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Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Getting There!

Wow! What a trip! 20 hours across 2 flights, 2 hours on the train with travel buddies Nate Graham and Bhushan Shah, and several bus "adventures" with Nate Graham to our hotel. The hotel... Let's not go into too much detail, suffice to say it was an absolute mess.

This being my first Akademy in person it was a very anxious experience getting there, but with global roaming on my phone to keep communication flowing and a few travel buddies it was certainly made much better!

But once we were settled in and unpacked, it was off to the first event!

The Welcome Event!

Wow, was it chaos once all the people showed up, but amazing to see so many KDE users and developers! A few locals even popped their head in, confused by the packed out venue. We thankfully managed to get a ride in Adriaan de Groot's smooth E.V to the venue and found a few others after parking.

The place had a great vibe and the free drinks and snack courtesy of KDE went down a treat! I quickly connected to the free Wi-Fi, spun up some translations of the menu and grabbed the Mexican Fries with guacamole, tomatoes and onions. It was amazing with a few drinks to wash it all down!

On to the main event!

Saturday Talks!

Having the talks start a little later was great as it meant we didn't have to get up early and get rushing out the door!

Adriaan also bought Stroopwafels with him! So delicious!

Only Hackers Will Survive

The first talk (barring the brief opening by the Akademy team) was right into the thick of it, and it was about circular economies, electronic waste and how we, the hackers, have the right mindset to keep things working well beyond manufacturers expected lifetimes. Whether they be limited by lack of software updates or pushed out of the market by ever more demanding software performance requirements.

The scenes of landfills around the globe on display with people in Third World countries sorting through them to reclaim precious metals on display to really bring home the true impact. Here's hoping KDE's software and projects can help with this, especially with the Blue Angel Certification. I am really hoping to see Plasma Mobile continue to take charge in this area, where mobile devices are often discarded rapidly in favour of the newest shiniest thing.

Goals Wrap Up!

Every two years, KDE chooses new goals to focus on to make KDE's software better for all. At this year's Akademy it was time to review the goals outcomes for the last two years.

Carl Schwan went through his accessibility goal outcomes which included a discussion about how our hardware partners want to improve accessibility, 190 code changes that were accessibility related and a new accessibility inspector application! There was also notes around the Appium CI/CD test suite and Selenium driver test suite to help with ensure accessibility in our as well as Project Spiel a new text to speech engine for the Free Desktop plus turning accessibility into a permanent goal for KDE.

Nate Graham wrapped up his goals around automation and systematisation. These were about being lazier in a good way, automating the boring trivial things we spend time doing all the time. Creating policies to reduce the debate on issues with opinions impacting what we do, instead of policy. Working as teams instead of alone and documenting how we do things instead of keeping tribal knowledge locked away in our brains.

I wasn't able to attend much of Cornelius Schumacher's KDE Eco goal so I didn't get any notes on that but I do love that KDE cares for the environment and this should be an ongoing goal to make sure our software (and hardware partners) are acting responsibly to ensure a brighter future for the next generations.

Report of the Board

The KDE board assembled in person to give us a run-down of 2023 including all their favourite things that happened like paying members going from 53 to 719, GitHub sponsors up to 132 from 67, and 170 nonmember recurring donations up from 130 on Donorbox! On top of that, the best fundraising campaign ever in December 2023. A monumental task was also completed with the release of Plasma 6 alongside Frameworks and Gear at the same time! The KDE Eco grant was extended, they hired new staff as part of the Make a Living goal, including someone to manage the goals. The new financial situation improved vastly due to a successful Donorbox rollout and fundraising campaign.

In looking to the future the board are encouraging more community members to get on board with the KDE Goals, with the improved finance situation they are hoping to leverage that to continue improving KDE's offerings. Conferences and in-person sprints are now viable post-apocalypse! Ask for funding/organisation from the board if you want to organise/attend one and represent KDE! They are also aiming to move beyond the Make a Living effort and leverage current staff for further work without losing sight of their goals and improve management of staff, contracts and keeping staff on. They're also hoping to expand our app store presence on Google Play, Windows Store and Flathub to get more apps on and investigate possible revenue sources from this.

Adapt or Die: How new Linux packaging approaches affect wider KDE

David Edmundson gave an awesome talk about Linux packaging and where we are headed. Flatpaks! Oh, and I guess Snaps and Appimages and that new one from Deepin… But his talk was generally focussed on how KDE as a community will need to face the challenges of containerised applications since immutable distros are appearing all the time now. In this well researched discussion, he raised several case studies that he has identified as problem points for progress. This was one of my favourite talks, as I am a big proponent of Flatpak as the future of application distribution and plan on working with David to that end.

