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Thursday, 15 June 2023

Bundle Creator


Welcome back! Last time, I successfully completed the development of the Bundle Creator up to the Resource Chooser page. This page now allows us to easily select resource items by applying filters based on tags or names. I’ve introduced some UI improvements, including the ability to click-to-select, the addition of a convenient Remove Selected button and the introduction of a visually appealing grid view to replace the traditional list view. These enhancements enhance the overall user experience and provide a more streamlined resource selection process.

The Bundle Creator Wizard

As mentioned in previous blog posts, the Bundle Creator consists of four pages: the Resource Chooser, Tag Chooser, Bundle Details, and Save to pages. These pages can be seen in the wizard’s side widget, and users can navigate between them using the Next and Back buttons. The Tag Chooser page retains a similar design to the Embed Tags page from the previous version of the bundle creator. It offers a familiar interface for users to select and embed tags to their new bundle. Similarly, the Bundle Details page maintains consistency with the previous bundle creator, where one can fill out the bundle name, author, website etc.

The inclusion of the Save to Page adds a crucial final step to the bundle creation process. It provides a summary of the bundle details, which includes the number of selected resource items per resource type, and the tags chosen for embedding. This comprehensive summary allows users to review and confirm their bundle’s content before finalizing the creation process.

By dividing the bundle creation process into these distinct and user-friendly pages, particularly for beginners, the Bundle Creator offers a streamlined and intuitive experience. Users can efficiently navigate through each step, making informed decisions and customizing their bundles according to their specific needs.

Bundle Creator

I have added a small tool button that allows switching between grid view and list view in both the resource manager and bundle creator, providing convenience to the users. Additionally, I have made the icons in the bundle creator more consistent.

Bundle Creator

Merge Request

My merge request can be viewed here.

Plans ahead

In the upcoming weeks, I would be working on adding the editing bundles feature, as well as improving the Choose Tags section. This requires some UI related feedback, and if you’re interested to help out, please feel free to drop a comment on this post I created on Krita Artists Forum!

Wednesday, 14 June 2023


For the first two weeks of the coding period, the aim was to have the basic UI for the Email Composition ready. UI design has been implemented and the PR is currently under review.

Week 1:

Before the start of the coding period I had a call with one of my mentors Carl, he gave me good guidance and suggestions on which aspect to focus first and also gave me a few resources to use as a reference which was a good starting point for me. My first task involved looking into how and where I could launch my Email Composition window from. At first, I looked at Menu actions but that seemed to not work and later got it to work by launching it from ToolBar actions. During the process, I got to learn how actions work and how powerful they are. Then I started working on the design of the UI trying to make it as close to my proposed mockup. During this I realized how powerful 'grep' is, whenever I got stuck somewhere I would start grepping and try to connect the dots as to how different aspects of the codebase worked together along with going through the documentation and code examples and by the end of the first week I managed to have a basic structure ready.

Week 2:

This week was more focused on adding the remaining aspects of the UI. I started by adding the send button. I tried out a few different icons to use with the send button and also got the community's review on the general UI, in the end, the 'document-send' breeze icon was selected to be used as a send button. In addition 'document-import' for attachments and 'user-trash' for delete icons were also used. Next, the focus was on adding the 'CC' and 'BCC' fields. At this point I also had a call with Carl to update him about my weekly progress, he also suggested me a much better approach than my initial attempt. By the end of this week, the UI of the Email composition was complete.

Also, I would like to thank both my mentors Claudio and Carl for their constant support and special thanks to Carl for taking time out of his schedule to hop on video calls with me and clear my doubts.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Summary of my experience at OpenSouthCode 2023

Saturday, 10 June 2023

I’m happy to announce the 1.1 release of Arianna. Arianna is a small ePub reader application I started with Niccolo some time ago. Like most of my open source applications, it is built on top of Qt and Kirigami.

Arianna is both an ePub viewer and a library management app. Internally, Arianna uses Baloo to find your existing ePub files in your device and categorize them.

New features

Arianna can now display the table of content of a book. This supports complex hierarchies of headings.

