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Thursday, 13 February 2025

The 46th annual meeting of the International TeX Users Group (TUG 2025) will take place in Thiruvananthapuram (aka Trivandrum), Kerala, India, on 18–20 July, 2025. The Indian TeX Users Group and TeXFolio (STMDocs) with support from International TeX Users Group and sponsors are organizing the event this time as it comes back to India after a long hiatus of 14 years (the last two instances hosted were in 2011 and 2002).

Details about the registration, venue, travel, accommodation, programme, deadlines and important dates etc. are available at the conference page

Call for participation

TUG conferences always enjoyed excellent presentations and talks about TeX, Typefaces/Fonts, Typesetting, Typography and anything related. Please submit interesting papers — see call for papers and speaker advice. Note that a visa is required for participants from most countries and it is a non-trivial undertaking. Please register and contact the program committee for a visa invitation letter as soon as possible.

The drawings for TUG 2025 are made by notable cartoonist E.P. Unny and the flyer is typeset by CVR.

PySide6, Qt for Python

In this article, we’re going to have a look at Qt for Python, how it integrates with Qt Creator, and why you might want to consider using it, too.

Continue reading PySide6, Qt for Python at basysKom GmbH.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Welcome to the @Krita-promo team's January 2025 development and community update.

Development Report

Krita 5.2.9 Released

A new bugfix release is out! Check out the Krita 5.2.9 release post and keep up-to-date with the latest version.

Qt6 Port Progress

Krita can now be compiled (MR!2306) and run (Mastodon post) with Qt6 on Linux, a major milestone on the long road of porting from the outdated Qt5 framework. However, it's still a long way to go to get things working correctly, and it will be some time before any pre-alpha builds are available for the far-off Krita 6.0.

Community Report

January 2025 Monthly Art Challenge Results

For the "Magical Adventure" theme, 14 members submitted 20 original artworks. And the winner is… Magical Adventure by @Mythmaker

Magical Adventure by @Mythmaker

The February Art Challenge is Open Now

For the February Art Challenge, @Mythmaker has chosen "Fabulous Flora" as the theme, with the optional challenge of using natural texture. See the full brief for more details, and bring some color into bloom.

Best of Krita-Artists - December 2024/January 2025

Nine images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread, which was open from December 14th to January 11th. When the poll closed on January 14th, these five wonderful works made their way onto the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner:

Coven Camille | League Of Legends Fan Art by @Dehaf

Coven Camille | League Of Legends Fan Art by @Dehaf

Still Evening by @MangooSalade

Still Evening by @MangooSalade

Themis by @DavB

Themis by @DavB

Flying Pig Squadron by @Yaroslavus_Artem

Flying Pig Squadron by @Yaroslavus_Artem

Oniwakamaru and the giant carp by @GioArtworks

Oniwakamaru and the giant carp by @GioArtworks

Best of Krita-Artists - January/February 2025

Voting is open until February 15th!

Ways to Help Krita

Krita is Free and Open Source Software developed by an international team of sponsored developers and volunteer contributors.

Visit Krita's funding page to see how user donations keep development going, and explore a one-time or monthly contribution. Or check out more ways to Get Involved, from testing, coding, translating, and documentation writing, to just sharing your artwork made with Krita.

The Krita-promo team has put out a call for volunteers, come join us and help keep these monthly updates going.

Notable Changes

Notable changes in Krita's development builds from Jan. 16 - Feb. 12, 2025.

Unstable branch (5.3.0-prealpha):

Bug fixes:

  • Blending Modes: Rewrite blending modes to properly support float and HDR colorspaces. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Brush Engines: Fix Filter Brush engine to work with per- and cross-channel filters. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
  • Filters: Screentone: Change default screentone interpolation type to Linear. (Change, by Emmet O'Neill)
  • Scripting: Fix Node.paint script functions to use the given node instead of active node. (Change, by Freya Lupen)


  • Text: Load font families as resources and display a preview in the font chooser. (Change, by Wolthera van Hövell)
  • Filters: Random Noise: Add grayscale noise option and improve performance. (Change, by Maciej Jesionowski)
  • Blending Modes: Add a new HSY blending mode, "Tint", which colorizes and slightly lightens. It's suggested to be used with the Fast Color Overlay filter. (Change 1, Change 2 by Maciej Jesionowski)

Nightly Builds

Pre-release versions of Krita are built every day for testing new changes.

