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Friday, 15 November 2024

Image of a yellow star with an orange circle centered in the star and within the star the text "</>" representing Google summer of code next to a plus sign next to a three quarter gear with a K representing KDE

All of KDE's Google Summer of Code (GSoC) projects are complete.

GSoC is a program where students or people who are new to Free and Open Source software make programming contributions to an open source project.

This post summarizes the outcomes of KDE project participating in GSoC 2024.



Ajay Chauhan worked on porting Arianna from epub.js to use Foliate-js. The work will hopefully be merged soon.

Image of a page from a book and the table of contents in Arianna
A screenshot of Arianna using Foliate-js to render a table of contents
(Courtesy of Ajay Chauhan, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Python bindings for KDE Frameworks:

Manuel Alcaraz Zambrano, implemented Python bindings for KWidgetAddons, KUnitConversion, KCoreAddons, KGuiAddons, KI18n, KNotifications, and KXmlGUI. This was done using Shiboken. In addition, Manuel wrote a tutorial on how to generate Python bindings using Shiboken. The complicated set of merge requests are still being reviewed, and Manuel continues to interact with the KDE community.

Image of a widget with a box indicating length is being converted
and further boxes for the input length and its associated unit, and
the length converted to the specified output unit.
Unit conversion example created using Python and KUnitConversion
(Courtesy of Manuel Alcaraz Zambrano, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

KDE Connect

Update SSHD library in KDE Connect Android app

The main aim of ShellWen Chen's project was to update Apache Mina SSHD from 0.14.0 to 2.12.1. The older version has a few listed vulnerabilities. The newer library required additional code to enable it to work on older Android phones, up to Android API 21.

KDE Games

Implementing a computerized opponent for the Mancala variant Bohnenspiel:

João Gouveia created Mankala engine, a library to enable easy creation of Mancala games. The engine contains implementations for two Mancala games, Bohnenspiel and Oware. Both games contain computerized opponents, João also started on a QtQuick graphical user interface. The games are functional, but additional investigation on computerized opponents may help improve their effectiveness.

Image of a grid with two rows of six holes, one row above the other.
within each hole is the number six. Each hole also has a number next
to it. On the left and right ends are larger holes with the number
zero in them
Image of text user interface for Bohnenspiel
(Courtesy of João Gouveia, CC BY-SA 4.0)


Improved subtitling support for Kdenlive:

Subtitling support has been improved for Kdenlive. Chengkun Chen added support for using the Advanced SubStation (ASS) file format and for converting SubRip files to ASS files. To support this format, Chengkun Chen also made subtitling editor improvements. The work has been merged in the main repository. Documentation has been written, and will hopefully be merged soon.

A widget with choices for font and layout of subtitle text.
The new Style Editor Widget
(Courtesy of Chengkun Chen, CC BY-SA 4.0)


Creating Pixel Perfect Tool for Krita:

Ken Lo worked on implementing Pixel Perfect lines in Krita. As explained by Ricky Han, such algorithms remove corner pixels from L shaped blocks and ensure the thinnest possible line is 1 pixel wide. Implementing such algorithms well is of use not only in Krita, but also in rendering web graphics where user screen resolutions can vary significantly. The algorithm was implemented to work in close to real time while lines are drawn, rather than as a post processing step. Ken Lo's work has been merged into Krita.

Four curved lines in different colors. Three of the lines are pixel perfect
and do not have corner block pixels, the fourth line is not quite pixel
An image showing that pixel perfect lines are obtained most of the time
(Courtesy of Ken Lo, CC BY 4.0)


Improve Python Interoperability with LabPlot

Israel Galadima worked on improving Python support in LabPlot. Shiboken was used for this and it is now possible to call some of LabPlot functions from Python and integrate these into other applications.

A graph with blue dots.
An image of a plot produced using Python bindings to Labplot
(Courtesy of Israel Galadima, CC BY-SA 4.0)

3D Visualization for LabPlot:

Kuntal Bar added 3D graphing capabilities to LabPlot. This was done using QtGraphs. The work has yet to be merged, but there are many nice examples of 3D plots for bar charts, scatter and surface plots.