Looking Back: What's Next

Wait what? What does that even mean? Nicolas Fella decided to share with us his run-down on how the porting from Qt5 to Qt6 went as a whole. From the timeline stretching way back to 2019 to the KDE Megarelease of 2024 including how each step was planned out and then managed into a reality. He also gave us a run-down of the good and the bad from his viewpoint. The good included lots of great new features and loads of pre-release testing. The bad included bugs (but you can never get rid of all of these), controversial decisions and broken distros as of release. He also noted a lack of documentation for third party users of KDE frameworks and some things that got left on the cutting room floor due to a lack of time to get them in. Those have been marked TODO KF7 😂

An Operating System of Our Own

Harald Sitter gave us a run-down of his new Operating System KDE Linux (previously - and my favourite name - Project Banana). This is a new image based distro that uses BTRFS and images of the OS, with easy switching between them. This will be designed for anyone to use, from KDE developers to users and hardware vendors! It will bring apps from Flatpak (my favourite) and Snap to keep the OS and applications separate. I've been watching this for a little while before Akademy so I was happy to see it announced, and it has attracted many people onboard and has accelerated the development of it immensely! Come join us @ on Matrix!

A look on the Bright Side of Life

Harald gave us a quick lightning talk about remaining calm and enjoying what we do. Sometimes things are annoying or frustrating but sometimes we need to step back, look at all the awesome things we make and the amazing people we do that with. If in doubt, ask for help or a rubber duck and come back to fight another day.

Sunday Talks!

Sadly I didn't take a lot of notes on Sunday but I attended a few talks.

  • Openwashing - How do we handle (and enforce?) OSS policies in products? by Markus Feilner, Holger Dyroff, Richard Heigl, Leonhard Kugler and Cornelius Schumacher. A discussion on companies using the title and reputation of open source without actually being open or contributing anything to the community.

  • Group Photo - My first time in a KDE related photo!

  • Contributing is more than just code by Kai Uwe Broulik was a really important talk for me as I can't code. It's just not how my brain works, but the topic of his talk resonated with me so much. KDE has lots of code, frameworks, apps, libraries and that requires a lot of code. But there is SO much more work to be done around that code, translations, quality assurance, bug triaging, documentation just to name a tiny few. If you're interested in contributing to KDE, there are LOTS of things you can help with!

  • Financial support for working on KDE Jos van den Oever gave a great talk about how you as a KDE contributor can apply for funding. It was mostly focussed around NLnet who had a representative there to encourage us to apply for funding and explain the application and approvals processes. They also stuck around for the next few days to help anyone who wanted to apply to submit their application!

Daily driving Plasma Mobile and what's still lacking

Another talk that really hits home for me was by Bart Ribbers on Plasma Mobile. We've got amazing stories for our desktop offering, but the mobile space is a huge part of most people's daily lives. So many people don't own a computer any more, and they're living their digital life through a mobile phone. This talk gave insight into Bart's daily life with his Plasma Mobile enabled phone and where we need to narrow our focus to improve the experience.

BoFs & Daytrip

Over the following days I attended many BoFs:

  • Opt Green: Website Bloat and Green Web which we discussed how our website content affects the environment, from intensive JavaScript, oversized or large images increasing CPU usage and bandwidth to the core of the web itself and what Data Centres and traffic hubs use for their electricity, is it renewable or fuelled by dirty fossil fuels

  • Opt Green / KDE Eco which was all about KDE Eco's certification of Okular, their involvement in defining the Blue Angel specification, getting more KDE apps certified and how KDE was recognised as an expert in sustainability in the German parliament!

  • KDE Goals - We care about your Input where discussions happened around how we improve input methods for those who use alternate languages and alphabets to game controllers and digital input tablets and devices.

  • KDE's release schedules was all about starting discussions about when and how we release software, including how we can better cooperate with downstream distros who are kindly distributing our software

  • Plasma Discover by Aleix gave us insight into the recent changes to performance by Harald and himself, and just a great general discussion around Plasma's current state and what is needed for the future of software stores. KDE Goals - Streamlined Application Development Experience was a rather interesting chat about how we currently develop apps and many discussions about how we improve that process, introduce new blood to the community and make it seriously easy to start a new KDE application.


This worried me in the lead up and on my way to Germany, as I had earlier this year decided to go Vegetarian. However, I was delightfully surprised and the quality and variety of food available, with the food organised by Akademy team being inclusive of my requirements and tasty! The food at University cafeteria was also amazing to my surprise and I learned that they had won awards!

I also thankfully found some students who sold me a crate of Cola for 10 Euros. I grabbed one and gave the rest to the Akademy help desk for them to give out to attendees for a 1 Euro donation ;)


  • What an amazing event, thank yous in no particular order go to Nate Graham, the KDE e.V for sponsoring my travel, the Akademy team and everyone I met at Akademy for making it an awesome experience especially for someone who hasn't been to a conference before, to all of the KDE community for making awesome software and the Akademy and KDE sponsors who make these events possible!

Ruqola 2.3.1 is a feature and bugfix release of the app.

New features:

  • Use "view-conversation-balloon-symbolic" icon when we have private conversation with multi users
  • Add version in market application information
  • Fix reset password
  • Fix mouse position when QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS != 1
  • Add missing icons
  • Fix create topic when creating teams
  • Fix discussion count information
  • Remove @ or # when we search user/channel
  • Fix edit message logic

Source: ruqola-2.3.1.tar.xz
SHA256: 99356ec689473cd5bfaca7f8db79ed5978efa8b3427577ba7b35c1b3714d5fcb
Signed by: E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Riddell

Monday, 28 October 2024

Fractional scaling is hard. Anyone that had the misfortune of working on it knows that… so it won’t surprise a lot of people that it’s not all figured out yet! Today I’ll talk about the fractional scaling problems with KWin’s server side decorations, and why we need to do an API break to fix it.