Get the latest bugfixes in Stable "Krita Plus" (5.2.10-prealpha): Linux - Windows - macOS (unsigned) - Android arm64-v8a - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64

Or test out the latest Experimental features in "Krita Next" (5.3.0-prealpha). Feedback and bug reports are appreciated!: Linux - Windows - macOS (unsigned) - Android arm64-v8a - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

This will be a boring one, sorry. 🙂 Basically a “JFYI” for people interested in Plasma’s release administration.

A while back, there was a discussion about moving Plasma to a twice-yearly release model, to better align with discrete release distros that also have two yearly releases — mostly Fedora KDE and Kubuntu.

We discussed this at last year’s Akademy and decided not to do it yet, based on the reason that a faster release schedule would help get important Wayland improvements to users more quickly, given that we’re trying to polish up our Wayland session at high speed. We agreed that once the Wayland Known Significant Issues wiki page is empty, we can re-evaluate.

Until that re-evaluation happens, we decided to instead lengthen our beta release periods from four weeks to six weeks, with new beta releases every two.

Plasma 6.3 will be released very soon, yay! For this release, we remembered to push out the extra new beta releases, but forgot about adding on an extra two weeks to its duration. Oops.

Interestingly, we haven’t gotten many bug reports from users of the Plasma 6.3 beta, which is historically unusual. I’m not totally sure what to make of this. The optimistic assessment is that the release was already great even by the time we shipped the beta! The pessimistic one is that few people showed up to QA it, so lots of bugs got missed (I’m less sure it’s this, but anything’s possible). Either way, it seems like an extra two weeks of beta time wouldn’t have made much difference, so we’re not considering a great loss.

As a result, we’ve decided to try this same approach for 6.4: a four-week beta period, with new releases every two weeks. We’ll see how it goes! If it’s fine, we can keep it, and if it’s not, we can return to the original plan of six-week beta periods. Until then, enjoy Plasma 6.3!

Tellico 4.1.1 is available, with a few fixes.


Monday, 10 February 2025

This is the release schedule the release team agreed on

Dependency freeze is in around 3 weeks (March 6) and feature freeze one
after that. Get your stuff ready!

This week, I focused on integrating the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm into the MankalaEngine. The primary goal was to test the performance of the MCTS-based agent against various existing algorithms in the engine. Let's dive into what MCTS is, how it works, and what I discovered during the testing phase.

What is Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)?

The Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a heuristic search algorithm used for decision-making in sequential decision problems. It incrementally builds a search tree and simulates multiple random moves at each step to evaluate potential outcomes. These simulations help the algorithm determine the most promising move to make.

How Does MCTS Work?

MCTS operates through four key steps:

1. Selection

The algorithm starts at the root node (representing the current game state) and traverses down the tree to a leaf node (an unexplored state). During this process, the algorithm selects child nodes using a specific strategy.

A popular strategy for node selection is Upper Confidence Bounds for Trees (UCT). The UCT formula helps balance exploration and exploitation by selecting nodes based on the following equation:

UCT = mean + C × sqrt(ln(N) / n)


  • mean is the average reward (or outcome) of a node.
  • N is the total number of simulations performed for the parent node.
  • n is the number of simulations performed for the current child node.
  • C is a constant that controls the level of exploration.

2. Expansion

Once the algorithm reaches a leaf node, it expands the tree by adding one or more child nodes representing potential moves or decisions that can be made from the current state.

3. Simulation

The algorithm then performs a simulation or rollout from the newly added child node. During this phase, the algorithm randomly plays out a series of moves (typically following a simple strategy) until the game reaches a terminal state (i.e., win, loss, or draw).

This is where the Monte Carlo aspect of MCTS shines. By simulating many random games, the algorithm gains insights into the likely outcomes of different actions.