A graph with blue dots.
A 3D bar chart
(Courtesy of Kuntal Bar, MIT license)


Forms/Javascript support improvement for Okular:

Pratham Gandhi worked on improving the forms/Javascript support in Okular. Around 25 requests have been merged to improve various features, some in the backend and some directly visible, such as fixing the size of the radio buttons or check boxes, or the one pictured below to improve the handling of floating numbers in different locales.

Before/After fixing the numbers handling in different locales.
An image of showing an incorrect total sum calculation fixed during GSoC
(Courtesy of Pratham Gandhi, CC BY-SA 4.0)


Improving Snap Ecosystem in KDE:

Snaps are self contained linux application packging formats. Soumyadeep Ghosh worked on improving the tooling necessary to make KDE applications easily available in the Snap Store. In addition, Soumyadeep improved packaging of a number of KDE Snap packages, and packaged MarkNote. Finally, Soumyadeep created Snap KCM, a graphical user interface to manage permissions that Snaps have when running.

An image showing snap applications and permissions granted to one application.
Snap KCM
(Courtesy of Soumyadeep Ghosh, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Next Steps

The 2024 GSoC period is finally over for KDE. A big thank you to all the mentors and contributors who have participated in GSoC! We look forward to your continuing participation in free and open source software communities and in contributing to KDE.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of visiting the KDE Akademy 2024 in Würzburg. It had been a few years since my last visit to Akademy and it was great to see old friends and meet new ones. Besides socializing, my main task was to talk to as many KDE people as possible about the privact project and its integration into KDE. Knowing the KDE community, not surprisingly this resulted in lots of interesting discussions.

Most importantly, I gave a talk about the current state of privact’s integration with KUserFeedback. If you missed it, here is the recording:

As a follow-up, we had 2 BoFs on Monday to discuss the next steps. Felix was kind enough to join me to provide more technical developer insights than I can give.

As a first teaser for you: In the short term, the privact approach will allow KDE to do proper user research, thereby enabling us to do data-driven UX without compromising user privacy. In the longer term, privact aims to restore digital privacy for everyone, even outside of KDE, even outside of FLOSS. You can learn more in upcoming posts or on the privact homepage.

The individual feedback on the privact approach during Akademy was very good, which is why we now want to start communicating with the larger KDE community. So this post is not only to report about my attendance at Akademy, but also to start blogging again on Planet KDE and to check if the aggregation works.

Hello World Planet KDE!

At the International TeX Users Group Conference 2023 (TUG23) in Bonn, Germany, I presented a talk about using Metafont (and its extension Metapost) to develop traditional orthography Malayalam fonts, on behalf of C.V. Radhakrishnan and K.H. Hussain, who were the co-developers and authors. And I forgot to post about it afterwards — as always, life gets in between.

In early 2022, CVR started toying with Metafont to create a few complicated letters of Malayalam script and he showed us a wonderful demonstration that piqued many of our interest. With the same code base, by adjusting the parameters, different variations of the glyphs can be generated, as seen in a screenshot of that demonstration: 16 variations of the same character ഴ generated from same Metafont source.

Hussain, quickly realizing that the characters could be programmatically assembled from a set of base/repeating components, collated an excellent list of basic shapes for Malayalam script.

Excerpts from the Malayalam character basic shape components documented by K.H. Hussain.

I bought a copy of ‘The Metafontbook’ and started learning and experimenting. We found soon that Metafont, developed by Prof. Knuth in the late 1970’s, generates bitmap/raster output; but its extension MetaPost, developed by his Ph.D. student John Hobby, generates vector output (postscript) which is required for opentype fonts. We also found that ‘Metatype1’ developed by Bogusław Jackowski et al. has very useful macros and ideas.

We had a lot of fun programmatically generating the character components and assembling them, splicing them, sometimes cutting them short, and transforming them in all useful manner. I have developed a new set of tools to generate the font from the vector output (SVG files) generated by MetaPost, which is also used in later projects like Chingam font.

