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Monday, 2 December 2024

A few months ago, I blogged about a change for Plasma 6.2 to show a once-a-year system notification asking for a donation, starting on December 1st. Various reasons and justifications were given in that post, so I won’t repeat them here. Instead, since December 1st was yesterday in most of the world, it’s time to check in on the day 1 experience! So let’s get right into it:

Did it work?

Well, I woke up to an email inbox that looked like this:

And by the end of the day, the graph on (which by the way only counts direct Paypal donations and still doesn’t include those made using Donorbox or direct bank transfer) wound up looking like this:

Yes that’s right, KDE e.V. received double the prior two months’ Paypal donations in a single day!!!

Do people hate us now?

So far, indications point to no! I scoured and all day yesterday and literally only found one non-positive comment about it, dwarfed by a large volume of mildly to highly positive ones. I wasn’t looking at Mastodon or other social media, but a colleague reported something similar.

In addition, a large number of the donations themselves were accompanied by positive messages from the donors. Here are some of my favorites:

KDE is more than just software, it’s a family. Least I can donate, but it’s coming from someone that pirates every other thing or uses the free alternative.

Thanks for all your incredible work over the years.

KDE Plasma is a big part of why I have grown to love Linux as my daily driver 💙

Thanks for all you have done for the linux desktop community

Thanks for Plasma! Couldn’t work without it! (Visually impaired user).

Thanks for your efforts to make the world a little more independent from Big Tech

Love the work, KDE is my daily driver and I’m glad I can help 🙂

Just got the Notification to donate in KDE and after thinking about it for a bit decided to donate for the first time, since I’ve been using Linux and specifically KDE for almost a year now. Thanks for your hard work!

Thanks for all of the work and effort put into making KDE the best DE ever!

So, yeah. On the contrary, it feels like our users really, really love us!

Is this repeatable?

It’s too early to say at this point, but I hope so. It will be interesting to see how fast the donations drop off. Will it be relatively fast because everyone who was going to donate after seeing to the notification already saw it yesterday? Or will the drop-off take a while because there are more notification-based potential donors who didn’t turn on their Plasma 6.2-using computer yet, or opened the donations page in a browser tab to action later? We don’t know; we’ll have to wait and see.

However it’s also worth mentioning that these donations are coming entirely from people using distros that include Plasma 6.2. Right now that’s pretty much limited to fast-paced distros like Arch, Fedora KDE, KDE Neon, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, and their derivatives. Notably, it excludes traditional heavy hitters like Kubuntu and Debian. So there are reasons to expect the donation notification to reach even more eyeballs in 2025 than it has this year.

Now that you’re rich are you going to buy a bunch of leopard-print Porsche steering wheel covers and other KDE e.V. board junkets?

No board junkets. 🙂 It’s too early to make a projection based on the performance of single day, and especially if the donations drop off quickly, this isn’t “Thunderbird money” yet. But it does look quite possible that all these donations may push KDE e.V. into ending up with a balanced budget for the 2024 financial year. That would be pretty fantastic, as we weren’t predicting a balanced budget until 2025 or 2026, instead originally expecting a deficit of over €50k in 2024. And that was already an improvement over the 110k deficit in 2023.

Balancing the budget early is huge, and opens up opportunities. As you may know, German nonprofits like KDE e.V. are required to avoid stockpiling money (hence the intentional deficits), so moving into the realm of positive cashflow means we’ll need to increase our expenditures. Thankfully, KDE e.V. has become very good at spending money over the past few years, largely by expanding our hiring on personnel in technical roles: basically sponsoring community members to improve our products directly.

The easiest way to spend more money is to simply lean into that harder: hire another person, sponsor another project, stuff like that — pretty much what I mentioned in the original post. More money means more tech work financed by KDE itself, directly increasing our institutional ability to control our own destiny. It’s pretty great stuff if you ask me. But again, this is a collective board decision, not up to me alone. And if you disagree with me that this is the right use for KDE’s money, that’s fine too, and I’ll mention that I’m up for re-election on the board next year, so please do feel free to run or vote against me if you’re a KDE e.V. member! The organization works best with a board that reflects its membership’s preferences. I have zero desire to occupy that seat if I’m not representing people properly.

