Web Review, Week 2025-09
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2025-09.
Open letter to browser and OS makers
Tags: tech, web, http, security
We’re indeed close to universal HTTPS adoption. One last push please?
France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU
Tags: tech, privacy, surveillance, cryptography, politics
They really never learn… Whatever the country politician try to blindly fight against cryptography again and again. Let’s hope this one is stopped.
It is no longer safe to move our governments and societies to US clouds
Tags: tech, cloud, politics, law, privacy, vendor-lockin
Maybe it’ll at least be a wake up call for governments and businesses to let go of their US cloud addiction. There are reasons why you don’t want such vendor lock-in. The political drama unfolding in the United States makes obvious why you should think carefully at how dependent you are from your service and infrastructure providers.
Y Combinator Supports AI Startup Dehumanizing Factory Workers
Tags: tech, business, criticism
I’m still baffled people are coming with ideas like this for their businesses… The level of cynicism you must have to build such a startup.
A new Android feature is scanning your photos for ‘sensitive content’ - how to stop it
Tags: tech, google, android, smartphone, security, criticism
Another example that on such ecosystems you’re not really owning your device. Seek alternatives!
Xcode constantly phones home
Tags: tech, apple, surveillance
Not all of this makes sense… Why are they collecting so much from an IDE?
How Core Git Developers Configure Git
Tags: tech, git, version-control, tools, command-line
Or why even the core git developers don’t really use the defaults. This piece gives good knobs to play with in order to have a nicer experience.
Smart Pointers Can’t Solve Use-After-Free
Tags: tech, c++, memory, safety
They help with some issues… but they can’t solve all the memory safety issues of the language I’m afraid.
Bookmarklets (and Custom URL Schemes) Are Criminally Underrated
Tags: tech, browser, desktop, linux
This is indeed forgotten features available in our desktop and browsers. It can be very convenient.
The web on mobile
Tags: tech, web, mobile, ux, performance
It could be so much better indeed. Unfortunately in great part this is about UX design and carrying heavyweight frontend frameworks though…
Programming Really Is Simple Mathematics
Tags: tech, programming, mathematics, logic
Interesting endeavor… this is nice to have an attempt at a formal definition with no axiom introduced.
A discussion between John Ousterhout and Robert Martin
Tags: tech, craftsmanship, design, tdd, teaching, complexity
Very interesting discussion weighting the main differences and disagreements between a Philosophy of Software Design, and Clean Code. I read and own both books and those differences were crystal clear, it’s nice to see the authors debate them. I’m a bit disappointed at the section about TDD though, I think it could have been a bit more conclusive. It gives me food for thought about my TDD teaching though and confirms some of the messages I’m trying to push to reduce confusion.
Testing Numbs Us to Our Loss of Intellectual Control
Tags: tech, architecture, design, tdd, complexity
Nice little paper I overlooked. I agree with it obviously. More tests are not a free pass to let complexity go wild. Architecture and design concerns are still very important even if you TDD properly.
Leading while learning
Tags: management, leadership
The proposed three traits are definitely spot on. Too much confidence is a red flag, some balance needs to be found.
Bye for now!