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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

The Akademy 2024 Program is now available.

This year's Akademy will take place in Würzburg, a beautiful city where you can enjoy interesting and fascinating talks, panels and keynotes. And for those who prefer to participate remotely, Akademy will also be available online.

Akademy officially kicks off with a welcome event on Friday 6 September, followed by a series of talks on Saturday 7 September and Sunday 8 September. From Monday 9 to Thursday 12 September, there will be BoFs (Birds of a Feather), workshops, meetings, daytrip and training sessions.

The talks will cover KDE's goals, how we're doing with implementing other languages to code for KDE (Rust anyone?), what's new in the latest wave of desktop and mobile applications, how KDE Eco is saving the environment, backends, frontends, KDE for work, life and fun.

For example, Nicolas Fella will tell us what a software maintainer does and why they are crucial to a project's survival, Aleix Pol Gonzalez will demystify embedded Linux, and Kevin Ottens will take us deep into the core of KDE Neon. You will also learn more about Plasma Mobile, funding your dream project and cool new KWin effects.

You can expect much, much more from a schedule packed with exciting talks and eye-opening presentations. Just take a look at the full program to discover everything that will be happening.

And that is not all! Stay tuned for the announcement of our two keynote speakers, coming soon here on Planet.

During the week KDE community members will attend BoFs and meet with colleagues with similar interests to work on their projects. They will also attend workshops, meetings, training sessions and daytrip until the event closes on 12 September.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Say hello to LabPlot 2.11!

This brand new release comes with many new features, improvements and performance enhancements in several areas, as well as support for more data formats and visualisation types.

The main new features are outlined below. For a more detailed overview of the changes in this release, please refer to the ChangeLog file.

The source code of LabPlot, the Flatpak and Snap packages for Linux, as well as the installer for Windows and the image for MacOS are available from our download page.

What’s new in 2.11?


This release includes more visualisations, usability improvements and a new worksheet preview panel:

  • You can now use Lollipop, Q-Q and KDE plots
  • We have implemented error bars for bar plots
  • There is a new preview panel for all available worksheets in the project
  • You can use the navigation panel in the presenter widget to select, zoom and navigate in the presenter mode
  • You can lock worksheet elements to prevent accidental changes
  • LabPlot 2.11 allows you to show or hide the entry in the legend for all supported plot types and not just xy-curve
  • You can give your worksheets a fresh new look with the Dracula theme


Spreadsheets gain more functions and operations to modify, generate and understand the data:

  • We have extended the search and replace features
  • You can check statistical properties of the parent in a new child spreadsheet
  • We have added sparklines in the header of a spreadsheet
  • LabPlot 2.11 comes with spreadsheet linking to synchronize the number of rows across multiple spreadsheets
  • We have implemented triangular distributions for PDF, CDF, and pseudorandom number generation
  • Equidistant value generation has been extended


Analysis tools added to LabPlot 2.11 include:

  • Note showing the fit results
  • Faster computation of the baseline removal (we switched to Eigen3 internally)


LabPlot 2.11 adds support for new file formats and multiple optimizations to improve the handling of edge-case scenarios:

  • You can now import Open Document Spreadsheet (ODS) files.
  • Templates for ASCII and Binary import filters allow you to save and load current filter settings
  • There is a new feature that allows you to to specify the data range to be read (start/end values for columns and records) when importing from SQL databases
  • LabpPlot can now gracefully handle out-of-memory situations when importing large amounts of data
  • LabPlot 2.11 displays better error messages during the import
  • We provide additional information about BLF files (application name with which the file was created with, etc.)
  • We have made several fixes and improvements to the import of Origin’s OPJ files


The 2.11 release adds a number of usability enhancements to the Notebook interface:

  • You can now export the notebook to PDF
  • We provide statistics and a “plot data” action from the context menu in the project explorer for variables created in the Notebook
  • There is a new option in the application settings to run a selected CAS engine on startup

Tuesday, 16 July 2024. Today KDE releases a bugfix update to KDE Plasma 6, versioned 6.1.3.

Plasma 6.1 was released in June 2024 with many feature refinements and new modules to complete the desktop experience.

This release adds two weeks' worth of new translations and fixes from KDE's contributors. The bugfixes are typically small but important and include:

  • KWin Plugins nightlight: Relax custom times constraints. Commit. Fixes bug #489366
  • Fix KCM Clock save on non-systemd distros. Commit.
  • KWin Tiling: Don't put maximized windows in tile. Commit. Fixes bug #489463
View full changelog

Monday, 15 July 2024

Profiling displays is already not a super simple thing on its own, but things get more complicated when you try to profile your display in Wayland - profiling applications don’t support Wayland yet, some APIs on the compositor side to make it work well are still missing, and there’s a general lack of information on the topic. So today I’ll show you how to profile your display in the Plasma Wayland session.

I did this in Fedora 40, but you can follow these steps in other distributions as well.

