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KDE/Plasma for Debian – Update 2022/11

Monday, 7 November 2022 | Norbert Preining

Monthly update on KDE/Plasma on Debian: Updates to Frameworks and KDE Gears

Short summary of recent changes and updates:

  • Frameworks updated to 5.99.0
  • Plasma 5.24 LTS (repo plasma524) has been updated to the latest patch level 5.24.7
  • Plasma 5.25 updated to the latest patch level 5.25.5
  • KDE Gears 22.08 updated to latest patch level 22.08.3
  • Krita updated to 5.1.3
  • (hopefully) everything recompiled against new Qt from Debian

If you see some strange behavior, please report.

Concerning Plasma 5.26

Debian unstable and testing already have (albeit outdated) packages for Plasma 5.26, and I have tried to package and build it for all the releases including Debian/stable. Unfortunately, Plasma 5.26 has a hard dependency onto a version of libDRM that is not available in Debian/stable, and thus compilation on Debian/stable does not succeed.

This makes my work regarding Plasma 5.26 far less useful, and thus I am currently not working on 5.26.

Usual reminder

I repeat (and update) instructions for all here, updated to use deb822 format (thanks to various comments on the blog here):

  • Get the key via
    curl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/local/share/keyrings/obs-npreining.asc
  • Add the sources definition in /etc/apt/sources.lists.d/obs-npreining-kde.sources, replacing the DISTRIBUTION part with one of Debian_11 (for Bullseye), Debian_Testing, or Debian_Unstable:
    # deb822 source:
    Types: deb
    Suites: /
    Signed-By: /usr/local/share/keyrings/obs-npreining.asc
    Enabled: yes

You can use also plasma524 instead of plasma525 if you prefer the LTS version of Plasma.