Anyway, it works. It appears to really work. My conclusion is that KDE has built up enough goodwill that our user community loves and trusts us, which made this outpouring of financial support possible. It’s humbling and kind of overwhelming. But it all strengthens my conviction that KDE is pointing in the right direction and amounts to a strong positive force for humanity!

Want to help out? In addition to donating your money which is what we’ve been talking about, an arguably more impactful approach is to donate your time directly, bypassing any institutional middleman that buys time with money! It’s not hard to get started, and there are loads of resources and mentorship opportunities. So help make the world a better place through KDE today!

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps.

This week, we are continuing to polish our applications for the KDE Gear 24.12.0 release, but already starting the work for the 25.04 release happening next year. We also made the first release of OptiImage, an image size optimizer.

Meanwhile, as part of the 2024 end-of-year fundraiser, you can "Adopt an App" in a symbolic effort to support your favorite KDE app. This week, we are particularly grateful to Yogesh Girikumar, Luca Weiss and 1peter10 for supporting Itinerary; Tobias Junghans and Curtis for Konsole; Daniel Bagge and Xavier Guillot for Filelight; F., Christian Terboven, Kevin Krammer and Sean M. for the Kontact suite; Tanguy Fardet, dabe, lengau and Joshua Strobl for NeoChat; Pablo Rauzy for KWrite; PJ. for LabPlot; Dominik Barth for Kasts; Kevin Krammer for Ruqola; Florent Tassy, elbekai and retrokestrel for Gwenview; MathiusD and Dadanaut for Elisa, Andreas Kilgus and for Konqueror; for KRDC; Marco Rebhan and Travis McCoy for Ark; and domportera for Krfb.

Getting back to all that's new in the KDE App scene, let's dig in!

GCompris Educational game for children

GCompris 4.3 is out and contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

Read full announcement

KDE Itinerary Digital travel assistant

We redesigned the timeline of your trips and the query result pages when searching for a public transport connection to work better with a small screen while still showing all the relevant information. (Carl Schwan, 25.04.0. Link 1 and link 2)

The timeline view
The query result

Checking for updates and downloading map data now are scoped to a trip and will only query data from the internet related to the trip. (Volker Krause, 25.04.0. Link 1 and link 2)

The export buttons used in Itinerary are not blurry anymore. (Carl Schwan, 24.12.0. Link)

Add an extractor for GoOut tickets (an event platform in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia) as well as luma and the pkpasses from (David Pilarcik, 24.12.0. Link, link 2 and link 3)

Optimize querying a location by sorting the list of countries only once instead of hundreds of times. (Carl Schwan, 24.12.0. Link)

OptiImage Image optimizer to reduce the size of images

OptiImage 1.0.0 is out! This is the initial release of this image size optimizer and you can read all the details on the announcement blog post.

Karp KDE arranger for PDFs

Karp is now directly using the QPDF library instead of invoking a separate process, which improves the speed while making PDF operation more reliable. (Tomasz Bojczuk. Link)

Kate Advanced text editor

Make it again possible to scroll, select text and click on links inside documentation tooltips in Kate. (Leia uwu, 24.12.0. Link) Leia also improved the tooltip positioning logic so that it doesn't obscure the hovered word. (Leia uwu, 25.04.0. Link)

KMail A feature-rich email application

The mail folder selection dialog now remembers which folders were collapsed and expanded between invocations.

Ruqola Rocket Chat Client

Ruqola 2.3.2 is out and includes many fixes for RocketChat 7.0!

Read full announcement

Spectacle Take screenshots and recordings

On Wayland, the "Window Under Cursor" mode is renamed to "Select Window" as you need to select the window. (Noah Davis, 25.04.0. Link)

Tokodon Browse the Fediverse

Better icon for Android, which is also adaptable depending on your theme. (Alois Spitzbart, 24.12. Link)

Streaming timeline events and notifications now work for servers using GoToSocial. (snow flurry, 24.12. Link)

Slightly improved the performance of the timeline, with particular focus on the media. (Joshua Goins, 24.12. Link)

In the status composer, user info is now shown - useful if you post from multiple accounts. Also, the look of the text box has been updated. (Joshua Goins, 24.12. Link)

Added the ability to configure your notification policy. This allows you to reject or allow notifications e.g. for new accounts. (Joshua Goins, 25.03. Link)

Improved the appearance of the search page on desktop. (Joshua Goins, 24.12. Link)