Step 1: Install DisplayCal and start it

This sounds easy, but

  • it’s not packaged for Fedora. That’s being worked on, but right now it’s not an option | edit: turns out there is a COPR for it
  • installing it with pip just gave me a bunch of compilation errors, and I haven’t figured out how to fix them
  • the package on Flathub is really old and broken

To work around that, I used distrobox to install the Arch Linux package for DisplayCAL:

sudo dnf install distrobox
distrobox create --name archinabox --image archlinux:latest
distrobox enter archinabox
sudo pacman -S displaycal
distrobox-export --app displaycal

After running these commands, DisplayCAL can be started from any app launcher, like Kickoff or KRunner.

Step 2: Setup

To get correct measurement results, the compositor needs to pass the pixel data from the profiling app directly to the display, and not do any color management itself. This will be automated at some point, but for now you need to manually ensure that

  • HDR is disabled
  • the color profile of the display is set to “None” in the display settings
  • night light is off, or at least suspended in the system tray
  • all KWin effects that modify colors, like the color blindness correction effect, are disabled
  • if you’re on a new-ish AMD laptop and want to profile the internal display, that you’re either plugged in to a power source, or have the power profile set to performance, to disable a power saving feature that changes the colors

display settings

Now start DisplayCal and head to the Calibration tab. Here it’s important to set the tone curve to “as measured”, and untick interactive display adjustment, as those don’t work correctly right now and will mess up the profile.

DisplayCAL profiling tab

You’ve done everything correctly if the button on the bottom of the application shows “Profile only”.

Last but not least, you also need to adjust the display settings to what you want to use with the profile later, as the profile is only correct for one specific set of display settings. This includes the brightness of the display!

Step 3: Profile

In the profiling tab of DisplayCAL, select your desired settings - in most cases the default will be sufficient - and click “Profile only”. When it asks if you want to continue with the current calibration curves, select “use linear calibration instead” and de-select “embed calibration curves in profile”. Then put the colorimeter in the center of the screen, and let it do its thing.

DisplayCAL warning

Once it’s done, it’ll ask you to install the profile. Installing it will not automatically enable that profile to be used, but it’ll save the profile in ~/.config/color/icc/devices/display/ and you can select that file in the display settings.

Step 4: Verification (optional)

If you’d like to make sure the profile is correct or accurate enough, you can use DisplayCAL to verify the result. Make sure you’ve set the profile in the display settings, switch to the verification tab in DisplayCAL and select your newly created profile in the “settings”

Here again, because DisplayCAL doesn’t support Wayland yet, you need to adjust a few settings for everything to work correctly. You need to select the simulation profile “Rec.709 ITU-R BT.709”, select “Use simulation profile as display profile” and set the tone curve to “Gamma 2.2”. Afterwards, click on “Measurement report”, choose a location to save it in, put the colorimeter in the center of the screen again and wait for it to complete.

DisplayCAL verification tab

Don’t be alarmed if the result says the whitepoint is wrong, this is simply caused by DisplayCAL assuming we want to target the whitepoint of the simulation profile, which doesn’t necessarily match the whitepoint of your display.

What about calibration though?

To calibrate the display, that is, to adjust brightness, tone curves for non color managed applications and the whitepoint of the display, DisplayCAL uses an X11 API to set the gamma lookup tables of the GPU. That API doesn’t work in the Wayland session and the profiling process doesn’t handle that situation properly, which is why all calibration needs to be disabled for the created profile to be correct.

DisplayCAL (or ArgyllCMS, which does the actual profiling) could add support for applying a lookup table in the application instead of having the compositor do it, but we can also handle calibration entirely on the compositor side instead, which offers a bit more flexibility.

Changing the tone curves for non color managed applications doesn’t make sense in the Plasma Wayland session, as all windows are always color managed, so that part is already dealt with. Adjusting the brightness on screens that don’t have any native means of brightness control is already implemented for Plasma 6.2, and I have a working proof of concept for changing the whitepoint of the display without needing a new ICC profile too, so we should be at feature parity soon. I’ll talk more about these adjustments in a future post.

Week 7 of my 14-week GSoC project has finished, which means that it’s time for a midterm update! Many things have happened since the last update.

I added support for KI18n, KGuiAddons, KNotifications, KUnitConversion and KXMLGui. That was faster than expected. I also created a small unit conversion demo using KUnitConversion (it’s written in Python):

Unit Converter Demo

We have decided to move on to upstream the bindings to their corresponding repositories. For that, I set up a development environment and I’m now adding the code to each library.

Currently, I have three separate ideas. First idea is that in kis_tool_freehand where stroke initialization and end stroke exists, we populate a vector, filter out extra points and then take out corner pixels before passing it down. The problem I am ...

Here are the new CMake features and fixes in Qt Creator 14:

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Dear digiKam fans and users, After five months of active maintenance and long bugs triage, the digiKam team is proud to present version 8.4.0 of its open source digital photo manager. Long time bugs present in older versions have been fixed and we spare a lot of time to contact users to validate changes in pre-release to confirm fixes before deploying the program in production. The application internationalization has also been updated.

Saturday, 13 July 2024

I have become a bit wary of “at what cost” arguments. You know the kind…

See you next week what what will probably be an extra large installment!