4. Backpropagation

After the simulation ends, the results are propagated back up the tree, updating the nodes with the outcome of the simulation. This allows the algorithm to adjust the expected rewards of the parent nodes based on the result of the child node’s simulation.

read more here - MCTS

Implementing MCTS in C++ for MankalaEngine

With a solid understanding of the algorithm, I began implementing MCTS in C++. The initial step involved integrating the MCTS logic into the benchmark utility of the MankalaEngine. After resolving a series of issues and running multiple tests, the code was functioning as expected.

Testing Results

I compared the performance of the MCTS agent against other existing agents in the MankalaEngine, such as Minimax, MTDF, and Random agents. Here’s how the MCTS agent performed:

Random Agent (Player 1) vs. MCTS (Player 2)

  • MCTS won 80% of the time

MCTS (Player 1) vs. Random Agent (Player 2)

  • MCTS won 60% of the time

MCTS vs. Minimax & MTDF

  • Unfortunately, MCTS consistently lost against both Minimax and MTDF agents. 😞

Key Improvements for MCTS

While MCTS performed well against the Random Agent, there is still room for improvement, especially in its simulation phase. Currently, the algorithm uses a random policy for simulations, which can be inefficient. To improve performance, we can:

  • Use more efficient simulation policies that simulate only promising moves, rather than randomly selecting moves.
  • At the start of the Selection step, focus on moves that have historically been good opening strategies (this requires further research to identify these moves, especially in Pallanguli).
  • Fine-tune the exploration-exploitation balance to improve decision-making.

Upcoming Tasks

In the upcoming week, I plan to:

  • Write test cases for the Pallanguli implementation.
  • Review the implementation of Pallanguli.
Moving KDE's styling into the future

Image Four applications, four different ways of styling.

Last year during Akademy I gave a talk called Union: The Future of Styling in KDE?!. In this talk I presented a problem: We currently have four ways of styling our applications. Not only that, but some of these approaches are quite hard to work with, especially for designers who lack programming skills. This all leads to it being incredibly hard to make changes to our application styling currently, which is not only a problem for something like the Plasma Next Initiative, but even smaller changes take a lot of effort.

This problem is not new; we already identified it several years ago. Unfortunately, it also is not easy to solve. Some of the reasons it got to this state are simply inertia. Some things like Plasma's SVG styling were developed as a way to improve styling in an era where a lot of the technologies we currently use did not exist yet. The solutions developed in those days have now existed for a pretty long time so we cannot suddenly drop them. Other reasons are more technical in nature, such as completely different rendering stacks.

Introducing Union

Those different rendering stacks are actually one of the core issues that makes this hard to solve. It means that we cannot simply use the same rendering code for everything, but have to come up with a tricky compatibility layer to make that work. This is what we currently do, and while it works, it means we need to maintain said compatibility layer. It also means we are not utilizing the rendering stack to its full potential.

However, there is another option, which is to take a step back and realise that we actually may not even want to share the rendering code, given that they are quite different. Instead, we need a description of what the element should look like, and then we can have specific rendering code that implements how to render that in the best way for a certain technology stack.

This idea is at the core of a project I called Union, which is a styling system intended to unify all our separate approaches into a single unified styling engine that can support all the different technologies we use for styling our applications.

Image The three separate parts of Union

Union consists of three parts: an input layer, an intermediate layer and an output layer. The input layer consists of plugins that can read and interpret some input file format containing a style description and turn it into a more abstract desciption of what to render. How to do that is defined by the middle intermediate layer, which is a library containing the description of the data model and a method of defining which elements to apply things to. Finally, the output layer consists of plugins that use the data from the intermediate layer and turn it into actual rendering commands, as needed for a specific rendering stack.

Implementing Things

This sounds nice on paper, but implementing it is easier said than done. For starters, everything depends on the intermediate layer being both flexible enough to handle varying use cases but at the same time rigid enough that it becomes hard to - intentionally or unintentionally - create dependencies between the input and output layers. Apart from that, replacing the entire styling stack is simply going to be a lot of work.

