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KDE/Plasma for Debian – Update 2022/7

Monday, 11 July 2022 | Norbert Preining

(Update 2022-07-14: Plasma 5.25 now also available for Debian/stable)

Long time I haven’t posted a lot about KDE/Plasma for Debian, most people will know the reason. But I have anyway updated my repos at OBS, which now contain the latest releases of frameworks, gears, and plasma!

The status is as follows (all for Debian/stable, testing, unstable:

  • Frameworks: 5.96
  • Gears: 22.04.3
  • Plasma 5.25: 5.25.3
  • Plasma 5.24 LTS: 5.24.6

Unfortunately, compiling Plasma 5.25 didn’t work out due to dependencies on newer versions of Xorg and related libraries.

I repeat (and update) instructions for all here: First of all, you need to add my OBS key say in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/obs-npreining.asc and add a file /etc/apt/sources.lists.d/obs-npreining-kde.list, containing the following lines, replacing the DISTRIBUTION part with one of Debian_11 (for Bullseye), Debian_Testing, or Debian_Unstable:

deb ./
deb ./
deb ./
deb ./
deb ./

Some programs in the other group have been recompiled against the Gears 22.04 libraries.


Usual disclaimer: (1) Considering that I don’t have a user-facing Debian computer anymore, all these packages are only tested by third parties and not by myself. Be aware! (2) Funny to read the Debian Social Contract, Point 4. Our priorities are our users and free software, obviously I care a lot about my users, more than some other Debian members.