Added preliminary support for Iceshrimp.NET instances. (Joshua Goins, 24.12. Link)

Added an error log in the UI to keep track of network errors. (Joshua Goins, 25.03. Link)

Kirigami Addons

Kirigami Addons 1.6.0. is out! You can read the full announcement on my (Carl's) blog. This week we also made the following changes:

Speedup loading Kirigami pages using FormComboboxDelegate, this is particularly noticable for the country combobox in Itinerary, but affects more applications. (Carl Schwan, Kirigami Addons 1.6.0. Link)

Add new RadioSelector and FormRadioSelectorDelegate components to Kirigami Addons. On the screenshot below you can see how they're used in Itinerary. (Mathis Brüchert, Kirigami Addons 1.6.0. Link)

…And Everything Else

This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out Nate's blog about Plasma and be sure not to miss his This Week in Plasma series, where every Saturday he covers all the work being put into KDE's Plasma desktop environment.

For a complete overview of what's going on, visit KDE's Planet, where you can find all KDE news unfiltered directly from our contributors.

Get Involved

The KDE organization has become important in the world, and your time and contributions have helped us get there. As we grow, we're going to need your support for KDE to become sustainable.

You can help KDE by becoming an active community member and getting involved. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE — you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to be a programmer either. There are many things you can do: you can help hunt and confirm bugs, even maybe solve them; contribute designs for wallpapers, web pages, icons and app interfaces; translate messages and menu items into your own language; promote KDE in your local community; and a ton more things.

You can also help us by donating. Any monetary contribution, however small, will help us cover operational costs, salaries, travel expenses for contributors and in general just keep KDE bringing Free Software to the world.

To get your application mentioned here, please ping us in invent or in Matrix.

Tracking library dependencies work in Debian to resolve from symbols usage to a library and add this to the list of dependencies. That is working for years now. The KDE community nowadays create more and more QML based applications. Unfortunately QML is a interpreted language, this means missing QML dependencies will only be an issue at runtime.

To fix this I created dh_qmldeps, that searches for QML dependencies at build time and will fail if it can't resolve the QML dependency.

Me didn't create an own QML interpreter, just using qmlimportscanner behind the scenes and process the output further to resolve the QML modules to Debian packages.

The workflow is like follows:

The package compiles normally and split to the binary packages. Than dh_qmldeps scans through the package content to find QML content ( .qml files, or qmldirfor QML modules). All founded files will be scanned by qmlimportscanner, the output is a list of depended QML modules. As QML modules have a standardized file path, we can ask the Debian system, which packages ship this file path. We end up with a list of Debian packages in the variable ${qml6:Depends}. This variable can be attached to the list of dependencies of the scanned package. A maintainer can also lower some dependencies to Recommends or Suggest, if needed.

You can find the source code on salsa and usage documentation you can find on

The last weeks I now enabled dh_qmldeps for newly every package, that creates a QML6 module package. So the first bugs are solved and it should be usable for more packages.

By scanning with qmlimportscanner trough all code, I found several non-existing QML modules:

  • import QtQuick3DPrivate qt6-multimedia - no Private QML module QTBUG-131753.
  • import QtQuickPrivate qt6-graphs - no Private QML module QTBUG-131754.
  • import QtQuickTimeline qt6-quicktimeline - the correct QML name is QtQuick.Timeline QTBUG-131755.
  • import QtQuickControls2 qt6-webengine - looks like a porting bug as the QML6 modules name is QtQuick.Controls QTBUG-131756.
  • import QtGraphicalEffects kquickimageeditor - the correct name is for QML6 is qt5compat.graphicaleffects, properly as it is an example nobody checks it kquickimageeditor!7.

YEAH - the first milestone is reached. We are able to simply handle QML modules.

But QML applications there is still room for improvement. In apps the QML files are inside the executable. Additionally applications create internal QML modules, that are shipped directly in the same executable. I still search for a good way to analyse an executable to get a list of internal QML modules and a list of included QML files. Any ideas are welcomed :)

As workaround dh_qmldeps scans currently all QML files inside the application source code.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

The Fedora KDE SIG is pleased to announce that KDE Gear 24.12 RC (24.11.90) is available on Fedora 41 via our @kdesig/kde-beta COPR repository


Kirigami Addons is a collection of additional components for Kirigami applications. This release brings mostly improvements to the FormCard module.