Image Plasma's SVG styling uses specially-marked SVG items for styling.

To allow us to focus more on the core we needed to break things down into more manageable parts. We chose to focus on the intermediate layer first, by using Plasma's SVG themes as an input format and a QtQuick Style as output. This means we are working with an input format that we already know how to deal with. It also means we have a clear picture of what the output should look like, as it should ultimately look just like how Plasma looks.

At this point, a lot of this work has now been done. While Union does not yet implement a full QtQuick style, it implements most of the basic controls to allow something such as Discover to run without looking completely alien. Focusing on the intermediate layer proved very useful, we encountered and managed to solve several pretty tricky technical issues that would have been even trickier if we did not know what things should look like.

Image Plasma Discover running using Union.

Union Needs You!

All that said, there is still a lot to be done. For starters, to be an actual unified styling system for KDE we need a QtWidgets implementation. Some work on that has started, but it is going to be a lot harder than the QtQuick implementation. We also need a different input format. While Plasma's SVG styling works, it is not ideal for developing new styles with. I would personally like to investigate using CSS as input format as it has most of what we need while also being familiar to a lot of people. Unfortunately, finding a good CSS parser library turns out to be quite hard.

However, at this stage we are at a point where we have multiple tasks that can be done in parallel. This means it is now at a point where it would be great if we had more people developing code, as well as some initial testing and feedback on the systen. If you are interested in helping out, the code can be found at There is also a Matrix channel for more realtime disucssions.

Discuss this article on KDE Discuss.

ahiemstra Mon, 02/10/2025 - 12:32

Kasts polishing, progress on Krita Qt6 port and Kdenlive fundraising report

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps. This issue contains change from the last two weeks.

Much happened the past two weeks, we had a successful KDE presence at FOSDEM, we now have a location and date for this year's edition of Linux App Summit (April 25-26, 2025 in Tirana, Albania) and also continued to improve our apps. Let's dive in!


  • KDE Gear 24.12.2 is out with some bugfixes.
  • Glaxnimate 0.6.0 beta is out. Glaxnimate is a 2d animation software and 0.6.0 is the first version of Glaxnimate as part of KDE. Checkout Glaxnimate's website.
  • KStars 3.7.5 is out with mostly bugfixes and performance improvements.
  • GCompris 25.0 is out. This is a big release containing 5 new activities.
  • Krita 5.2.9 is out. This is a bug fix release, containing all bugfixes of our bug hunt efforts back in November. Major bug-fixes include fixes to clone-layers, fixes to opacity handling, in particular for file formats like Exr, a number of crash fixes and much more!

Akonadi Background service for KDE PIM apps

We fixed an issue where loading tags was broken and would result in a constant 100% CPU usage. (Carl Schwan, 24.12.3. Link)

Elisa Play local music and listen to online radio

We now correctly re-open Elisa when it was minimized to the system tray. (Pedro Nishiyama, 24.12.2. Link)

Dolphin Manage your files

We made it possible to rename tabs in Dolphin. This action is available in each tab's context menu. This is useful for very long tab names or when it is difficult to identify a tab by a folder's name alone. (ambar chakravartty, 25.04.0. Link)

We also improved the keyboard based selection of items. Typing a letter on the keyboard usually selects the item in the view which starts with that letter. Diacritics are now ignored here, so you will for example be able to press the "U" key to select a file starting with an "Ü". (Thomas Moerschell, 24.12.3. Link)

We changed the three view buttons to a single menu button. (Akseli Lahtinen, 25.04.0. Link)

We made the "Empty Trash" icon red in conformance to our HIG as it is a destructive operation. (Nate Graham, 25.04.0. Link)

We improved getting the information from supported version control systems (e.g. Git). It is now faster and happens earlier. (Méven Car, 25.04.0. Link)

Falkon Web Browser

We added input methods hints to input fields. This is mostly helpful when using different input methods than a traditional keyboard (e.g. a virtual keyboard). (Juraj Oravec. Link)

KDE Itinerary Digital travel assistant

We continued to improve the coverage of Itinerary in Poland. This week we added support for the train operator Polregio, fixed and refactored the extractor for Koleo and rewrote the extractor for PKP-app to support the ticket layouts. (Grzegorz Mu, 24.12.3. Link 1, link 2, and link 3)

We also added support for CitizenM hotel bookings. (Joshua Goins, 24.12.3. Link)

We also started working on an online version of the ticket extractor. A preview is available on Carl's website.

Volker also published a recap of the past two months in Itinerary. This contains also some orthogonal topics like the free software routing service Transitous.

Kasts Podcast application

We fixed the vertical alignment of the queue header. (Joshua Goin, 25.04.0. Link)

We are now using Kirigami.UrlButton for links and Kirigami.SelectableLabel for the text description in the podcast details page to improve visual and behavior consistency with other Kirigami applications. (Joshua Goins, 25.04.0. Link)

We also improved the look of the search bar in the discovery page. It's now properly separated from the rest of the content. (Joshua Goins, 25.04.0. Link)

We added the ability to force the app to mobile/desktop mode. (Bart De Vries, 25.04.0. Link)

We fixed the sort order of the podcasts episodes. (Bart De Vries, 24.12.3. Link)

Finally we made various improvements to our usage of QML in Kasts to use newer QML constructs. This should improve slighly the performance while reducing the technical debt. (Tobias Fella, 25.04.0. Link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, and link 6)

Kate Advanced text editor

We fixed some issues with the list of commits displayed in Kate. The highlight color is now correct and the margins consistent. (Leo Ruggeri, 25.04.0. Link)

We improved the diff widget of Kate. The toolbar icon sizes are now the same as other toolbars in Kate. (Leo Ruggeri, 25.04.0. Link)

Kdenlive Video editor

The Kdenlive team published a report about the result of their last fundraising. It contains a huge amount of great improvements, so go read it!

Added checkerboard option in clip monitor background (Julius Künzel, 25.04.0, Link)

Konqueror KDE File Manager & Web Browser

We fixed the handling of the cookie policy when no policy has been explicitly set. (Stefano Crocco, 24.12.3. Link)

Krita Digital Painting, Creative Freedom

The Krita team continued porting Krita to Qt6/KF6. The application now compiles and run with Qt6, but there are still some uni tests not working. Link to Mastodon thread

Krita with Qt6

Ramon published a video about "Memileo Brushes" on YouTube.

KRDC Connect with RDP or VNC to another computer

We implemented the dynamic resolution mode from the remote desktop protocol (RDP). This means we now resize the remote desktop to fit the current KRDC window. This works for Windows >= 8.1. (Fabio Bas, 25.04.0. Link)

We added support for the domain field in the authentication process. (Fabio Fas, 25.04.0. Link)

We adapted the code to work with FreeRDP 3.11. (Fabio Bas, 25.04.0. Link)

Marknote Write down your thoughts

We fixed the list of "Sort Notes List" option not being set by default. (Joshua Goins. Link)

We now properly capitalize the "undo" and "redo" actions. (Joshua Goins. Link)

We removed internal copies of some Kirigami Addons components in Marknote. (Joshua Goins. Link)

Okular View and annotate documents

We added a way to filter the list of certificate to only show certificates for "Qualified Signatures" in the certificate selection. (Sune Vuorela, 25.04.0. Link)

PlasmaTube Watch YouTube videos

We improved the placeholder messages for empty views. (Joshua Goins, 25.04.0. Link 1 and link 2)

We fixed displaying thumbnails and avatars when using the Peertube backend. (Joshua Goins, 24.12.3. Link, link 2, and link 3)

Barcode Scanner Scan and create QR-Codes

Qrca can now scan a QR code directly from an image instead of just from the camera. (Onuralp Sezer, 25.04.0. Link)

Tokodon Browse the Fediverse

We are now using more fitting icons for the "Embed" and "Open in Browser" actions in Tokodon's context menu. We also removed the duplicated "Copy to Clipboard" action from that context menu. (Joshua Goins, 24.12.3. Link and link 2)

Following the improvements from two weeks ago, we did even even more accessibility/screen reader improvements to Tokodon. (Joshua Goins, 24.12.3. Link)

…And Everything Else

This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out Nate's blog about Plasma and be sure not to miss his This Week in Plasma series, where every Saturday he covers all the work being put into KDE's Plasma desktop environment.