At the annual TUG conference 2023 in Bonn, Germany, I have presented our work, and we received good feedback. There were three presentations about Metafont itself at the conference. Among others, I also had the pleasure to meet Linus Romer who shared some ideas about designing variable width reph-shapes for Malayalam characters.

The video of the presentation is available in YouTube.

The article was published in the TUGboat conference proceedings (volume 44):

Postscript (no pun intended): after the conference, I visited some of my good friends in Belgium and Netherlands. En route, my backpack with passport, identity cards, laptop, a phone and money etc. was stolen at Liège. I can’t thank enough my friends at Belgium and back at home for their unbridled care, support and help, on the face of a terrible affliction. On the day before my return, the stolen backpack with everything except the money was found by the railway authorities and I was able to claim it just in time.

I made yet another visit to the magnificent Plantin–Moretus Museum (it holds the original Garamond types!), where I myself could ink and print a metal typeset block of sonnet by Christoph Plantijn in 1575, which now hangs at the office of a good friend.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

It was once said over the grapevine that: "Our C++ API documentation has some issues, our QML API documentation has a lot of issues."

And it was true, but that is to change soon! As you might know, there is an ongoing effort to port our documentation from Doxygen to QDoc, and you can help with that.

This is a task that has been adopted by the Streamlined Application Development Experience championed by Nicolas Fella and Nate Graham as part of the KDE Goals initiative.

We would like to invite you to join our porting sprint effort to finish this task. On November 14th at 1PM UTC, we'll be hanging out in the Matrix room working on this. Hope to see you there.

Some prerequisites:

  • Ability to use a terminal
  • Extra disk space (30GB minimum)
  • Some familiarity with APIs

Check out the instructions prepared by Thiago Sueto on how to get started porting a project to QDoc.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Welcome to the @Krita-promo team's October 2024 development and community update.

Development Report

Android-only Krita 5.2.8 Hotfix Release

Krita 5.2.6 was reported to crash on startup on devices running Android 14 or later. This was caused by issues with an SDK update required for release on the Play Store, so a temporary 5.2.7 release reverting it was available from the downloads page only.

However, the issue has now been resolved and 5.2.8 is rolling out on the Play Store. Note that 5.2.8 raises the minimum supported Android version to Android 7.0 (Nougat).

Community Bug Hunt Started

The development team has declared a "Bug Hunt Month" running through November, and needs the community's help to decide what to do with each and every one of the hundreds of open bug reports on the bug tracker. Which reports are valid and need to be fixed? Which ones need more info or are already resolved?

Read the bug hunting guide and join in on the bug hunt thread on the Krita-Artists forum.

Community Report

October 2024 Monthly Art Challenge Results

For the "Buried, Stuck, or otherwise Swallowed" theme, 16 members submitted 18 original artworks. And the winner is… Tomorrow, contest… I’m so finished by @mikuma_poponta!

 Tomorrow, contest… I’m so finished by @mikuma_poponta

The November Art Challenge is Open Now

For the November Art Challenge, @mikuma_poponta has chosen "Fluffy" as the theme, with the optional challenge of making it "The Ultimate Fluffy According to Me". See the full brief for more details, and get comfortable with this month's theme.

Best of Krita-Artists - September/October 2024

8 images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread, which was open from September 14th to October 11th. When the poll closed on October 14th, moderators had to break a four-way tie for the last two spots, resulting in these five wonderful works making their way onto the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner:

Sapphire by @Dehaf

Sapphire by @Dehaf

Sci-Fi Spaceship by @NAKIGRAL

Sci-Fi Spaceship by @NAKIGRAL

Oracular Oriole by @SylviaRitter

Oracular Oriole by @SylviaRitter

Air Port by @agarad

Air Port by @agarad

Dancing with butterflies 🦋 by @Kichirou_Okami

Dancing with butterflies 🦋 by @Kichirou_Okami

Best of Krita-Artists - October/November 2024

Nominations were accepted until November 11th. The poll is now open until November 14th. Don't forgot to vote!