The about page provided by Kirigami Addons received many improvements. Joshua added icons to all the buttons.

I worked on the component section, which now contains more information about the default components as well as the underlying platform and now has a button to copy all this information to the clipboard. This is super helpful, when writing a bug report. There were also some small bug fixes with, for example, the license dialog being correctly sized.



A new component is the RadioSelector, which is a simple component that allows one to choose an option between two or more choices in a horizontal layout. This is not a new component as it has already been used in Itinerary and Marknote for a long time.

There is also a FormCard version of this, called FormRadioSelectorDelegate.



Another new component is FormPlaceholderMessageDelegate, which is basically a Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage, but instead of putting it in a ListView, this one is to be put inside a FormCard.

FormPlaceholderMessageDelegate for the health certificate
FormPlaceholderMessageDelegate for the health certificate


Volker fixed the Android integration of the date picker. He also added support for static builds (required for iOS and probably hopeful for other platforms).

Claudio fixed various issues with the DatePicker.

Joshua made the caption used in AlbumMaximizeComponent selectable with the mouse. He also fixed the separator for the IndicatorItemDelegate which only appeared after the first item.

I added icon support to FormSwitchDelegate, which is similar to what we already have in FormRadioDelegate and FormCheckDelegate.

Packager Section

Kirigami Addons 1.6.0 was tagged but the tarball are not yet available. I will update this post once it is available.

The first release of OptiImage is finally out! OptiImage is a useful image compressor that supports PNG, JPEG, WebP and SVG file types. It doesn’t do the compression itself but uses various tools like oxipng to do the compression.

OptiImage compressing screenshots
OptiImage compressing screenshots

OptiImage’s settings page
OptiImage’s settings page

Thanks to Mathis Brüchert for his work on the icon and to Soumyadeep Ghosh for a bunch of bug fixes and pushing me to do the release.

Packager Section

OptiImage 1.0.0 was tagged but the tarball are not yet available. I will update this post once it is available.

In the two month since the previous summary KDE Itinerary got a new trip map view, per-trip statistics and better Android integration, and we have been preparing for Transious’ move to MOTIS v2, to just name a few things.

New Features

Trip map

The move to a per-trip timeline view described in the previous issue enables a bunch of new per-trip features.

The first of those is a map view for all activities and locations related to a trip.

Map view showing tram and train paths as lines and pins marking hotels, event venues and restaurants.
Trip map view in Itinerary.

Locations and intermediate stops are interactive and show additional information when clicked.

Trip statistics

Itinerary now also shows a summary of the traveled distance, the estimated CO₂ emission and the total cost for each trip. The cost is based on information extracted from travel documents or manual editing of individual entries, and is automatically converted into your home currency if currency conversions are enabled in the settings.

Part of Itinerary's trip view showing traveled distance, CO₂ emissions and cost.
Trip statistics in Itinerary.

Pre-defined locations for journey searches

All locations involved in the current trip are now added to the location search history for train or bus journey searches. They appear similarly to entries from past searches (but unlike those cannot be deleted).

This avoids having to enter locations again that you’ll likely need in public transport search during a trip.

New timeline layout

There’s ongoing work for an updated timeline layout, in particular for public transport journeys, making the effects of delays and disruptions easier to see. It’s not yet finished and integrated at the time of writing (but might very well be by the time of publishing this post), so this will be covered next time. In the meantime you’ll probably get to see pictures of it in one of the next “This Week in KDE Apps” posts on Planet KDE.

Infrastructure Work


Transitous, the community-run free and open public transport routing services used by Itinerary, is preparing to move to the next major version of the routing engine MOTIS.

This meant implementing support for the new MOTIS API in KPublicTransport. The new API provides more control over access and egress modes and transfer times and returns more detailed information for foot paths (more details here).

Map view showing a transfer walking path from one platform to another including floor level changes.
Transfer foot path shown on a map.

MOTIS v2 brings considerable performance improvements for OSM-based routing which should make it viable for Transitous to deploy door-to-door routing rather than just the current stop-to-stop routing. That is also the prerequisite for enabling support for shared vehicle routing eventually.

Android platform integration

There have also been a number of improvements on Android platform integration, most of which not just benefit Itinerary but all KDE Android apps.