A table of content displayed as a right sidebar with a tree structure
A table of content displayed as a right sidebar with a tree structure

Arianna now provides you with the metadata about your books.

Dialog showing the title, author, description, license information about a book
Dialog showing the title, author, description, license information about a book

Additionally, you can now disable the reading progress on the library page if it distracts you.

Bug fixes

You can now read books without requiring an internet connection. We also fixed various crashes happening when indexing your books.

Get Involved

If you are interested in helping, don’t hesitate to reach out in the Arianna matrix channel ( and I will be happy to guide you.

I also regularly post about my progress on Arianna (and other KDE apps) on my Mastodon account, so don’t hesitate to follow me there ;) We also now have an official Mastodon account for Arianna

And in case you missed it, as a member of KDE’s fundraising working group, I need to remind you that KDE e.V., the non-profit behind the KDE community accepts donations.

Packager section

You can find the package on and it has been signed with my GPG key.

Friday, 9 June 2023

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-23.

Our Right To Challenge Junk Patents Is Under Threat  | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Tags: tech, patents, law

This is bound to make the US patent system even worse than it already is…

Vision Pro

Tags: tech, apple, ux, ar, vr, xr

Probably the best analysis of the new Apple device I’ve seen so far. Focuses more on the design of the user experience and compares with the strategy behind other similar devices. There are likely a lesson or two to be drawn from it.

Developers are lazy, thus Flatpak

Tags: tech, linux, packaging, flatpak

A good reminder that Flatpak is no silver bullet. It’s a bit of a rant at times still it has some good points in particular the security implications are not always properly conveyed to the users. Some thinking might be required regarding what’s lost compared to “traditional” packaging approaches.

ugrep - A faster, user-friendly and compatible grep replacement.

Tags: tech, tools, command-line

There’s a new grep alternative in town. Looks really fast and has an interesting interactive mode. Definitely something to check out.

Debugging Outside Your Comfort Zone: Diving Beneath a Trusted Abstraction

Tags: tech, complexity, architecture, config, debugging, automation

Very interesting case full of lessons. Of course, increasing the complexity of the system overall can lead to such hard to find issues. It’s also a tale into how seemingly innocuous settings can interact in unexpected ways. I also like the lessons learn pointing to the fact that you can and should debug even the systems you use through abstractions, diving into the code is almost always a good thing (even if in this particular case it wasn’t strictly necessary in the end). And last but not least it shows the tension between mastery and automation… the more you automate the least you master the system, and at the same time this automation is necessary for building resilience in the system.

graydon2 | The Rust I Wanted Had No Future

Tags: tech, rust, language, design, community

Interesting post, highlights why it’s better when languages are designed in a more community fashion (make sure to read until the conclusion). At least in term of popularity it seems to help.

PEP 695 – Type Parameter Syntax |

Tags: tech, python, pyright, type-systems

This will hopefully solve most of the oddities in the generic types syntax of Python. Will be available with CPython 3.12 and will need support from type checkers of course.

The Many Problems with Celery | Log Blog Kebab

Tags: tech, python, celery

Celery is a popular solution for job queues in the Python world… it’s far from perfect though. This list of fixes to make it safer to use is welcome if you’re stuck with it.


Tags: tech, python, frontend

OK, that looks like an interesting idea for the frontend bits if your stack is mainly Python based. Still very young though.

GitHub - bloomberg/pystack: 🔍 🐍 Like pstack but for Python!

Tags: tech, python, debugging

Looks like a very powerful tool for debugging and analyzing processes involving a Python interpreter.

My Approach to Building Large Technical Projects – Mitchell Hashimoto

Tags: tech, project-management, architecture, tests

Nothing really new but well written. This highlights fairly well the importance of decomposing projects, having at least the broad strokes of the architecture laid down and how automated tests help drive the progress. It’s nice to see it all put together.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

I have a few blog posts planned, but the one I wanted to post involving KDE color schemes isn’t finished yet (it’s enormous and tedious). So instead, today I’m showing you how simple it is to compile Kirigami with Qt6 so you can start playing with it ahead of time. Kirigami, KDE’s library that extends QtQuick, is a Tier 1 KDE Framework. The cool thing about it is that it has effectively no dependency on any KDE libraries.