Ways to Help Krita

Krita is Free and Open Source Software developed by an international team of sponsored developers and volunteer contributors.

Visit Krita's funding page to see how user donations keep development going, and explore a one-time or monthly contribution. Or check out more ways to Get Involved, from testing, coding, translating, and documentation writing, to just sharing your artwork made with Krita.

The Krita-promo team has put out a call for volunteers, come join us and help keep these monthly updates going.

Notable Changes

Notable changes in Krita's development builds from Oct. 10 - Nov. 12, 2024.

Stable branch (5.2.9-prealpha):

  • Layers: Fix infinite loop when a clone layer is connected to a group with clones, and a filter mask triggers an out-of-bounds update. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • General: Fix inability to save a document after saving while the image is busy and then canceling the busy operation. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Resources: Fix crash when re-importing a resource after modifying it. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Brush Presets: Fix loading embedded resources from .kpp files. (bug report, bug report, bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Brush Tools: Fix the Dynamic Brush Tool to not use the Freehand Brush Tool's smoothing settings which it doesn't properly support. (bug report) (Change, by Mathias Wein)(Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Recorder Docker: Prevent interruption of the Text Tool by disabling recording while it is active. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • File Formats: EXR: Possibly fix saving EXR files with extremely low alpha values. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • File Formats: EXR: Try to keep color space profile when saving EXR of incompatible type. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • File Formats: EXR: Fix bogus offset when saving EXR with moved layers. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • File Formats: JPEG-XL: Fix potential lockup when loading multi-page images. (Change, by Rasyuqa A H)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Set the default shortcut for Zoom In to = instead of +. (bug report) (Change, by Halla Rempt)
  • Brush Editor: Make the Saturation and Value brush options' graph and graph labels consistently agree on the range being -100% to 100% with 0% as neutral. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)

Unstable branch (5.3.0-prealpha):

Bug fixes:

  • Vector Layers: Fix endlessly slow rendering of vector layers with clipping masks. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Layers: Fix issue with transform masks on group layers not showing until visibility change, and visibility change of passthrough groups with layer styles causing artifacts. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Brush Editor: Fix crash when clearing scratchpad while it's busy rendering a resource-intensive brushstroke. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • File Formats: EXR: Add GUI option for selecting the default color space for EXR files. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Transform Tool: Liquify: Move the Move/Rotate/Scale/Offset/Undo buttons to their own spot instead of alongside unrelated options, to avoid confusion. (bug report) (Change, by Emmet O'Neill)
  • Move Tool: Fix Force Instant Preview in the Move tool to be off by default. (CCbug report) (Change, by Halla Rempt)
  • Pop-Up Palette: Fix lag in selecting a color in the Pop-Up Palette. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Scripting: Fix accessing active node state from the Python scripts. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Usabillity: Remove unnecessary empty space at the bottom of Transform, Move and Crop tool options. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)

Nightly Builds

Pre-release versions of Krita are built every day for testing new changes.

Get the latest bugfixes in Stable "Krita Plus" (5.2.9-prealpha): Linux - Windows - macOS (unsigned) - Android arm64-v8a - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64

Or test out the latest Experimental features in "Krita Next" (5.3.0-prealpha). Feedback and bug reports are appreciated!: Linux - Windows - macOS (unsigned) - Android arm64-v8a - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64

Have feedback?

Join the discussion of this post on the Krita-Artists forum!

Monday, 11 November 2024

It’s been a minute!

We have been hard at work making sure our design system keeps moving forward. For the past weeks, we have made significant progress in the space of color creation and icons.

There is also an easter egg in the form of PenPot. Read the rest!

As previously mentioned, we restructured our color palettes to have set color variations at various levels. We will combine those colors into tokens that will be named something like this:



  • PD: Plasma Design
  • SYS: System token (We also have reference tokens and component tokens, .ref. and .com. respectively)
  • Color: Token type
  • red50: color name + color value

Note that as we follow Material design guidelines for these colors, we have a collection of 100 different color shades for a given color. Depending on the needs of the system or changes in design, we could decide to not use red50 but we would like more intensity. So we would choose red49, or red48, and so on.

The color variable name would change accordingly. This set up would allow designers and developers to understand the kind of token they are working with and it would be the same language for both developer and designer.

In Figma and PenPot, designers have the ability to name tokens however they like. I opted for keeping token names as we are recommending them for the Plasma system. That way there is good consistency.

This week, we consolidated these colors and we added them to the list of tokens in Figma and PenPot. However, there is still more to be done in the form of documentation for our Plasma developer team. We are still working through it, making sure we are accurate in the request for development.

Additionally, this week we had the pleasure to meet with Pablo Ruiz, CEO at PenPot. Mike, one of our team members met Pablo recently and spoke of our Plasma Next project. This led to a meeting to discuss the needs that our team currently has for developing a design system.

The team at PenPot is excited to partner with our KDE team and the Plasma Next initiative. They have generously offered a few resources to help.

This couldn’t come at a better time as very recently we have been hitting gaps in our team knowledge when it comes to developing design systems. This process is a first for our desktop system and we want to get it right. With the help of the PenPot team and the changes they are making to the application, this should be easier.

As such, we also decided to request prioritization for some of our tickets that would allow us to set up and migrate our Figma assets into PenPot and eventually, share these with the community at large.

Today, we are not close to releasing a full design system for others to use, but we are making good progress. Stay tuned!

We also moved into the process of editing 16px icons. Given that we already have new icons in the 24px collection that we can leverage, we cut the design time in half or more. We don’t have to brainstorm new icons, we mostly just have to edit the 24px icon and adapt it to a 16px version. This work just barely started but we are making good progress.

One area that is still up in the air is our colorful icons. Given we edited the monochrome icons, this calls for editing colorful icons as well. We have received many suggestions on what kind of colorful style we should follow. I would like to extend that invitation.

If you have seen or created amazing colorful icons and would like to suggest that style for us at Plasma, send us a comment!

That’s it for this week. Good progress so far!

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps.

This week, we released KDE Gear 24.08.3 and we are preparing the 24.12.0 release with the beta planned for next week. The final release will happen on December 12th, but, meanwhile, and as part of the 2024 end-of-year fundraiser, you can "Adopt an App" in a symbolic effort to support your favorite KDE app.

This week, we are particularly grateful to, and Karcsesz for showing their support for Tokodon; manchicken for Merkuro and fat_malama, Alexandru Traistaru and Neeko iko for KDE Connect.

Any monetary contribution, however small, will help us cover operational costs, salaries, travel expenses for contributors and in general just keep KDE bringing Free Software to the world. So consider donating today!

Getting back to all that's new in the KDE App scene, let's dig in!

Alligator RSS feed reader

The user can no longer open the feed details page multiple times (Soumyadeep Ghosh, 24.12.0, link).

Falkon Web Browser

It is now possible to open a context menu with Greasemonkey (Juraj Oravec, 24.12.0, link). Greasemonkey lets you run little scripts that make on-the-fly changes to web page content. Juraj also removed the advertised FTP support in Falkon as the support for FTP was removed from Chromium. (Juraj Oravec, 24.12.0, link)

Dolphin Manage your files

We no longer ask password twice when entering the Dolphin's admin mode (kio-admin) (Felix Ernst, 24.12.0, link).

Felix also improved the keyboard navigation in the toolbar, now the elements are focused in the right order (Felix Ernst, 24.12.0. link 1 and link 2).

KDE Itinerary Digital travel assistant

Itinerary can now show you a map of the whole trip (Volker Krause, 24.12.0, link).

And display some statistics about your trip, for example the CO2 emission, the distance travelled and the costs (if available) (Volker Krause, 24.12.0, link).

Finally, the alignment of timeline elements in Itinerary is now much more consistent (Carl Schwan, 24.12.0, link).

Okular View and annotate documents

When loading PDF files with Ink annotation containing an empty path, Okular won't crash. You shouldn't be able to create such annotations with Okular anyway, but some PDF files out there do contains such annotations (Albert Astals Cid, 24.12.0, link).