For a complete overview of what's going on, visit KDE's Planet, where you can find all KDE news unfiltered directly from our contributors.

Get Involved

The KDE organization has become important in the world, and your time and contributions have helped us get there. As we grow, we're going to need your support for KDE to become sustainable.

You can help KDE by becoming an active community member and getting involved. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE — you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to be a programmer either. There are many things you can do: you can help hunt and confirm bugs, even maybe solve them; contribute designs for wallpapers, web pages, icons and app interfaces; translate messages and menu items into your own language; promote KDE in your local community; and a ton more things.

You can also help us by donating. Any monetarnky contribution, however small, will help us cover operational costs, salaries, travel expenses for contributors and in general just keep KDE bringing Free Software to the world.

To get your application mentioned here, please ping us in invent or in Matrix.

If you don’t know what Fast Sketch Cleanup plugin is, here’s a blog post describing it in detail: In short, it’s a neural network-based filter similar to Edge Detection or Engrave that is supposed to clean up a sketch and create lines that can be used as a base for a lineart or help with coloring.





The old GUI was relatively difficult to use and quite limited. For example, there was no way to use a custom model outside of the main directory, you’d have to manually put the model files into the main directory of the plugin. There was also no pre- or post-processing, and the resolution of the input image was fixed, which didn’t allow for fine-tuning the result.

The new GUI looks like this:

Screenshot of the FSC plugin GUI


In this section you can select the model in the File combobox, or you can switch to another folder using either the button with the folder icon (for a custom folder) or the “Reset to default” button (which resets the path to the default path for the plugin). The combobox with models gets updated to show the models from the currently selected folder.

“Note about the model” presents some notes or hints about usage that were saved into the model information file.

Device to use

Here you can choose whether to use CPU, GPU or NPU. NPU is a new type of device that is only available on some computers, on Windows you should have all the drivers already installed, but if you’re on Linux, you would need to install them manually. CPU is typically the slowest, so if any other is available, use the other one. Unavailable devices should be greyed out.

Preview images

Those are small cutouts of the image on different stages of the processing. First image shows the original sample; the second one shows the result of the pre-processing; third shows the result of the inference (processing through the model) applied to the pre-processed image; and the last one shows the final result.

Preview size determines how big the preview is. The sample is cut out of the center of the image, with the width and height being equal to the Preview Size * Model Input Size (usually 256) / Scale. That means that a Preview Size of 8 would update roughly 16x slower than Preview Size of 1, no matter the Scale, and assuming the same model. That might make the dialog less responsive, so be careful with higher values. Sometimes it is useful though to see a bigger preview though.

If you click on one of the images, it will bring out a dialog showing the same image in a bigger size, and you can click on the buttons or use arrows to navigate to the other images. You can resize that dialog to see even more detail if needed.


Defines the pre-processing. It’s performed in the order of the widgets in the dialog.

Levels widget: it’s a quick way to increase contrast in the input image.

Scale: every model has a specific size of its context window, which means it’s sensitive to resolution. Using Scale you can quickly decrease or increase the resolution of the input image, changing the result in a very significant way. Be careful, it’s a scale for one dimension, meaning that the processing time will increase or decrease exponentially.


Scale: it’s just a widget showing the reversal of the scaling in pre-processing. You can’t change it. It ensures that the result has the same size as the input image.

Levels widget: it works just like in the pre-processing.

Sharpen filter: it sharpens the result, with the strength equal to the number from the slider. Zero means input = output, every higher value sharpens the result. One means the exact result you’d get from Krita’s normal Sharpen filter.

Advanced options

Invert: usually you don’t need to change this option, because whether it needs to be checked or not is embedded in the model information file (the same one that contains the note). Most models do require this checkbox checked.