Monday, 5 June 2023

gcompris 3.3

Today we are releasing GCompris version 3.3.

This version adds translations for 2 more languages: Arabic and Esperanto.

It contains bug fixes on multiple activities such as "Path encoding", "Letter in word", "Ballcatch" and "Piano composition".

Some improvements of keyboard handling (shortcuts, focus...) have been done on several activities.

It also contains new graphics and improvements on "Photo hunter".

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Azerbaijani
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • UK English
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Croatian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Belarusian (79%)
  • Czech (88%)
  • German (99%)
  • Esperanto (99%)
  • Estonian (99%)
  • Finnish (98%)
  • Hebrew (99%)
  • Hungarian (99%)
  • Macedonian (94%)
  • Russian (99%)
  • Slovak (87%)
  • Albanian (99%)
  • Swedish (98%)
  • Chinese Traditional (99%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

Friday, 2 June 2023

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-22.

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, data, copyright, japan

This is looking like a bad move. Clearly the fault of western countries though which let things unfold ambiguously regarding copyright… Now Japan is weakening copyright for everyone.

Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users’ Views

Tags: tech, ai, gpt, ethics, influence

This is early research of course but still the results are interesting. Once again, we’re much easier to influence than we’d like.


Tags: tech, ai, gpt, art

So close… and still. This is clearly still in the uncanny valley department at times.

Reflections on Ten Years Past The Snowden Revelations

Tags: tech, internet, ietf, protocols, privacy, surveillance, attention-economy, security, history, politics

This is an excellent and needed work of contextualization. Ten years after, looking back at how the Snowden Revelations impacted the internet and the work done by the IETF. It also shows there is plenty more to do…

How to Stare at Your Phone Without Losing Your Soul | Sim O.N.E. (Observations, Nonsense, Exaggerations)

Tags: tech, smartphone, attention-economy

This is a good point, this is a quality before quantity type of problem.

Linear feeds are a dark pattern

Tags: tech, social-media, fediverse, ux, design

Clearly the UI design matters quite a bit in term of how addictive all those social network systems are. The alternative proposed here is interesting, I wish it’d be more widely implemented.

halting problem : Configuring portals

Tags: tech, desktop, foss, linux, flatpak

This looks like a move in the right direction regarding desktop portals on Linux.

Cornell Virtual Workshop: Vectorization

Tags: tech, performance, vector

Nice and thorough workshop on vectorization, where it comes from, what it can do and how you can write code which is easier to vectorize for the compiler.

How to discover all the data sources, low-fuss way

Tags: tech, architecture, data, storage

Interesting way to list all the data stores of your system and map them. Has the advantage of being very lean and simple to apply.

On Software Dependency Engineering - HackMD

Tags: tech, supply-chain, foss

Interesting idea, for sure on a complex enough system just managing the dependencies can quickly become a full time job.

Feedback: I try to answer “how to become a systems engineer”

Tags: tech, system, engineering, software, expertise, learning

This rings true to me. What a messy path to get better at our craft!

Fold ‘N Fly » Paper Airplane Folding Instructions

Tags: paper, origami, funny

Who would have thought there are so many ways to make paper airplanes?

Bye for now!

Thursday, 1 June 2023


KStars v3.6.5 is released on 2023.06.01 for MacOS, Linux, and Windows. It's a bi-monthly bugfix release with a couple of exciting features.

Sky Map Rotation

Akarsh Simha added a new feature to allow the user to rotate the sky map. It also allows some standard settings like inverted view. Here are some the highlights:
  1. Rotate the sky-map freely: Shift + mouse drag on the sky map
  2. Pick pre-defined orientations: Zenith Up / Zenith Down / North Up / North Down depending on the coordinate system being used
  3. A magic mode for Dobsonians: The Erect Observer Correction feature, when selected along with Horizontal Coordinates / Zenith Down settings, will reproduce the orientation seen in the eyepiece of a Dobsonian. May need a one-time adjustment for your specific Dobsonian using the shift + drag feature.

Optimal Sub-Exposure Calculator

Joseph McGee made his first contributor to KStars with the Optimal Sub-Exposure Calculator. This is the first iteration of the calculator and only a handful of camera profiles is supported. There are different points of view within the astrophtography community on how optimal sub-exposure should be calculated and whether we should consider other factors such as processing time given the volume of data produced. Your feedback would be appreciated on this first iteration of the calculator.

Implementation of an optimal sub-exposure calculator based upon the work of, and presentation by, Dr Robin Glover. The calculator considers multiple inputs to determine a sub-exposure time which will provide minimal overall noise in the image:

  • A sky quality measurement (SQM) for light pollution
  • The optic focal length
  • A filter bandwidth
  • Camera read-noise (based upon gain/iso)
  • An optional adjustment to the allowable increase in noise from light pollution

As inputs are adjusted the calculator will refresh graphic presentation of potential exposure times of the range of gains, and update calculated outputs. The output values are separated into two sections: one for the sub-exposure, and another for image stacks of various integration times.

The sub-exposure outputs are:

  • the optimal sub-exposure time
  • the count of electrons produced from light-pollution
  • the shot noise, (noise from light pollution)
  • the total exposure noise, (the combined noise from light-pollution and camera read-noise)

The image stack information is presented in a table showing:

  • planned integration hours
  • the count of exposures to reach the planned integration hours
  • the actual stack (integration time) in seconds
  • the noise for the stack
  • a ration of stack time to noise, (as a indicator of quality)

An instance of the sub-exposure calculator can be started from a new 'clock' icon on the ekos capture screen. Multiple instances of the sub-exposure calculator can be started concurrently so that side-by-side comparisons can be made for variations in inputs.

Data for camera read-noise will be provided through individual xml files which will be user maintained and published in a repository. These camera data files persisted within a folder "exposure_calculator" under user/local/share/kstars. The calculator includes the capability to download camera files from a repository. Upon the initial start of the calculator at least one camera data file download will be mandatory before the calculator can be instantiated.

The intent is that camera data file names will be used to allow the calculator to select an appropriate camera data file based upon the device id of the active camera. (But some of the initial camera files were named using educated guesses, and will likely need to be re-named).

Rotator Dialog Improvements

Toni Schriber merged improvements and fixes for the Rotator Dialog. As shown in the illustrations the user interface is very simple and there is only one parameter to set: The Camera Position Angle. It is a very consistent term and easy to understand. The same Position Angle (PA) is also used in Alignment, Scheduler, and the Sky Map.

In the gauge this angle is presented in the same color as the FOV in the planetarium sky and in viewing direction. This way one can relate and understand this angle intuitively. The rotator angle is presented in gray and also in viewing direction. This angle is calculated from the Camera PA and the Cameras Offset Angle which is calibrated each time a [Capture & Solve] or a [Load & Slew] is brought into action. For further clarity the rotator angle and the camera offset is displayed again in a information window together with the current pier side.

The Rotator Settings can be accessed either in the Capture or Align modules.

Focus Linear 1 Pass Improvements

John Evans continued his phenomenal improvements to Ekos Focus module with L1P Phase 2 changes as detailed in the Linear Focus Phase 2 document. Here are the highlights:

  1. Optimized curve fitting . Should be faster and more accurate and includes outlier rejection.
  2. Currently HFR is the only fitting "measure" available. The following have been added: a) HFR Adj (adjusted HFR to compensate for star brightness vs background variation) b) FWHM c) Number stars (max at focus rather than a min) d) Fourier Power (alternative focus method not requiring star detection)
  3. Focus units can be displayed in pixels or arc-seconds.
  4. Critical Focus Zone - a calculator with 3 different algorithms has been added
  5. Focus Offset Utility to automatically build focus offsets.
  6. Take flats at same focus point as lights has been fixed.
  7. Focus Adviser. Still working on this but a tool to help with focus parameters (since there are now so many).
  8. SEP parameters suggestions for focus. Keen to get some feedback on this.
  9. Adaptive focus to adapt the focuser position between Autofocus runs, aiming to keep optimum focus for each sub-frame. Adaptations for Temperature and Altitude are supported.
  10. Adaptive focuser start . The starting position for an AF run can be filter and Adaptive Focus adjusted.
  11. Focus walks added to control how the inward sweep of the AF process performs.
  12. AF Overscan originally implemented in the Linear algorithm and then reused by Linear 1 Pass now extended to all focuser movements.

In addition to HFR, you can now use different measurements (FHWM, # of Stars, Fourier Power) that may work well with your setup and environment. Here are some focus runs with each of the new measurements types. You will notice that the solutions are very close to each other.


# Of Stars

Fourier Power

Focus Aberration Inspector

Wolfgang Reissenberger introduced the mosaic view well known from PixInsight's AberrationInspector script that builds a mosaic from all image corners and center tiles such that they can be compared directly.

Supernovae are back

The last few releases was missing supernovae data since the online source that was providing the data decided to go offline. Thankfully, Philipp Auersperg-Castell communicated with the fine folks over the Transient Name Server (IAU Supernovae Working Group) to obtain daily supernovae updates and imported them to KStars. All Recent supernovae should be available now in KStars.

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

I can’t believe it’s already the end of May! This month turned out a little meatier than last month I think, but I still have a large backlog of merge requests and TODOs to go through.


[Feature] Now when there isn’t enough space to display the QR code in the clipboard applet, there is a clearer message of what to do next.

Screenshot of the new message in action.

[Bugfix] On the topic of QR codes, the menu is now a menu of radio buttons and not checkboxes which didn’t make sense because it’s an exclusive option.

You can’t have two different codes being displayed after all.

[Feature] There is now a separator above the “Close” action in the window menu!

It now matches other context menus with this action, e.g. the Task Manager

[Feature] I added a metadata extractor for Krita files, which means certain information about your Krita artwork can show up in Dolphin, Baloo and other programs that can take advantage of it! This includes helpful information such as canvas width, height and creation date.

A slightly outdated screenshot, but showing off some of the metadata it can extract

[Feature] Soon, the Language and Region settings will support the $LANGUAGE environment variable. This only affects users who did not configure the language explicitly from KDE, like those coming from another computing environment. We already supported loading your pre-existing language from $LANG. Included in that merge request is a fix that stops an erroneous warning message telling you that your language isn’t supported, even though it clearly is.

Plasma SDK

[Feature] For new users of the Plasma SDK, there is now a clearer and more helpful message when you start plasmoidviewer without an applet specified.

$ plasmoidviewer
An applet name or path must be specified, e.g. --applet org.kde.plasma.analogclock

[Feature] I proposed making the icon name selectable, because I can’t stop myself from clicking on it!

Screenshot of selecting the icon name in Cuttlefish.

Gamepad KCM

Jeremy Whiting has been hard at work improving the backend code, and I finally took a shot at creating a proper art prototype of the controller that will be featured in the KCM.

Unable to find image concept.PNG!

This will be the base image for the different controller types, and it will change depending on what controller we detect. Neither of us are experts in Inkscape, so we plan for the this to be easily tweakable by actual designers who do not need to know the fine details of the KCM. This is possible because we’re also developing an Inkscape extension to automate exporting SVG files into QML templates that describe button, trigger positions and so on.

The concept is already working in the KCM, but it looks a little off right now and isn’t ready for showcasing yet :-)


[Feature] Many users (including myself) have been experiencing crashes because of the video support added in the last release. QtMultimedia - the library we used for video support - in Qt5 is frustratingly buggy, but has improved in Qt6. Unfortunately, we still have a few more months before KDE Gear applications like Tokodon can switch to Qt6 only and we need a solution for the crashes now. I started porting Tokodon’s video support to mpv which is also used in PlasmaTube!