  • Fixed the translation lookup order when non-US English is used as one of multiple languages in the system settings.
  • Fixed deploying and loading of Qt’s own translation catalogs.
  • Implemented support for the 24h time format platform settings in locales that usually use a 12h format (CR 600295, available in Qt 6.8.1).
  • Enabled support for app-specific language selection in Android 13 or higher.
  • Foundational work on changing the application language at runtime in Qt and KDE Frameworks. For complete support this is still missing reevaluating locale API related expressions in QML (CR 599626).

There’s some more details in a dedicated post about this.

Matrix session verification

While trip synchronization over Matrix unfortunately didn’t get done after all in time for 24.12, there’s nevertheless progress here.

Most notable is support for Matrix session verification, which is a prerequisite for end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) communication.

Screenshot of Itinerary during the Emoji-based Matrix session verification workflow.
Emoji-based Matrix session verification.

After a fix in libQuotient the trip syncing code can now also handle attached documents, using Matrix’ built-in E2EE file sharing.

Lobbying & Politics

Last week I attended a networking event hosted by DELFI together with a couple of others representing various FOSS and Open Data projects and communities. DELFI is the entity producing Germany’s national aggregate public transport datasets. Those are used by Transitous and thus indirectly by Itinerary, and getting in direct contact with the people working on this is obviously useful.

  • Most of what I heart was sensible and aligns with what we’d like to see as well, e.g. around quality gates for the datasets. One major exception was Deutsche Bahn’s refusal to allow DELFI to publish their realtime data. Coincidentally a new law mandating exactly that just had its first reading in the second chamber of the German parliament that day, so fortunately the pressure to publish this just keeps increasing.
  • Lacking a better “official” channel some of the DELFI teams actually use the community-provided Github issue repositories as feedback channels for data issues. That works, any channel to get fixes upstream is good.
  • The current realtime feed is supposed to cover about 70% of the static data and contain up to 22k concurrent trips according to DELFI, which is very far from what we actually see in Transitous currently. Where exactly that difference comes from isn’t fully understood yet though, but knowing the expectation and having people to talk to should help with resolving that.

This is the first time DELFI ran such an event also open to externals. Good to see some things slowly turning into the right direction after years of pushing by the community. There’s still much more to wish for of course, such as a deeper collaboration/integration between the stop registry and OSM.

Fixes & Improvements

Travel document extractor

  • New or improved extractors for Agoda,, Eurostar/Thalys, Flixbus,, NH Hotels, NS,, Renfe, SBB, Thai state railway, Trenitalia and VietJet Air.
  • Support for automatic price extraction from Apple Wallet files that use the currencyCode field.

All of this has been made possible thanks to your travel document donations!

Public transport data

  • Unfortunately Navitia ended their service, so the corresponding backend has been removed. For most affected areas there are fortunately alternatives meanwhile, such as Transitous.
  • Added support for the NS onboard API.
  • Translated backend information are reloaded correctly now when the system language changes.
  • Implausible turns in railway paths found in German GTFS shapes or Hafas responses are now filtered out.
  • The journey query API now has support for indicating a required bike transport, for specifying direct transportation preferences and for returning rental vehicle booking deep links.
  • More Wikidata logo properties are considered for line logos now.

Itinerary app

  • Favorite locations used in a trip are now also part of a trip export.
  • Transfers can now be added in more cases.
  • Statistics also include transfers and live data where available, which should yield more accurate results.
  • Incremental import of multi-traveler reservations has been fixed.
  • The weather forecast on the entire day of departure and day of arrival is now included in the trip timeline.
  • Checking for updates and downloading map data are now per-trip rather than global actions.
  • Added a safety question before clearing the stop search history.
  • Enabled importing GIF images on Android.
  • Fixed importing DB return tickets via the online import.
  • Fixed barcode scanning when using Itinerary as a Flatpak.
  • Fixed display of canceled journeys.
  • Fixed initial Matrix account setup working without needing a restart of the app.
  • A fix for QtLocation map updates sometimes getting stuck until an application restart is still stuck in review (affects not just Itinerary).

How you can help

Feedback and travel document samples are very much welcome, as are all other forms of contributions. Feel free to join us in the KDE Itinerary Matrix channel.