We also no longer hide the signing UI prematurely and now ensure it is visible until the signing process is actually finished (Nicolas Fella, 24.12.0, link).

Finally we fixed a small memory leak in Okular's latex support (Nil Admirari, 24.12.0, link).

Kaffeine Multimedia Player

Kaffeine got ported to Qt6/KF6 (Tobias Klausmann, 24.12.0, link).

Calculator A feature rich calculator

Kalk will now correctly handle pressing the Esc key and clear the input field like many other calculator applications do, instead of creating strange characters in the input area (Devin Lin, 24.12.0, link).

Kasts Podcast application

Bart de Vries fixed password loading for synchronisation services on Windows (Bart De Vries, 24.12.0 link).

Kate Advanced text editor

The performance of displaying the build output has been improved (Waqar Ahmed, 24.12.0 link).

KDevelop Featureful, plugin-extensible IDE for C/C++ and other programming languages

We addressed certain annoyances when working with the flatpak runtime. This included, for example, improving the handling of .flatpak-manifest.json files which we use in KDE for storing application's Flatpak manifest (Aleix Pol Gonzalez, 24.12.0 link).

KMail A feature-rich email application

KMail and other PIM applications can now be compiled on Windows (Ingo Klöcker and Laurent Montel link 1 and link 2). Having KDE PIM applications work well on Windows is still in early stages of development. There is still a lot of work required to make Kontact a good experience on that platform.

KMix Sound Mixer

KMix got ported to Qt6/KF6 (Jonathan Marten, 24.12.0 link).

Krita Digital Painting, Creative Freedom

SVGs with clip masks now render faster (Dmitry Kazakov, link).

Konsole Use the command line interface

Konsole now always creates a cgroup hierarchy when creating new process. This prevents entire applications getting killed in an Out-Of-Memory (OOM) scenarios when a tab consumes too much RAM (David Redondo, 24.12.0, link). David also ensured the subprocess of Konsole are correctly mapped to Konsole's .desktop file (link).

Kwave Sound editor

Kwave now provides a better visual indication when playback is paused (Mark Penner, 24.12.0, link).

NeoChat Chat on Matrix

We improved the network proxy's config page look to make it more consistent with the other config pages (Joshua Goins, 24.12.0, link).

Joshua Goins and Olivier Beard improved the link preview. Now clicking anywhere on the link preview will take you to the linked webpage (Joshua Goins, 24.12.0, link). The separator shown to the left of the preview and quoted text also got stylish rounded corners (Olivier Beard, 24.12.0, link).

NeoChat now hides non-standard rooms from the room list as most of the time they are used exclusively for holding data (e.g. trip group information from Itinerary) and not meant to be interacted with (Joshua Goins, 24.12.0, link).

We also improved the way polls look (Carl Schwan, 24.12.0, link).

And made sending messages and inserting newline shortcuts configurable (Eren Karakas, 24.12.0, link).

Tokodon Browse the Fediverse

Right clicking on a link on a post will now show a context menu allowing users to copy or share the URL directly (Arran Ubels, 24.12.0, link).

And all this too...

The layout of the About dialog of applications using QtWidgets has been improved (Carl Schwan, KDE Frameworks 6.10.0, link).


... And Everything Else

This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out Nate's blog about Plasma and be sure not to miss his This Week in Plasma series, where every Saturday he covers all the work being put into KDE's Plasma desktop environment.

For a complete overview of what's going on, visit KDE's Planet, where you can find all KDE news unfiltered directly from our contributors.

Get Involved

The KDE organization has become important in the world, and your time and contributions have helped us get there. As we grow, we're going to need your support for KDE to become sustainable.

You can help KDE by becoming an active community member and getting involved. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE — you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to be a programmer either. There are many things you can do: you can help hunt and confirm bugs, even maybe solve them; contribute designs for wallpapers, web pages, icons and app interfaces; translate messages and menu items into your own language; promote KDE in your local community; and a ton more things.