What’s the problem?

This is the simplest part. Many decorations have elements that need to be pixel perfect, like outlines that are only a single pixel wide. When they’re not perfectly scaled, or positioned wrongly, that’s sometimes quite visible and annoying:

What causes these issues?

The source of all evil with fractional scaling is also the cause of most issues here: Integer logical coordinates.

Logical coordinates are a way to represent the size of something on the screen in a mostly display-independent way and are quite useful for the size and position of things like windows or the cursor. They’re calculated in a really simple way:

coordinate_logical = coordinate_pixels / scale

With just that equation, there are no problems just yet - you can just multiply the logical coordinate with the display scale, and you get back the original coordinate in pixels. When you round that logical coordinate, and do some calculations with it, things get weird though… let’s look at the concrete example of a window at scale 1.25, and with a 1 pixel wide outline:

unitoutline widthwindow widthoutline widthtotal sizetotal size in pixels
(integer) pixels12712929
fractional logical0.821.60.823.229
integer logical12212430

As you might’ve guessed, KWin’s decoration plugin API is using integer logical coordinates, and this mismatch between the window size vs. the size of its components causes most of the problems. Just doing a straight forward int -> float conversion isn’t enough to fix this though, a few more changes are needed.

Changes in KWin

KWin will provide decorations with the fractional logical size of windows, provide them with the scale factor they should render for, and use the decoration’s fractional border sizes to position the window and decoration pieces properly in the scene.

Changes in Decorations

Because of the API break, decorations using the C++ API need to be updated to the new KDecoration3 API, or they will not be loaded. A minimalistic port would only need to round all the values, but there will of course still be fractional scaling issues with that.

Assuming you want to make the decoration work properly with fractional scaling, you also need to use the provided scale factor to calculate border sizes, and when painting things with QPainter, you need to take care to snap all geometries to the pixel grid, or anti-aliasing may turn single-pixel lines into a blurry mess.

Note that this work isn’t completed yet, and some additional API changes may happen while we’re breaking the API already. A porting guide with all the changes will be provided before the release of Plasma 6.3.

As Aurorae decorations are just svg files, they are not affected by this API break and will continue to work like before without any changes.

If you have any questions about this change, or about how to port a decoration over to the new API, please reach out to us at on matrix!

One of the quickest ways to determine whether particular application runs using Xwayland is to resize one of its windows and see how it behaves, for example

A script element has been removed to ensure Planet works properly. Please find it in the original post.

While it can be handy for the debugging purposes, overall, it makes the Plasma Wayland session look less polished. So, one of the goals for 6.3 was to fix this visual glitch.

This article will provide some background behind what caused the glitch and how we addressed it. Just in case, here’s the same application, which was shown in a screen cast above, but with the corresponding resizing fixes in:

A script element has been removed to ensure Planet works properly. Please find it in the original post.

X11 frame synchronization protocol(s)

On X11, all window changes typically take place immediately, including resizing. This can lead to some issues. For example, if a window is resized, it can take a while until the application repaints the window with the new size. What if the compositing manager decides to compose the screen in meanwhile? You’re likely going to see some sort of visual glitches, e.g. the window contents getting cropped or seeing parts of the window that have not been repainted yet.

In order to address this issue, there exists an X11 protocol to synchronize window repaints during interactive resize. An application/client wishing to participate in this protocol needs to list _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST in the WM_PROTOCOLS property of the client window and also set the XID of the XSync counter in the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER property. When the WM wants to resize the window, the following will happen:

  1. The window manager sends a _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST client message containing a serial that the client will need to put in the XSync counter after processing a ConfigureNotify event that will be generated after the window is resized. The compositing manager and the window manager will block window updates until the XSync request acknowledgement is received;
  2. The WM resizes the client window, for example by calling the xcb_configure_window() function;
  3. The client would then repaint the window with the new size and update the XSync counter with the serial that it had received in step 1;
  4. The window manager and the compositing manager unblock window updates after receiving receiving the XSync request acknowledgement. For example, now, the window can be repainted by the compositing manager and there shouldn’t be glitches as long as the client behaves well.

Note that the window manager and the compositing manager are often the same. For example, both KWin and Mutter are compositing managers and window managers.

The frame synchronization protocol described above is called basic frame synchronization protocol. There is also an extended frame synchronization protocol, but it is not standardized and it is implemented only by a few compositing managers.


KWin supports the basic frame synchronization protocol, so there should be no visual glitches when resizing X11 windows in the Plasma Wayland session, right? At quick glance, yes, but we forget about the most important detail: Wayland compositors don’t use XCompositeNameWindowPixmap() or xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap() to grab the contents of X11 windows, instead they rely on Xwayland attaching graphics buffers to wl_surface objects, so there is no strict order between the Wayland compositor receiving an XSync request acknowledgement and graphics buffers for the new window size.