Playing videos and GIFs should be less crashy, but with worse scrolling performance. However, I worked hard to make sure this only affects auto-play, so if you don’t that option enabled then you shouldn’t notice a difference. This change is almost ready and should appear in the next release, but it lacks testing on Android.

[Feature] You can now change certain account preferences, but the selection is limited due to lack of a proper API. These are preferences that were supported before, but now you can change them from within Tokodon.

The preferences you can tweak in Tokodon

And a whole slew of smaller stuff, some which are appearing in the next bugfix release:

Tokodon on GNOME!

[Feature] For the current and future contributors, I started working on better and more detailed documentation. The first two areas I covered was timeline models and the account classes!

[Feature] In terms of starting even more future work, I started implementing QtKeychain support, and rewriting the current, and buggy, account saving mechanism with KConfig. This will hopefully land in the next release, and fix a whole slew of nagging security and account duplication bugs.


If you’ve been noticing that qqc2-desktop-style on Plasma 6 is spitting out some weird stuff in your logs:

Warning: file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool (file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33, )
Warning: file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool (file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33, )
Warning: file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool (file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33, )
Warning: file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool (file:///home/josh/kde6/usr/lib/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileCursor.qml:33, )

[Bugfix] I fixed that! It also needs these ECM changes to work. It turns out ECMQmlModule didn’t handle singleton types, and other nagging problems that qqc2-desktop-style needed. I’ve been dabbling in this module for the past month or so so it’s exciting to be able to help here.


I took some time to improve the codebase of our Japanese reference tool Kiten, because it seems to have not been very active the past few years. I think it was written before we used C++11. I found a bunch of places where 0 was used to set pointers to null!

I started replacing the old foreach macro, use auto to prevent duplicate types and other modern C++ gardening tasks.

Websites and Documentation

The Matrix redirector update is now merged, which I started in February. This means NeoChat is now preferred right below Element Web (which is still pointed towards ). Thanks to Thiago Sueto, the Community Wiki has been updated already and I sent two merge requests to update and the footer.

The updated redirector!

To finish off more February work, I got around to working on the two big pieces of API documentation improvements for KDE Frameworks 6. If you don’t remember, I wanted to add import statements for components meant to be used in Qt Quick. Doxygen already gives us hints for C++ headers, so QML users shouldn’t be left in the dust. For example, how are you even supposed to use this component?

This is a real example. Not all components are like this, fortunately.

In order to accomplish this, subclasses of QQuickItem need to have their doc comments modified. The first library to get this treatment is plasma-framework, see the merge requests for PlasmaCore, PlasmaQuick and hiding ToolTipDialog.

For regular QML-based components, doxyqml (the tool to auto-generate QML documentation, because Doxygen lacks support for the language) needed to spit these out too. The merge request to add import statements is cleaned up, the tests fixed and ready for final review!

Ah! I had to import that module!

I also spent some time cleaning up the Community wiki, which just means I roam around and make sure links aren’t dead and the formatting looks nice. If you’re interested in some wiki improvement, join us in #kde-www and the Issue board!


I was recently researching how well Tokodon works out of the box on other desktop environments. It turns out 90% of issues with Kirigami applications can be solved by installing breeze-icons and qqc2-desktop-style! We might be enforcing this soon, so if you are in charge of packaging Kirigami applications, please make add them as weak or required dependencies! I will probably start filing packaging bugs soon.

In terms of KDE packaging issues in distributions, I opened up two this month:

Akademy 2023

I’m also attending Akademy this year in Thessaloniki! My passport was delivered this month, which is strangely hard to get in the USA (currently.)

I finally got the passport today! Pretty happy that I no longer have to worry about this little book :bunhdgoogly:

Image 110391767845930597 from toot 110391772254719472 on

I booked my accommodations last week, so I’m excited to see everyone in-person in July! This is my first time traveling outside of the North American continent, and to Europe no less. I’ll be documenting my experience traveling and at Akademy, but I’m not sure what format it’ll be in yet.