You can also help us by donating. Any monetary contribution, however small, will help us cover operational costs, salaries, travel expenses for contributors and in general just keep KDE bringing Free Software to the world.

To get your application mentioned here, please ping us in invent or in Matrix.

We've released a new video! ..Templates! you can create them with Krita to save time in your digital paintings and be more focused on your artwork. They are seamless, they are useful, and they are really easy to generate. So let´s go with another supercool feature of Krita.

Check out the video for download links for the templates themselves!

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Here's our bi-monthly update from KDE's personal information management applications team. This report covers progress made in September and October 2024.

Since the last report, 24 people have contributed over 1100 changes to the KDE PIM code base. We also released a two bugfix releases of the KDE PIM Suite with the Gear releases 24.08.1 and 24.08.2

Please note this is the last bi-monthly blog post for KDE PIM. We will continue to work on KDE PIM but weekly improvements to KDE PIM are now included in the This Week in KDE Apps blog.


The KDE PIM team was at Akademy from the 7th to the 12th of September in Würzburg (Germany). We hosted again a PIM BoF.

We covered a few topics and made plans. In particular we touched upon contributions blockers, we hope the milestone system will help and also working on the amount of repositories which are not part of KDE Frameworks. Things are progressing in the right direction but slowly. Feel free to reach out to help!


Talking about the milestones. You can see what we got in store on the Gitlab board. Some of them are progressing nicely like the resurrection of Kontact for Windows or the port away from QCA.

If you see anything you fancy and you would like to help, reach out to us on the Matrix channel!



Our travel assistance app Itinerary got a new two-level trip/timeline view, an extended public transport location search, a new full trip map view and better Android platform integration. Read more in its own bi-monthly update.


David has been working on fixing bugs around sound handling. In particular, repeating audio alarms only playing once have been fixed. Likewise the failure to play sound files using libVLC on some systems is gone. Also the backend to play sound can be changed at build time, it can use VLC or MPV.

But that's not the only bugs which got squashed. It's now possible to wake from suspend when using RTC wake and a crash has been fixed affecting systems where the kernel supports alarm timers.

Last but not least, the GUI has been improved around the run mode options in the preferences dialog.


Claudio has been busy fixing regressions and improving the stability of Merkuro. Notably, maps are now displayed again (if the event contains coordinates). Also, the collection combobox in the editors are now initialized with a valid collection and filtering features have been repaired.

KAddressBook and KOrganizer

The general improvements to support Plasma Activities is still on going. It is not enabled by default as it requires Akonadi Resources support to become really useful and the corresponding changes are not there yet.


On the KMail front the search has been greatly improved. There is now a custom syntax usable in the search text field. One can now use keywords like subject:, body:, to, from, has:attachment, is:important, is:replied and so on to make more precise queries.

For instance one could write " is:important" to get only the emails from Volker on the kde-pim mailing list which are also flagged as important.

KMail Advanced Search

As you may know, Fedora KDE 41 was released a couple of weeks ago.

I wanted to talk about a special feature that our colleague @farchord (with support from upstream developer @Nate Graham) has brought to our Fedora KDE distribution:

Enabling Third Party Repositories With A Single Click!

Thanks to the flexibility of plasma-welcome we can offer this feature 🙂

Right after installing Fedora and on first login you will be presented with the Plasma Welcome window:

Before you click on Skip , you can go through the different slides to read about KDE and Fedora and also to decide whether you want to contribute with anonymous metrics or not (note: I personally do not):

Here is where the interesting part comes in, on the next slide:

With a simple click of a button you will enable the most commonly requested by our users Third Party Repositories like rpmfusion! (note: you will be asked for your administrator password)

Once the request is processed, the message will change to:

That’s it! You have successfully enabled Third Party Repositories without needing to modify any file or running any command whatsoever 🙂

Before you do anything with your system and your new configuration, I will strongly recommend to update your system via Plasma Discover :

Proceed with all the update and reboot to get the latest and shiniest from our repositories.

Finally, to verify that the Third Party software is available, you can check:

And that is it!


This is all thanks to farchord, siosm , aleasto and ngraham‘s work!