In order to help better understand the issue, let’s consider a concrete example. Assume that a window with geometry 0,0 100x100 is being resized by dragging its left edge. If the left edge is dragged 10px to the right, the following will happen:

  1. A _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST client message will be sent to the client containing the XSync counter serial that must be set after processing the ConfigureNotify event that will be generated after the Wayland compositor calls xcb_configure_window() with the new window size;
  2. The Wayland compositor calls xcb_configure_window() to actually resize the window;
  3. The client receives the sync request client message and the ConfigureNotify event, repaints the window, and acknowledges the sync request;
  4. The Wayland compositor receives the sync request acknowledgement and updates the window position to 10,0.

But here is the problem, when the window position is updated to 10,0, it’s not guaranteed that the wl_surface associated with the X11 window has a buffer with the new window size, i.e. 90x100. It can take a while until Xwayland commits a graphics buffer with the right size. In meanwhile, the compositor could compose the next frame with the new window position, i.e. 10,0, but old surface size, i.e. 100x100. It would look as if the right window edge sticks out of the window decoration. After Xwayland attaches a buffer with the right size, the right window edge will correct itself.

So, ideally, the Wayland compositor should update the window position after receiving the XSync request acknowledgement and Xwayland attaching a new graphics buffer to the wl_surface.

With that in mind, the frame synchronization procedure looks as follows:

  1. The compositor blocks wl_surface commits by setting the _XWAYLAND_ALLOW_COMMITS property to 0 for the toplevel X11 window. This is needed to ensure the consistent order between XSync request acknowledgements and wl_surface commits. As long as the _XWAYLAND_ALLOW_COMMITS property is set to 0, Xwayland will not attempt to commit the wayland surface, for example attach a new graphics buffer after the client repaints the window;
  2. The compositor sends a _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST client message as before;
  3. The compositor resizes the client window as before;
  4. The client repaints the window and acknowledges the XSync request as before;
  5. After receiving the XSync acknowledgement, the compositor unblocks surface commits by setting the _XWAYLAND_ALLOW_COMMITS property to 1. Note that the window updates are still blocked, i.e. the window position is not updated yet;
  6. After Xwayland commits the wl_surface with a new graphics buffer, the window updates are unblocked, e.g. the window position is updated.

The frame synchronization process looks more involved with Xwayland, but it is still manageable.

_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST support in applications

Most applications that use GTK and Qt support _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST, but there are applications that don’t participate in the frame synchronization protocol. If you use one of those apps, you will observe visual glitches during interactive resize.

Closing words

Frame synchronization is a difficult problem, and requires some very intricate code both on the compositor and the client side. But with the changes that we’ve made, I’m proud to say that KWin is one of the few compositors that properly handles frame synchronization for X11 windows on Wayland.

I would also like to express many thanks to the Xwayland developers (Michel Dänzer and Olivier Fourdan) for helping and assisting us with fixing the glitch.

Kwave Update - October 2024

Kwave is an audio editor based on the KDE Frameworks. It was started in 1998 by Martin Wilz, and Thomas Eschenbacher has been the main developer since 1999. In recent years development has slowed. I wanted to do some software development and contribute to KDE, and I’m interested in audio, so towards the end of 2023 I started working on Kwave.

Kwave had not been ported to Qt 6 and KDE Frameworks 6 yet, so that’s what I started working towards. My first merge requests were to update deprecated code. (MR Convert plugin desktop files to json, MR Port away from deprecated Qt API, MR port away from deprecated I18N_NOOP macros, MR bump KF5_MIN_VERSION and update where KMessageBox API has been deprecated, MR port QRegExp to QRegularExpression)

With that preparatory work done, I worked at porting Kwave to Qt 6 and KDE Frameworks 6. Most of that work was straight-forward. The biggest changes were in Qt Multimedia, which Kwave can use for playback and recording. I finally got that done and merged in August 2024, just after version 24.08 was branched, so that change will get released in version 24.12 in December 2024. (MR port to Qt6 and KF6)

Next I did some code cleanup. (MR use ECMGenerateExportHeader, MR add braces to avoid ambiguous else, MR call KCrash::initialize() after KAboutData::setApplicationData())

Laurent Montel added the FreeBSD job to the Continuous Integration configuration, but the build failed initially. I’ve never ran FreeBSD, but with a few tries and pushing changes to trigger CI, I managed to get the CI to pass. I’m glad Laurent took the initiative here, because the FreeBSD job uses clang, so with the existing Linux job using gcc, CI makes sure Kwave builds with both compilers now. (MR Add freebsd)

I applied for a KDE Developer account and got approved on August 24, 2024. Now I could commit changes myself instead of having to remind others to do it.

Carl Schwan cleaned up some code and updated the zoom toolbar to use standard icons, which enabled removing the built-in zoom icons. (MR Modernize ZoomToolbar) That was the incentive I needed to remove the rest of the built-in icons and use standard icons instead, which helps Kwave fit the users theme better. (MR use icons from current theme) I also reordered the playback toolbar in a way that seemed more logical to me. (MR update player toolbar)

I investigated a bug: Kwave Playback settings dialog loads incorrectly until you switch playback methods and fixed it in MR: make sure a valid method gets selected when PlayBackDialog opens

I have some more work in progress, and I plan to continue working on Kwave. I will try to blog about what I’m doing, but I’m not going to commit to any regular schedule.

