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Web Review, Week 2024-40

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-40.

W3C 30th anniversary clip

Tags: tech, web, history

Excellent clip for the W3C 30th anniversary. Shows the big milestones and evolution of the WWW.


Tags: tech, foss, map

An excellent service to provide. Let’s hope it stays sustainable, the risk is commercial leeches not giving back a dime. Be responsible, sponsor it if you use it commercially.

Why laptop support, why now: FreeBSD’s strategic move toward broader adoption | FreeBSD Foundation

Tags: tech, freebsd, laptop

Unexpected but definitely welcome. Let’s wish them luck in this endeavor.

The Public Domain Problem

Tags: tech, copyright, public-domain, commons

Putting things in the public domain voluntarily is indeed more difficult than it should be. The best tool we got is CC0, but it still raises (probably unwarranted) concerns for software.

Patent troll Sable pays up, dedicates all its patents to the public!

Tags: tech, patents

Always happy to see a patent troll bite the dust.

Improving online advertising through product and infrastructure

Tags: tech, mozilla, advertisement, surveillance

Mozilla is clearly loosing its way, this is sad to watch. I guess the forks which remove the online advertising measures will become more popular.

Microsoft details security/privacy overhaul for Windows Recall ahead of relaunch

Tags: tech, microsoft, ai, machine-learning, surveillance, privacy

They’re trying a come back… of course they added layers of security to pretend it’s all solved and shiny. They totally ignore the social implications or if something like this even needs to be done. At least one can remove it… for now…

Don’t believe the hype: AGI is far from inevitable

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, cognition, neuroscience, philosophy, mathematics, logic, research

This is a short article summarizing a research paper at the surface level. It is clearly the last nail in the coffin for the generative AI grand marketing claims. Of course, I recommend reading the actual research paper (link at the end) but if you prefer this very short form, here it is. It’s clearly time to go back to the initial goals of the AI field: understanding cognition. The latest industrial trends tend to confuse too much the map with the territory.

The insatiable hunger of (Open)AI

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, energy, ecology

If you run the number, we actually can’t afford this kind of generative AI arm race. It’s completely unsustainable both for training and during use…

New AI trick: ‘synthetic human memories’

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, fake, fake-news

Maybe extrapolating a bit more than it should. Still this leads to worrying uses of AI generated images.

Ethical Applications of AI to Public Sector Problems - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, ethics

Good article about the ethical implications of using AI in systems. I like the distinction about assistive vs automated. It’s not perfect as it underestimates the “asleep at the steering wheel” effects, but this is a good starting point.

Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, copilot, productivity

Unsurprisingly the productivity gains announced for coding assistants have been greatly exaggerated. There might be cases of strong gains but it’s still unclear in which niches this is going to happen.

Lies, Damn Lies, And Surveys About AI – ideatrash

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, copilot, marketing, criticism

Or why we shouldn’t trust marketing survey… they definitely confuse perception and actual results. Worse they do it on purpose.

Sorry, GenAI is NOT going to 10x computer programming

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, copilot, productivity

How shocking! This was all hype? Not surprised since we’ve seen the referenced papers before, but put all together it makes things really clear.

Inside Elon Musk’s AI party at OpenAI’s old headquarters

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, business

The arm race is still on-going at a furious pace. Still wondering how messy it will be when this bubble bursts.

I am tired of AI

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, marketing, criticism

I definitely agree with this. I’m sick of the grand claims around what is essentially a parlor trick. Could we tone down the marketing enough so that we can properly think about making useful products again?

Were RNNs All We Needed?

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, research

OK, this paper picked my curiosity. The limitations of the experiments makes me wonder if some threshold effects aren’t ignored. Still this is a good indication that the question is worth pursuing further.


Tags: tech, social-media, scam, ai, machine-learning

Doxxing will get easier and easier. Con men are likely paying attention.

Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate

Tags: tech, automotive, security

More details about the KIA security issue. Clearly securing the embedded systems is not worth much if it is then all exposed via unsafe web services.

Attacking UNIX Systems via CUPS, Part I

Tags: tech, linux, security

This one is definitely a bad one. Looks like CUPS is a weak part of the ecosystem, especially when coupled with zeroconf. I wouldn’t be surprised to see macOS being affected too.

Collaborative Text Editing with Eg-walker: Better, Faster, Smaller

Tags: tests, crdt, collaborative

This could be a game changer to collaborative editing. Clearly a good competitor to CRDTs, should make it easier to build such features without a central server.

Modes Considered Harmful

Tags: tech, distributed, reliability

Interesting point. You likely need to be careful with fallback modes especially in distributed systems. They might bring even more issues when the system is already under stress.

std::array in C++ isn’t slower than array in C

Tags: tech, c++, programming, safety, performance

If you still needed to be convinced you need to use std::array and std::span, here is the proof.

Code Generation in Rust vs C++26

Tags: tech, c++, rust, metaprogramming

Interesting comparison of the different choices made in Rust and the upcoming C++26 for code generation. It’s fascinating how they managed to have such facilities in Rust while having no introspection. C++ going the opposite direction will have a very different feel both in term of use or of implementation.

The Fastest Mutexes

Tags: tech, multithreading, performance, system

Nice results. Interesting implementation too. I wonder if some of it will make its way to the glibc or musl.

Less htmx is More

Tags: tech, web, frontend, htmx

As it gets more adoption people are figuring out ways to use htmx properly and not abuse what should be niche features.

Three small proposals for putting “hyper” back in the hypertext

Tags: tech, web, frontend, html, htmx

Interesting proposals, let’s see how far they go. They could bring most of the benefits of htmx and similar straight in HTML.

Changelogs and Release Notes

Tags: tech, foss, project-management

We keep saying they’re not the same. This article does a good job highlighting the differences and explaining why you need both.

Learning to Call BS

Tags: tech, product-management

Good idea on how product managers should behave to facilitate requirements handling. I wish more of them would do this.

The world will need less energy after the energy transition

Tags: tech, energy, ecology, economics

Interesting analysis… I wonder if and how Jevons paradox will get in the way though.

Bye for now!