This week there was a flurry of UI polishing work and a nice new feature to go along with the usual background level of bug-fixing. Some of the changes are quite consequential, being minor pain points for years. So hopefully this should be a crowd-pleasing week! If that's the case, consider directing your pleased-ness at KDE's year-end fundraiser! As of the time of writing, we're at 98% of our goal, and it would be amazing to get to 100% by the end of November!

Notable New Features

It's now possible to temporarily disable KWin window rules rather than fully deleting them. (Ismael Asensio, 6.3.0. Link)

Notable UI Improvements

Discover no longer shows you a bunch of irrelevant information about Flatpak runtime packages. (Nate Graham, 6.2.4. Link)

The User Switcher widget now has a more sensible default height, fitting its content better. (Blazer Silving, 6.2.4. Link)

When you've disabled window thumbnails in the Task Manager widget, it now shows normal tooltips for open windows, rather than nothing at all. (Nate Graham, 6.3.0. Link)

Wireless headphones that expose battery information properly (as opposed to headsets, which include a microphone) now get a better icon in the Power and Battery widget and low battery notifications (Kai Uwe Broulik, 6.3.0. Link 1 and link 2)

KWin's Slide Back effect now has a duration that better matches the duration of other effects and animations, and responds more predictably and consistently to non-default global animation speed settings. (Blazer Silving, 6.3.0. Link)

On Ubuntu-based distros, the icon that appears in the System Tray alerting you to a major update available is now symbolic when using the Breeze icon theme, matching other such icons. (Nate Graham, Frameworks 6.9. Link)

Resizing windows for Qt-Quick-based apps should now look significantly better and smoother. (David Edmundson, Qt 6.9.0. Link)

Qt is now capable of displaying color emojis interspersed with black-and-white text when using the default font settings in Plasma. (Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt, Qt 6.9.0. Link)

Notable Bug Fixes

Fixed a case where Plasma could crash when you dismiss a notification about network changes. (Nicolas Fella, 6.2.4. Link)

Fixed a case where KWin could crash after running out of file descriptors when using certain non-Intel GPU drivers. (Xaver Hugl, 6.2.5. Link)

System Settings no longer crashes when you plug in a mouse while viewing the Mouse page. (Nicolas Fella, 6.2.5. Link)

Fixed a strange issue that would cause notifications to be mis-positioned after the first time you dragged any widgets that were on the desktop. This turned out to have been caused by the Plasma config file having old crusty System Tray widgets in it left over from prior Plasma customizations, which were competing for control over the positions of notifications. Now they're cleaned up properly, which also reduces memory usage, removes a ton of cruft in the config file, and may resolve other mysterious and random-seeming issues with notifications being positioned incorrectly. (Marco Martin, 6.2.5. Link 1 and link 2)

Fixed a bug that could make panels in "Fit Content" mode sometimes be too small when Plasma loads. (Niccolò Venerandi, 6.3.0. Link)

Fixed one of the last remaining known bugs relating to desktop icons shifting around: this time due to always-visible panels loading after the desktop and sometimes pushing the icons away. Now that doesn't happen anymore! (Akseli Lahtinen, 6.3.0. Link)

Fixed a regression caused by a change elsewhere in the stack that interacted poorly with some questionable code on our side that caused the highlight effect on the tab bar in the expanded view for the active network in the Networks widget to be invisible. (Harald Sitter, 6.3.0. Link)

Fixed a regression introduced with Frameworks 6.7 that caused many pieces of selected text in Plasma and QtQuick-based apps to become inappropriately de-selected after right-clicking on them. (Akseli Lahtinen, Frameworks 6.9. Link)

Other bug information of note:

Notable in Performance & Technical

Made KWin more robust against apps that send faulty HDR metadata so that it is less likely to crash when encountering this condition. (Xaver Hugl, 6.2.5. Link)

Made Plasma more robust against faulty widgets; now it is more likely to communicate a comprehensible error message rather than crashing. (Nicolas Fella, 6.2.5. Link)

Made Plasma more robust against malformed .desktop files; now it similarly robust against more types of broken files. (Alexander Lohnau, 6.2.4. Link)

How You Can Help

KDE has become important in the world, and your time and contributions have helped us get there. As we grow, we need your support to keep KDE sustainable.

You can help KDE by becoming an active community member and getting involved somehow. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE — you are not a number or a cog in a machine!

