ Formatting | Barry’s C++ Blog

Tags: tech, rust, c++, programming, type-systems

Interesting deep dive in Rust and C++23 string formatting features. This shows the differences quite well. It also does a good job at highlighting the pros and cons for each approach.

std::shared_ptr is an anti-pattern | Dmitry Danilov

Tags: tech, c++, memory

The title of the post is not the best. Still it nicely lists and explains common mistakes around the use of std::shared_ptr.

Style your RSS feed

Tags: tech, blog, rss, xslt

Definitely a neat trick to have a slick RSS feed with a nice experience from the browser.

Plain Text Journaling ·

Tags: tech, productivity, organization, vim

Neat little journaling system using vim. I can hear Emacs users cringe from here though.

I Don’t Need Your Query Language

Tags: tech, databases, sql

I don’t understand the SQL shaming I see in some circles. It’s clearly based on dubious arguments.

🧠 Cognitive Load Developer’s Handbook

Tags: tech, complexity, programming

Neat little resource. We indeed should pay more attention to complexity across our industry.

Ikea-Oriented Development

Tags: tech, programming, complexity, design, interoperability

Interesting parallel taken with IKEA. Some of their principles translate to nice traits for software as well.

Flexible systems | Organizing Chaos

Tags: tech, organization, system, change

Definitely this, what matters most is being able to change previous decisions. In comparison each decision itself is less important.

The Shape of Code » Software effort estimation is mostly fake research

Tags: tech, estimates, research

We got a problem with research around software estimates. This won’t help us get better at it as an industry…

The limitations of Scrum framing and what you might use instead

Tags: tech, agile, scrum, project-management, product-management

Wording matters, and framing things differently can free teams from the Scrum limiting views. This is required to find a path towards improvements.

Maps Distort How We See the World - by Tomas Pueyo

Tags: geography, map

Great article. We know that the projections we use can’t give a proper picture of the world. We often don’t realize by how much it distort our views and what we miss. This is a good summary of the various biases in our maps.

Bye for now!