Get Involved

Kwave depends on the rest of KDE. It is built on the Frameworks, and the KDE sysadmin team keeps the infrastructure running. You can help KDE by getting involved, or at least donate.

If you would like to help improve Kwave, use it and try out its features! If you have questions or ideas, discuss them. If you find bugs, report them. If you want to get involved with development, download the source code and start hacking!

If you think my own work on Kwave is worth something and you can afford it, you can donate to me through Liberapay, Stripe, or PayPal.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

As we have been doing yearly, a few weeks ago we had the 2024 edition of Linux App Summit (LAS). For those of you who don’t know, the Linux App Summit is a conference co-organised between KDE and GNOME among others where to bring together the different stakeholders of the linux ecosystem to make sure we have all the collaboration tools in place to have a great state of the art platform for the uses the world needs from us.

This year it was special in that since it became the Linux App Summit, we held it outside of Europe! We had LAS in Monterrey, the northernmost part of México in the ITESM (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey), a really nice campus and a beautiful venue.

Besides meeting people from other projects as I’d normally do in LAS, this year I had the added opportunity to meet the community the other side of the ocean. There certainly are good differences between how we organise FOSS communities Europe and there, it’s always useful to experience and iterate to ensure we are truly creating a community for everyone.

LAS ’25, Call for hosts

Are you considering bringing such communities to your home town? Please reach out, you can find some information how to do that here:

In my opinion, organising a conference is one of the best ways to bring FOSS talent to where you are. It’s often hard to find new ways to be part of what we do, this is a great one. I personally had the opportunity to do it in LAS’19 in Barcelona and it was a great experience.

LAS has the added value of being a melting pot of people from different communities so it’s a great opportunity to meet people that you might not crossed paths with before!

¡Hola Federico!

Chat Changes, Editor Enhancements and Audio Advancements

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps.

This week's changes and improvements cover a wide range of applications, from audio apps (including the classic Amarok, which is making a comeback) to Kate getting improvements to its integrated Git features.

In between, you have everything from new functionalities for note-taking utilities and media players, to upgrades in financial software and mobile apps.

Let's dig in!

Amarok A powerful music player that lets you rediscover your music

Tuomas Nurmi worked on making the codebase Qt6-compatible. (Tuomas Nurmi, Link)

Ark Archiving Tool

Jin Liu disabled the "Compress to tar.gz/zip" service menu items in read-only directories. (Jin Liu, 24.12.0. Link)

Dolphin Manage your files

You can now sort your videos by duration. (Somsubhra Bairi, 24.12.0. Link)

Eren Karakas added more standard actions (Sort By, View Mode, Cut and Copy) to the context menu in the trash view. (Eren Karakas, 24.12.0. Link)

Elisa Play local music and listen to online radio

Elisa now supports loading lyrics from .lrc files sitting alongside the song files. (Gary Wang, 24.12.0. Link)

Manuel Roth fixed the bug in which the metadata for webradio http streams was not getting displayed. (Manuel Roth, 24.12.0. Link)

Haruna Media player

You now have the option to open videos in full screen mode. (Rikesh Patel, Link)

KDE Itinerary Digital travel assistant

Volker Krause was at the OSM Hack Weekend last week and worked on the support of MOTIS v2 API support in the public transport client library used by KDE Itinerary. He also added a map view of an entire trip to Itinerary and the KPublicTransport demo application.

Read more on his blog!

Kate Advanced Text Editor

In large repos, a git status update can be slow. The least we can do for the user is show that something is happening. Hence, now, if the git status is being refreshed you will see the refresh button become unclickable and start spinning. (Waqar Ahmed, 24.12.0. Link)

In the project tree view, files will now show their status in git. The status is shown minimally, i.e. via a small circle displayed in front of the file name. If the file has been modified, the circle is red; if the file is staged, it's green. (Waqar Ahmed, 24.12.0. Link)

We simplified the git panel by hiding the project combobox. The git panel will now show the status of the currently opened project. (Waqar Ahmed, 24.12.0. Link)

We fixed the SQL plugin's SQL export being randomly ordered. (Waqar Ahmed, 24.08.3. Link)

Clock Keep time and set alarms

KClock's timer now shows the remaining time instead of the elapsed time. (Zhangzhi Hu, 24.12.0. Link)

KMix Sound Mixer

We fixed the Audio Setup button, which didn't open the System Settings Audio page correctly. (Sergio Basto, 24.12.0. Link)

KMyMoney Personal finance manager based on double-entry bookkeeping

It's once again possible to download stock quotes from after they changed their output format. (Ralf Habacker, Link)

Reports can now be exported as PDF and XML. (Ralf Habacker, KMyMoney 5.2.0. Link 1, link 2)

Photos Image Gallery

We improved the design of the properties panel. (Carl Schwan, 24.12.0. Link)

Kleopatra Certificate manager and cryptography app

The name of the "KWatchGnuPG" utility provided by Kleopatra has been updated to "GnuPG Log Viewer" (Carl Schwan, 24.12.0. Link) and we gave it a new logo.

logo of "GnuPG Log Viewer"

KleverNotes Take and manage your notes

KleverNotes' painting mode has been completely rewritten. It is now possible to add circles, rectangles, labels, and to choose the stroke size. The UI also uses a new floating toolbar. (Louis Schul, 1.2.0. Link)

We improved the animation when switching pages. (Luis Schul, 1.2.0. Link)

The note preview in the appearance settings was simplified to only show the important parts. (Luis Schul, 1.2.0. Link)

KMail A feature-rich email application

Fix a crash in the Exchange Web Services (EWS) backend. (Louis Moureaux, 24.08.3. Link)

KRDC Connect with RDP or VNC to another computer

We fixed sharing folders. (Fabio Bas, 24.08.3. Link)

Merkuro Calendar Manage your tasks and events with speed and ease

Claudio Cambra fixed adding and creating sub-todos (Claudio Cambra, 24.08.3. Link and Link)) and a bug that made clicking on the month view unreliable. (Claudio Cambra, 24.08.3, Link).

We also added back the maps showing the location of individual events. This was disabled during the Qt6 migration and never enabled back afterwards. (Claudio Cambra, 24.08.3, Link)

NeoChat Chat on Matrix

Support for libQuotient 0.9 has been backported to NeoChat 24.08. This brings, among other things, cross-signing support and support for the Matrix 1.12 API, including most importantly content repo functionality switching to authenticated media. (James Graham, 24.08.0, Link)

Okular View and annotate documents

Albert Astals fixed switching between pages in the single-page mode when using a mouse with a "high resolution" scroll wheel. (Albert Astals Cid, 24.12.0. Link)

You can now use any image type as a signature background. (Sune Vuorela, 24.12.0. Link)

We removed the last CHM support mention in Okular and on the website. CHM support was dropped when transitioning to the Qt6 version. (Albert Astals Cid, 24.12.0. Link 1, link 2)

Zanshin To Do Management Application

Fixed an issue where projects would be displayed twice when toggling on and off their data source. (David Faure, 24.08.3. Link)

And all this too...

Justin Zobel fixed various appstream files to use the new way of declaring the developer's name. (Justin Zobel, KRuler, Gwenview, KEuroCalc, ...)

We ported various projects to use declarative QML declaration for better maintainance and performance (Carl Schwan, Koko, Francis, Kalk).

... And Everything Else

This blog only covers the tip of the iceberg! If you’re hungry for more, check out Nate's blog about Plasma and be sure not to miss his This Week in Plasma series, where every Saturday he covers all the work being put into KDE's Plasma desktop environment.

For a complete overview of what's going on, visit KDE's Planet, where you can find all KDE news unfiltered directly from our contributors.

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Saturday, 26 October 2024

Last weekend I attended the bi-annual OSM Hack Weekend in Karlsruhe again, organized by Geofabrik and this time hosted at a nearby university building due to the large number of participants.


My main focus has been getting the public transport client library used by KDE Itinerary ready for MOTIS v2, as Transitous, our community-run public transport routing service, will switch to that in the not too distant future.

One big new feature in MOTIS v2 is support for GTFS shapes. That is, getting detailed paths for public transport sections, beyond just positions of intermediate stops, which allows for a much more useful map display for example.

Even more importantly, MOTIS now also provides detailed multi-floor paths for transfers or other parts of a trip where you have to move yourself (walking, biking, etc). This is all based on OSM data and thus matches perfectly to the map data, but since practically no other backend provides this level of detail it also required a few changes in our data model and API.

Besides the new MOTIS API being much more intuitive than the previous one having had Felix from the MOTIS team around (even if just online) who instantly implemented all suggested improvements in the server made this super productive.

If your region isn’t covered by Transitous yet, check out the contributor documentation on how to change that.


For debugging parsing of paths provided by MOTIS I added a map view to the KPublicTransport demo app. That ended up getting close to what we’d need for a map view of an entire trip in Itinerary, so we also have that now. It’s not where I’d like it yet e.g. regarding interactivity and the look of bi-directional paths it’s a good start.

Map view showing tram and train paths as lines and pins marking hotels, event venues and restaurants.
Trip map view prototype in Itinerary.

A full trip map view was also one of the feature requests I got from other participants. Another suggestions that came up and that meanwhile has been implemented is pre-filling the stop location history with all locations involved in the current trip, which is quite helpful during trip planning.

Indoor Routing

Following a discussion on detailed mapping of hedges in outdoor mazes I learned there’s an OSM wiki page on that subject, which also lists a bunch of examples.

While I don’t really have any particular interest in outdoor mazes and/or fancy hedge art, these things just ask for being used as a test case for our indoor router.

Complex maze out of hedges, with a line showing a path through it.
Indoor router finding a way through a maze made out of hedges.

You can help!

Hack weekends how this is called in the OSM community or sprints as this is known in the KDE community are immensely valuable and productive. There’s a great deal of knowledge transfer happening, and they are a big motivational boost.

However, physical meetings incur costs, and that’s where your donations help! KDE e.V. and local OSM chapters like the FOSSGIS e.V. support these activities.

We continued fixing bugs and making UI improvements this week. You’ll notice a good many of them are about screens somehow! Ah, screens, the magical windows to our computers. They are amazing… and they suck. So many graphics driver bugs and hardware quirks to work around, so many edge cases to handle… and so that was a large part of what we spent doing for you, dear reader! Because getting all this screen stuff right has a massive impact on quality.

And of course there was a lot of other work too!

Notable UI Improvements

There’s a new behavior when dragging things out of a window that’s not the top one in the stacking order: the window with the dragged content remains where it is during the drag, instead of immediately jumping to the front (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

Kickoff, Kicker, and other launcher menus now have a “Help” category, and the Help Center app appears there instead of among other top-level categories (me: Nate Graham, Plasma 6.3 and KHelpCenter 24.12. Link 1, link 2, and link 3):

Added a touch-friendly UI for the clipboard widget that appears only when in touch mode (Fushan Wen, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

Fixed a case where some system components’ default shortcuts all wanted to use Meta+0 and interfered with one another. Now they all use different shortcuts:

  • “Zoom to Actual Size” remains Meta+0
  • “Manually Invoke Action on Current Clipboard” and “Activate Task Manager Entry 10” no longer have a default shortcut set

(Zhangzhi Hu, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

WireGuard VPNs are now considered VPNs by the Networks widget, and labeled and grouped accordingly (Ivan Tkachenko, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

Multi-instance or multi-process Flatpak apps are now grouped together and shown as only one app on System Monitor’s Applications page (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.3.0. Link):

SDDM themes that are actually just symlinks to other themes are now filtered out of the relevant page in System Settings (Bruno Ivan, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

Capped the maximum width of the Bluetooth file transfer error dialog so it can’t be ridiculously wide (Zhangzhi Hu, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

Added Breeze icons for Typst files (MV Puccino, Frameworks 6.8. Link)

A bunch of symbolic Breeze icons that were inappropriately symbolic-but-colorful are now monochrome to better match all the other monochrome symbolic icons (me: Nate Graham, Frameworks 6.8. Link)

Notable Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that could cause KWin to freeze when plugging in a Valve Index VR headset when there are no other screens enabled (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.2.2. Link)

Fixed a case where Plasma could crash when interacting with connected storage devices in certain ways (Fushan Wen, Plasma 6.2.2. Link)

Fixed a bug that would cause the positions of recently-renamed desktop files to not be saved to the config file correctly (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.2.2. Link). And on this subject, we’re currently deep into the process of fixing a related bug that causes icons to get scrambled when some (but not all) screens are turned off. Not for this week, but maybe next week!

Fixed a set of regressions that caused System Settings’ main window to not remember its size correctly (Akseli Lahtinen, Plasma 6.2.2 with Frameworks 6.8. Link)

Fixed a recent regression that made certain styles of user avatar image not get applied properly on System Settings’ Users page (Harald Sitter, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

Spectacle no longer fails to save MP4-formatted screen recordings some of the time (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

You can now do a rectangular region screencast on any screen in a multi-screen setup, not just the left-most one (David Redondo, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

The “Maximum time before updates” setting for grid-style System Monitor widgets now works (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

Worked around a quirk of certain HDR-capable screens screens that caused them to leave HDR move whenever any other display settings were changes (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

The “Forget all” menu item of Task Manager Task context menus now succeeds at forgetting abstract resources like URLs (Jin Liu, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

Made it more reliable to save custom names given to audio devices (Harald Sitter, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

Fixed a case where the ksystemstats background service that provides information to System Monitor and its widgets’ could crash due to a recent change in Qt (Arjen Hiemstra, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

Fixed a case where Plasma and other KDE apps could crash when ejecting a CD (Nicolas Fella, Frameworks 6.8. Link)

When your user account is slightly misconfigured and does not define a templates directory, the “Create New” menu does no longer weirdly populates itself with the entire contents of your home folder (Benjamin Gonzalez, Frameworks 6.8. Link)

Fixed an issue that could cause the setting to govern notification sound level to not appear as expected (Harald Sitter, Pulseaudio-Qt 1.6.1. Link)

Fixed a bug that could cause the pointer’s target to get sort of stuck after dragging things until after the first click following the completion of the drag. This was commonly seen when re-arranging Task Manager entries: if you failed to click once after dragging an app, the next drag would target the preciously-dragged app instead of the one you wanted (David Edmundson, Qt 6.8.1. Link)

Other bug information of note:

Performance & Technical

Improved the reliability of the “remember for next time” feature in the screen recording source chooser window (David Redondo, Plasma 6.3. Link)

Reduces a source of slowness in the Task Manager widget when faced with windows that have hundreds or thousands of characters in their titles (Jin Liu, Plasma 6.2.3. Link)

The Night Light feature now tints the screen in a colorimetrically correct way when not using ICC profiles (Xaver Hugl, Plasma 6.3.0. Link)

It’s now possible to use Plasma scripting to change panels’ opacity levels or what screen they appear on (Heitor Augusto Lopes Nunes and Devin Lin, Plasma 6.3.0. Link 1 and link 2)

How You Can Help

If you’re a developer, keep on working to fix Plasma 6.2 regressions! We’ve got ’em on the run, and this is our chance to finish them off!

Otherwise, visit to discover additional ways to be part of a project that really matters. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE; you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to already be a programmer, either. I wasn’t when I got started. Try it, you’ll like it! We don’t bite! Or consider donating instead! That helps too.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-43. It’s published later than usual since I’m attending the Ubuntu Summit 2024 and had to travel because of it.

Microsoft maintains its own Windows debloat scripts on GitHub

Tags: tech, microsoft, criticism, funny

This is indeed telling unfortunately. It’s kind of ironic that they felt the need of having their own debloat scripts.

This Is Exactly How an Elon Musk-Funded PAC Is Microtargeting Muslims and Jews With Opposing Messages

Tags: tech, democracy, politics

This is just insane, claiming two opposite things to different demographic groups for political gains. And if you try to stop this kind of manipulative stunts they’d probably cry wolf about free speech…

Big Tech has given itself an AI deadline

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, economics, energy, criticism

More signs of the current bubble being about to burst?

Google, Microsoft, and Perplexity promote scientific racism in AI search results

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, criticism

This is what you get by making bots spewing text based on statistics without a proper knowledge base behind it.

The 3 AI Use Cases: Gods, Interns, and Cogs

Tags: tech, ai, gpt, copilot, language

Using the right metaphors will definitely help with the conversation in our industry around AI. This proposal is an interesting one.

You Don’t Need Words to Think

Tags: cognition, neuroscience, language, logic, knowledge, research

Very interesting research. Looks like we’re slowly moving away from the “language and thinking are intertwined” hypothesis. This is probably the last straw for Chomsky’s theory of language. It served us well but neuroscience points that it’s time to leave it behind.

Reliable Reasoning Beyond Natural Language

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, logic, research

Now this is an interesting paper. Neurosymbolic approaches are starting to go somewhere now. This is definitely helped by the NLP abilities of LLMs (which should be used only for that). The natural language to Prolog idea makes sense, now it needs to be more reliable. I’d be curious to know how many times the multiple-try path is exercised (the paper doesn’t quite focus on that). More research is required obviously.

Introducing quantized Llama models with increased speed and a reduced memory footprint

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, optimization

More marketing announcement than real research paper. Still it’s nice to see smaller models being optimized to run on mobile devices. This will get interesting when it’s all local first and coupled to symbolic approaches.

You Should Probably Pay Attention to Tokenizers

Tags: tech, statistics, ai, machine-learning, gpt, language

This is still an important step with LLM. It’s not because the models are huge that tokenizers disappeared or that you don’t need to clean up your data.

Developing a Beautiful and Performant Block Editor in Qt C++ and QML

Tags: tech, markdown, qt, note-taking, tools

Ah! I wish MarkNotes or KleverNotes would work like this. I wish we’d have a reusable component in KDE Frameworks too. This is quite some work of course, too bad this isn’t FOSS.

Bookmark Keywords

Tags: tech, browser, firefox, bookmarks

A very useful but indeed little known feature of Firefox bookmarks.

The IPv6 Transition

Tags: tech, internet, protocols, ip

Looks like we’re stuck in the middle of the bridge. Also looks like the motivation to finish the transition isn’t high.

against /tmp

Tags: tech, programming, unix, security

Good reminder that /tmp has many security flaws built in.

The Part of PostgreSQL We Hate the Most

Tags: tech, databases, postgresql, design

Since everything has design choices which imply trade offs. Here is the main issue with PostgreSQL right now. Hopefully it’ll get modernized at some point.

Sensible SQLite defaults

Tags: tech, backend, databases, sqlite

Another nice list of defaults for SQLite. Some of them I didn’t have on my radar.

Using uv to develop Python command-line applications

Tags: tech, python, developer-experience

uv keeps showing promise to make development easier. It makes everything very much self contained.

Use data that looks like data

Tags: tech, programming, debugging

Definitely a sound advice. You don’t want to be confused when debugging something because it looks too much like a variable or a property name.

pytest selection arguments for failing tests

Tags: tech, tests, python

Another example of why pytest is really a nice test runner. I really miss it on projects which don’t have it.

SMURF: Beyond the Test Pyramid

Tags: tech, tests

Indeed a good way to reason about tests and the value they bring.

I’ve been writing software for the last 25 years. Here some things I learned so far

Tags: tech, career, engineering, craftsmanship, complexity

Another good set of advices. They’re not all technical which is to be expected.

Framework overload: when convenience dulls innovation in software development

Tags: tech, framework, complexity, knowledge, learning, debugging, craftsmanship

I very much agree with this. The relationship between developers and their frameworks is rarely healthy. I think the author misses an important advice though: read the code of your frameworks. When stuck invest sometime stepping into the frameworks with the debugger. Developers too often treat those as a black box.

Learning to learn

Tags: tech, learning, career

Definitely the most important skill to develop. Especially in our profession.

How do we evaluate people for their technical leadership?

Tags: tech, management, career, hr

Lots of open questions which are left unanswered. That said it shows how difficult it is to evaluate knowledge workers in general and that we’re often grasping to the wrong metrics.

Ground Rules of Fairness at Work

Tags: management, transparency, fair

Transparency and fairness are definitely important to keep people motivated across an organization. That doesn’t make it easy to deal with of course, but that’s where managers should focus.

Bye for now!