Press the button to start processing. It takes the projection (think: “New Layer From Visible”) of the canvas, puts it through all the processing, and then creates a new layer with the result.

The Run button changes into a Progress Bar to show you progress. When the image is processed, the dialog closes automatically.

Note that it’s not possible to cancel the processing, unfortunately.

Best workflow

The ultimate best workflow I found to get the best result is to first use SketchyModel.xml with low scale (either 1.0 or often even below that), then either decrease the opacity of the result or put a white semi-opaque layer on top, and then use InkModel.xml. The first model removes unnecessary lines and smoothes the lines out, and the second model creates nice, crisp lines. The only problem with using them one after another is that SketchyModel produces pretty dark lines, while InkModel is sensitive to values and requires the input to be light grey, otherwise it doesn’t work properly, hence the additional white layer.

You can also use InkModel.xml directly, if the sketch is clean enough already.

Example 1.

The following examples are derivatives of David Revoy’s sketch “Pepper Sketch”, with the only editing being the FSC plugin or Engrave G’MIC filter (used for comparison).


  1. Use SketchyModel, Levels: (0.3, 1.0)
  2. Add a white layer, opacity = 40%
  3. Use the mentioned model or G’MIC filter.


  1. Original sketch:
Original version of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY
  1. Result of SketchyModel, with Preprocessing: Levels (0.30, 1.00), and then with a white 40% transparent layer on top:
A derivative (SketchyModel, processing: Levels (0.30, 1.00)) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY A derivative (SketchyModel, processing: Levels (0.30, 1.00), plus a white 50% transparent layer on top) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY
  1. Results of the workflow with, in order of appearance: a) SoftInkModel, scale 4.0, b) InkModel, scale 4.0, c) InkModel, scale 6.0:
A derivative (SketchyModel, processing: Levels (0.30, 1.00), then 40% white layer, then SoftInkModel, scale 4.0) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY A derivative (SketchyModel, processing: Levels (0.30, 1.00), then 40% white layer, then InkModel, scale 4.0) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY A derivative (SketchyModel, processing: Levels (0.30, 1.00), then 40% white layer, then InkModel, scale 6.0) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY
  1. Result of G’MIC’s filter Engrave, in order of appearance: a) over the original sketch, b) over the version smoothed out by SketchyModel:
A derivative (G'MIC filter: Engrave) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY A derivative (SketchyModel, processing: Levels (0.30, 1.00), then G'MIC filter Engrave) by Tiar of Pepper Sketch by David Revoy, CC-BY

Example 2.

The following example is a derivative of “Pepper and Carrot in traditional clothing” by David Revoy.


  1. Use SketchyModel, with standard options, Scale = 1.0.
  2. Add a white layer with 40% opacity.
  3. Use InkModel, Scale = 4.0.
Original version of Pepper and Carrot in traditional clothing of Bergen by David Revoy, CC-BY A derivative (SketchyModel, then InkModel, scale 4.0) by Tiar of Pepper and Carrot in traditional clothing of Bergen by David Revoy, CC-BY

Example 3.

The following example is a derivative of “Huge machine to maintain” by David Revoy.


  1. Use SketchyModel, Levels in preprocessing: (0.0., 0.82) (to whiten the background), Scale either 1.0 or 2.0.
  2. Add a white layer with 40% opacity.
  3. Use InkModel, Scale - 4.0.


Original version of Huge machine to maintain by David Revoy, CC-BY

Using SketchyModel at Scale 1.0 (resulting in less details):

A derivative (SketchyModel at sczale 1.0, then InkModel, scale 4.0) by Tiar of Huge machine to maintain by David Revoy, CC-BY

Using SketchyModel at Scale 2.0 (more details):

A derivative (SketchyModel at scale 2.0, then InkModel, scale 4.0) by Tiar of Huge machine to maintain by David Revoy, CC-BY

Workflow 2.

  1. Just using InkModel, with Levels (0.0, 0.9) and Scale = 4.0.


A derivative (InkModel, with Levels (0.0, 0.9) in pre-processing and scale 4.0) by Tiar of Huge machine to maintain by David Revoy, CC-BY