You don’t have to be a programmer, either. Many other opportunities exist:

You can also help us by donating to our yearly fundraiser! Any monetary contribution — however small — will help us cover operational costs, salaries, travel expenses for contributors, and in general just keep KDE bringing Free Software to the world.

To get a new Plasma feature or a bugfix mentioned here, feel free to push a commit to the relevant merge request on

Friday, 29 November 2024

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-48.

Are Overemployed ‘Ghost Engineers’ Making Six Figures to Do Nothing?

Tags: tech, algorithm, productivity, business

Can you see this kind of models getting abused quickly? Clearly it says something about the tech industry wanting to reduce costs.

the tech utopia fantasy is over

Tags: tech, politics

Technology isn’t neutral. It’s impossible to ignore the ideologies of the moguls funding or leading big tech companies. We can’t afford to trust their promises.

X’s Objection to the Onion Buying InfoWars Is a Reminder You Do Not Own Your Social Media Accounts

Tags: tech, social-media, twitter, law

Everything is in the title… if you thought you owned anything on those platforms, think twice.

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, law, copyright

More shady practices to try to save themselves. Let’s hope it won’t work.

‘Thirsty’ ChatGPT uses four times more water than previously thought

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, ecology, water

The water problem is obviously hard to ignore. This piece does a good job illustrating how large the impact is.

Self-Hosting Isn’t a Solution; It’s A Patch

Tags: tech, self-hosting, privacy, gdpr, law, politics, decentralized

Definitely this. Sure we should seek for decentralization, but this is not going to happen or be effective without regulation. Ensuring privacy is a legislative and political problem as much as a technical one.

How decentralized is Bluesky really?

Tags: tech, social-media, fediverse, decentralized, bluesky

A long and comprehensive analysis of Bluesky. Also brings interesting critiques about both Bluesky and the Fediverse. Clearly Bluesky as of today is not effectively decentralized and shouldn’t be considered as such.

Reply on Bluesky and Decentralization

Tags: tech, social-media, bluesky, fediverse, decentralized

The debate about how BlueSky and decentralisation or federation continues. It’s nice to see how civilized the people involved are. This is how we can make progress.

So you want to write a KMail plugin?

Tags: tech, kde, documentation

Since the documentation is severely lacking in this area, this ends up being a nice how to. I wish we’d have more like this in the official documentation.

The two factions of C++

Tags: tech, c++, safety, community

It’s clear that a split is forming in the C++ community on how to evolve the language. Could it lead to a full fledged divorce?

if constexpr requires requires { requires }

Tags: tech, c++, metaprogramming, type-systems

Are you confused with the use of requires in C++20? This post might help.

Unsafe for work

Tags: tech, rust, safety

Good explanation of what Rust’s unsafe really does.

Mark–Scavenge: Waiting for Trash to Take Itself Out –

Tags: tech, java, memory, garbage-collector

Looks like there is a new venue to improve garbage collectors performance. This should be interesting down the line.

SLAX: an alternative syntax for XSLT which is tailored for readability and familiarity

Tags: tech, xslt

Tempted to do some XSLT? Did you notice it’s almost 2025? So yeah, just don’t. At least there’s a proper alternative if you still need to process that XML input.

Petnames: A humane approach to secure, decentralized naming

Tags: tech, security, dns

Interesting approach to have secure and decentralized naming while keeping it human readable.

Naming things

Tags: tech, programming, design, craftsmanship

This is a good point. Idiosyncrasies are not necessarily a bad thing for naming things. Natural languages are fickle friends, you might need to rely to specific metaphors in order to disambiguate.

Codin’ Dirty

Tags: tech, programming, complexity, design, tests

Another rebuttal of Clean Code. Most of it makes sense if not overdone. There’s the usual confusion around the “unit tests” term though, so take that section with a pinch of salt.

Bye for now!

Thursday, 28 November 2024

gcompris 4.3

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.3.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • UK English
  • Esperanto
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Galician
  • Croatian
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Latvian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Albanian
  • Swedish
  • Swahili
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijani (97%)
  • Belarusian (87%)
  • Czech (97%)
  • German (96%)
  • Estonian (96%)
  • Finnish (95%)
  • Hebrew (96%)
  • Macedonian (90%)
  • Portuguese (96%)
  • Slovak (84%)
  • Chinese Traditional (96%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. Also this update will soon be available in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny