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Wednesday, 14 December 2022

At KDE we have multiple levels of quality assurance ranging from various degrees of a humans testing features to fully automated testing. Indeed automated testing is incredibly important for the continued quality of our software. A big corner stone of our testing strategy are so called unit tests, they test a specific piece of our software for its behavior in isolation. But for many aspects of our software we need a much higher level view, testing pieces of Plasma’s application launcher in isolation is all good and well but that won’t tell us if the entire UI can be easily navigated using the keyboard. For this type of test we require a different testing approach altogether. A couple months ago I’ve set set out to create a testing framework for this use case and I’m glad to say that it has matured enough to be used for writing tests. I’d like to walk you through the technical building blocks and a simple example.

Let us start of by looking at the architecture at large. So… there’s Selenium which is an incredibly popular, albeit web-oriented, testing framework. Its main advantages for us are its popularity and that it sports a server-client split. This means we can leverage the existing client tooling available for Selenium without having to write anything ourselves, we only need to grow a server. The server component, called a WebDriver, implements the actual interaction with UI elements and is generic enough to also apply to desktop applications. Indeed so thought others as well: there already exists Appium - it extends Selenium with more app-specific features and behaviors. Something for us to build upon. The clients meanwhile are completely separate and talk to the WebDriver over a well defined JSON REST protocol, meaning we can reuse the existing clients without having to write anything ourselves. They are available in a multitude of programming languages, and who knows maybe we’ll eventually get one for writing Selenium tests in QML ;)

That of course doesn’t explain how GUI testing can work with this on Linux. Enter: AT-SPI. AT-SPI is an accessibility API and pretty much the standard accessibility system for use on Linux. Obviously its primary use is assistive technologies, like the screen reader Orca, but to do its job it essentially offers a toolkit-independent way of introspecting and interacting with GUI applications. This then gives us a way to implement a WebDriver without caring about the toolkit or app specifics. As long as the app supports AT-SPI, which all Qt apps do implicitly, we can test it.

Since all the client tooling is independent of the server all we needed to get GUI testing going was a WebDriver that talks to AT-SPI.

That is what I set out to write and I’m happy to announce that we now have an AT-SPI based WebDriver, and the first tests are popping into existence already. There is also lovely documentation to hold onto.

So, without further ado. Let us write a simple test. Since the documentation already writes one in Python I’ll use Ruby this time around so we have some examples of different languages. A simple candidate is KInfoCenter. We can test its search functionality with a couple of lines of code.

First we need to install selenium-webdriver-at-spi, clone it, cmake build it, and cmake install it. You’ll also need to install the relevant client libraries. For ruby that’s simply running gem install appium_lib.

Then we can start with writing our test. We will need some boilerplate setup logic. This is more or less the same for every test. For more details on the driver setup you may also check the wiki page.

  def setup
    @appium\_driver =
        'caps' => { app: 'org.kde.kinfocenter.desktop' },
        'appium\_lib' => {
          server\_url: '',
          wait\_timeout: 10,
          wait\_interval: 0.5
      }, true
    @driver = @appium\_driver.start\_driver

The driver will take care of starting the correct application and make sure that it is actually running correctly. Next we’ll write the actual test. Let’s test the search. The first order of business is using a tool called Accerciser to inspect the AT-SPI presentation of the application. For more information on how to use this tool please refer to the wiki. Using Accerciser I’ve located the search field and learned that it is called ‘Search’. So, let’s locate it and activate it, search for the CPU module:

  def test\_search
    search = driver.find\_element(:name, 'Search')

Next let us find the CPU list item and activate it:

    cpu = driver.find\_element(:class\_name, '\[list item | CPU\]')

And finally let’s assert that the page was actually activated:

    cpu\_tab = driver.find\_element(:class\_name, '\[page tab | CPU\]')

To run the complete test we can use the run wrapper: selenium-webdriver-at-spi-run ./kinfocentertest.rb (mind that it needs to be +x). If all has gone well we should get a successful test.

Finished in 1.345276s, 0.7433 runs/s, 1.4867 assertions/s.

1 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
I, \[2022-12-14T13:13:53.508516 #154338\]  INFO -- : tests done
I, \[2022-12-14T13:13:53.508583 #154338\]  INFO -- : run.rb exiting true

This should get you started with writing a test for your application! I’ll gladly help and review your forthcoming tests. For more detailed documentation check out the writing-tests wiki page as well as the appium command reference.

Of course the work is not done. selenium-webdriver-at-spi is very much still a work in progress and I’d be glad for others to help add features as they become needed. The gitlab project is the place for that. <3

The complete code of the example above:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen\_string\_literal: true

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Harald Sitter <>

require 'appium\_lib'
require 'minitest/autorun'

class TestKInfoCenter < Minitest::Test
  attr\_reader :driver

  def setup
    @appium\_driver =
        'caps' => { app: 'org.kde.kinfocenter.desktop' },
        'appium\_lib' => {
          server\_url: '',
          wait\_timeout: 10,
          wait\_interval: 0.5
      }, true
    @driver = @appium\_driver.start\_driver

  def teardown

  def test\_search
    search = driver.find\_element(:name, 'Search')

    cpu = driver.find\_element(:class\_name, '\[list item | CPU\]')

    cpu\_tab = driver.find\_element(:class\_name, '\[page tab | CPU\]')

Monday, 12 December 2022

It’s a Plasma widget that visualizes what’s going on on your system, music-wise that is. I’ve started this project years ago but only recently found the motivation to get it to a somewhat acceptable state. It’s pretty amazing to have bars flying across the screen to Daft Punk’s `Touch`.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Qt 6 introduced a new way to access platform specific objects and functionality in the QNativeInterface namespace. Starting with Qt 6.5 it will be possible to obtain handles to wayland object handles this way. Let’s look at what’s new and how it improves on the past method.

In Qt 5 there were to two options to access platform-specific API and native handles of the current platform. If you were lucky, your platform had an ‘Extras’ module like Qt Max Extras, Qt X11 Extras or Qt Android Extras. However these were removed for Qt 6 and if you ever needed something that was not exposed this way or the platform had no ‘Extras’ module (like Wayland), it was also possible to access functionality via QPlatformNativeInterface. An example usage of would look like this:

QPlatformNativeInterface *nativeInterface = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
if (!nativeInterface) {
auto seat = static_cast<wl_seat*>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForIntegration("wl_seat"));
auto surface = static_cast<wl_surface*>(nativeInterface->nativeResourceForWindow("surface", window));
if (!seat || !surface) {
// do something with seat and surface

The snippet shows multiple problems of this API. One is that it is not type safe, the nativeResourceFor... functions return void*. I could easily have forgotten to change the type in the second cast with further implications down the line. The second problem is that it is not obvious at all what is available, no header file will tell you. One has to either already know or read the implementation. Additionally any typo in the string will break the functionality.

Qt 6 solves this with the interfaces in the QNativeInterface namespace. They provide type safe access to the platform specific parts. Using the new interfaces for Wayland in Qt 6.5 we can rewrite the above:

auto waylandApp = qGuiApp->nativeInterface<QNativeInterface::QWaylandApplication>();
auto waylandWindow = window->nativeInterface<QNativeInterface::Private::QWaylandWindow>();
if (!waylandApp || !waylandWindow) {
auto seat = waylandApp->seat();
auto surface = waylandWindow->surface();
if (!seat || !surface) {
// do something with seat and surface

Much nicer. The nativeInterface functions check that the interface is available on the object and from there on usage is straightforward. It’s obvious what’s available by looking at the header or the documentation. For example through QWaylandApplication it’s possible to access the wayland objects that Qt is using internally as well as the input serial of the last user action which is sometimes required to pass in other wayland protocols.

The astute reader might have noticed that in the snippet QWaylandWindow is in the nested QNativeInterface::Private namespace for now. The interface chosen here is being evaluated and a bit experimental (due to the need of signalling surface creation and destruction, it’s the first native interface inheriting from QObject!) and as I wanted to get this into Qt 6.5 I followed the precedent of QWindow native interfaces of the other platforms also being private for now. QWaylandOutput also resides next to its cousins in QNativeInterface::Private. Still I hope they don’t need to stay too long there and can be made public soon.

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-49.

I Taught ChatGPT to Invent a Language - by Dylan Black

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, linguistics

Hard not to have at least some ChatGPT related news this week. Plenty of impressive experiments out there… I think this one is hands down the most impressive one. I’m biased though, I like linguistics inspired works.

ChatGPT and the viability of replacing humans with circus tricks

Tags: tech, programming, ai, machine-learning, gpt

Words of caution regarding the use of language models for producing code. This can derail fairly quickly and earlier than you’d expect… without noticing it.

Twitter Thrills Far-Right Trolls by Silencing Left-Wing Voices

Tags: tech, twitter, social-media, politics

This is really going down the drain. Right wings extremists basically took over the content moderation vacuum. I wonder how long before this turns into simply into an extremist echo chamber with no real user on it.

Samsung’s Android app-signing key has leaked, is being used to sign malware | Ars Technica

Tags: tech, android, security

This shows really bad practices… and lack of transparency, worrying for users.

The architecture of Mastodon

Tags: tech, fediverse, architecture

Nice explanation of the Mastodon architecture, how it propagates messages and interactions or how it scales.


Tags: tech, 3d

That looks like a nice even though a bit niche 3D model editor. I like this kind of style.

GitHub - datafold/data-diff: Efficiently diff data in or across relational databases

Tags: tech, tests, databases

Looks like an interesting tool when you need to diff databases. Definitely something I’d see myself using for large pin tests.

Structured concurrency in Java with Loom

Tags: tech, java, multithreading

Interesting new concurrency model in Java. Probably a good inspiration in other situations.

The Git Parable

Tags: tech, git

An old piece, I sometimes like to revisit the basics so here it goes. A nice explanation of how Git is built and how it works internally. It’s of course a simplification in some way but close enough to have a good mental model of what goes on behind the commands we use.

A debugging manifesto

Tags: tech, debugging

Excellent piece about the right attitude to have around debugging.

What I learned from pairing by default

Tags: tech, pairing, programming

Good balanced view about pair programming. I’d definitely like to practice it more, although whole days might be a bit too much and too exhausting.

37 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Said the Best Managers Never Actually Want to Be Managers. Science Says He Was Right |

Tags: tech, management

I’m not a huge fan of the “Steve Jobs said…” to justify thing, a clear rhetoric trick. Still, I think this short piece nails it down, it’s just better when managers actually know the job. It’s better to promote someone who knows it and coach that person into the job. There’s only one challenge then (which is glanced over in the paper): how to keep this manager technically relevant over time. It’s not that easy in our field.

The Most Brutal Ant: The Slaver Ant Polyergus - YouTube

Tags: science, ants, surprising

No really… ants are scary!

Bye for now!

As you may know KDE consists of many different subprojects, where some projects depend on other projects. Most KDE projects depend on some KDE Frameworks, but other dependencies are also possible, e.g. plasma-desktop depends on plasma-workspace. To be able to automate building projects (for the CI system or tools like kdesrc-build) you need a machine-readable source of dependency information.

For a long time this information has been available in a set of files in repo-metadata. To declare for example plasma-desktop’s dependency on plasma-workspace one would write the line

kde/workspace/plasma-desktop: kde/workspace/plasma-workspace

to the relevant file.

Since most projects depend on a lot of KDE Frameworks, and specifying each of the frameworks manually is somewhat cumbersome, a virtual frameworks/kf5umbrella project that depends on all frameworks was introduced. By default all projects depend on this helper project. This metadata was used both by the Jenkins-based CI and kdesrc-build.

The approach worked well enough, but had some drawbacks. First of all most projects don’t actually depend on all frameworks, so kdesrc-build would build projects that you don’t actually need, which is wasteful. Second, the format had no way for platform-specific adjustments, like defining that X depends on Y on Linux but not Windows. This was especially problematic for our Android builds, where it would try to build projects that don’t actually support Android or weren’t needed but increasing the size of the final APK. This problem was solved by moving our Android builds to use Craft, which maintains its own dependency metadata.

Because of these shortcomings when we replaced our Jenkins-based CI with Gitlab CI sysadmins came up with a new way of defining dependencies for each project. Instead of a single, global file with all information each project now has a .kde-ci.yml file in its repository that defines the dependencies. There is no equivalent of the kf5umbrella any more, which forces projects to explicitly list all of their frameworks dependencies. The new format also allows to define platform-specific dependency information. For example Neochat’s .kde-ci.yml looks like this:

- 'on': ['@all']
    'frameworks/extra-cmake-modules': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kcoreaddons': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kirigami': '@stable'
    'frameworks/ki18n': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kconfig': '@stable'
    'frameworks/syntax-highlighting': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kitemmodels': '@stable'
    'frameworks/knotifications': '@stable'
    'libraries/kquickimageeditor': '@stable'
    'frameworks/sonnet': '@stable'
    'libraries/kirigami-addons': '@latest'
    'third-party/libquotient': '@latest'
    'third-party/qtkeychain': '@latest'
    'third-party/cmark': '@latest'

- 'on': ['Windows', 'Linux', 'FreeBSD']
    'frameworks/qqc2-desktop-style': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kio': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kwindowsystem': '@stable'
    'frameworks/kconfigwidgets': '@stable'

- 'on': ['Linux', 'FreeBSD']
    'frameworks/kdbusaddons': '@stable'

However, kdesrc-build still uses the old dependency infomation. As it is natural for two instances of the same information, they eventually got out of sync and the metadata used by kdesrc-build got more and more incorrect. Something had to be done. Due to its architecture it isn’t really feasible for kdesrc-build to directly read the .kde-ci.yml files since that would require cloning the repos to read the data. Instead we opted to generate the old-style dependency data from the .kde-ci.yml files. In an attempt to learn Rust I wrote a tool that does this and committed the initial result. In the spirit of the recently announced Automation Goal this ought to be automated fully, but that’s for another day.

Any missing information in the generated data should be fixed by adding it to the relevant .kde-ci.yml file. If you find any other issues with the generated data please let me know.

To support more KDE-wide building-block initiatives like this KDE is hiring a Software Platform Engineer. Hiring people is enabled through your donations to KDE. Check out our End of Year Fundraiser that will enable more of this work to happen.

Happy kdesrc-building!

I am happy to share that this year we were able to host the KDE booth at the 19th annual Southern California Linux Expo-SCaLE 19X  that took place on July 28-31, 2022 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport in LA, California.

SCaLE covers visitors from all over the United States and around the world. It is the largest, community-run, open-source, and free software conference in North America.

We collaborated with OpenSUSE, LOPSA and NextCloud with the vision to promote cross community growth and to provide outreach and knowledge regarding our communities. 

Our booth was appreciated for a lot of things but the main attraction was the banner, attendees loved finding the logos of their favorite KDE tools. Our setup consisted of one big screen showcasing a promotional video of KDE, interactive laptops, Plasma Mobile, and lots of Katie and Konqui stickers.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the excitement attendees had seeing us participate; they were willing to know more about our products, and what was going on with the KDE community. People love experimenting on Plasma Desktop and had fun trying out our applications. Plasma Mobile was also a hot topic of discussion and attendees were very eager to know the updates regarding it. Amongst our attendees, we had a lot of college students interested in joining our community and contributing to open source projects in general. 

Attendees of all ages showed a keen interest towards our GCompris Application, with lots of kids enjoying playing educational games. One of the attendees was part of the education administration of a local school district and even expressed some interest in integrating the application as a beta at a few schools.

This was the first time we offered swag at our booth and the Katie and Konqui Stickers were a big hit in attracting attendees to our booth. 

We went into this conference with a specific goal of outreach and spreading the word about KDE and I believe we succeeded quite a bit as we got a chance to work at a grass-roots level and find the next generation of open source contributors who are excited about the future of KDE.

This entire conference would not have been possible without Drew Adams and the entire OpenSuse community who played a huge role in helping us get a foothold at this conference. On behalf of all of KDE we want to thank them and acknowledge all the hard work that was involved to make this event happen.

Hope to see you all at SCaLE 20X next year in March. 

Till then Happy coding.

Monday, 5 December 2022

Dear digiKam fans and users,

After four months of active maintenance and another bug triage, the digiKam team is proud to present version 7.9.0 of its open source digital photo manager. See below the list of most important features coming with this release.

Bundles Internal Component Updates

As with the previous releases, we take care about upgrading the internal components from the Bundles. Microsoft Windows Installer, Apple macOs Package, and Linux AppImage binaries now hosts:

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Dolphin 22.12 is going to be released in a few days so it is high time that I report on its big new feature which I have implemented: the selection mode. In this light-hearted video I will present it next to problems, whose solutions have not been implemented yet.

The video has English subtitles.

At the end of the video I am mentioning that supporting KDE through a donation is definitely a good idea. Wait … There is actually a KDE fundraiser going on right now? Here is the link:

Friday, 2 December 2022

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-48.

osquery | Easily ask questions about your Linux, Windows, and macOS infrastructure

Tags: tech, monitoring

This looks like an interesting OS level monitoring solution.

WebAssembly: Go vs Rust vs AssemblyScript :: Ecostack — a developer blog

Tags: tech, webassembly, performance

Little simple benchmark of WebAssembly performances for the most common languages found there. Careful to the payload size though.

Using Rust at a startup: A cautionary tale | by Matt Welsh | Nov, 2022 | Medium

Tags: tech, programming, rust, architecture

Don’t believe claims about Rust (or any other options in fact) being a language for universal use. It has a few spaces where it shines and others where it’ll be a drag. Picking the right language and stack is a multi-factor decision process where the technical advantages of the language itself say less than half of the story.

I am disappointed by dynamic typing • Buttondown

Tags: tech, type-systems, metaprogramming

Interesting take about what could make dynamic typing truly shine if it got all the way to runtime manipulation in a consistent manner. We’re far from it though.

Git Notes: git’s coolest, most unloved­ feature - Tyler Cipriani

Tags: tech, git

Obscure feature definitely but we’re happy it’s there… maybe one day it’ll indeed allow to have much more independence from the code forges.

I/O is no longer the bottleneck

Tags: tech, performance

Definitely this, we have to stop pointing disk I/O so much for performance issues. This is just not really slow anymore. Obviously network is a different story.

Falsehoods programmers believe about undefined behavior

Tags: tech, compiler, c, c++, rust

Undefined behavior do exist and well… they’re really undefined, don’t make any assumption about them.

Cache invalidation really is one of the hardest problems in computer science – Surfing Complexity

Tags: tech, performance, multithreading

Nice summary on the false sharing problem with caches and how it can impact your performances in multithreaded contexts.

Recognizing patterns in memory // TimDbg

Tags: tech, debugging, memory

Interesting set of memory patterns. Didn’t know all of them, some are definitely useful and I already use, I’ll try to look for the others next time I need to.

Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests

Tags: tech, git, project-management, maintenance

Nice list of things to keep in mind when working on projects, even small personal ones. This greatly improve maintainability in the long run.

Why writing by hand is still the best way to retain information - Stack Overflow Blog

Tags: tech, low-tech, note-taking, book

There’s definitely a tension between something which you can organize and search easily (by typing) and something you can remember better (by hand writing). That’s why I can’t get rid of hand written notes completely, I practice a mix of both depending on the use.

Bye for now!

Friday, 25 November 2022

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-47.

Open letter for the right to install any software on any device - FSFE

Tags: tech, vendor-lockin, foss

Definitely something to sign, let’s get back some freedom on the device we got in our pocket.

Digital environmental impact evaluation accross organizations

Tags: tech, ecology

I often find tools regarding environmental impacts on the client side. This group seems to focus more on the server side, definitely something to look into.

The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (if we don’t screw it up)

Tags: tech, fediverse, social-media

This sudden rise of the Fediverse is indeed a chance. Let’s hope it’s not wasted. Good list of things to pay attention to in this article.

Tags: tech, blog, rss

Woa, that’s definitely welcome. A strong list of blogs to use in your feed aggregator. Time to explore.

Tree views in CSS

Tags: tech, web, frontend, css

Nice CSS trick to make collapsable trees without too much fuss.

An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS

Tags: tech, frontend, browser, css

Nice guide, the interactive parts definitely help. Good way to improve CSS use.

Internals of sets and dicts | Fluent Python, the lizard book

Tags: tech, python, performance, optimization

Interesting deep dive on how sets and dicts are implemented in CPython. There are a couple of interesting tricks in there.

Always use [closed, open) intervals. A programmer’s perspective

Tags: tech, programming, mathematics

Good reasons to use [closed, open) intervals. If you didn’t know where it was coming from, here it is.

D2 Tour | D2 Documentation

Tags: tech, diagrams

That looks like a nice declarative language to make diagrams. Missing sequence diagrams but otherwise seems fairly useful and readable.

Ignore RuboCop changes in Git Blame

Tags: tech, git

Now this is a very interesting trick for git. This way large reformatting commits are less of a concern when exploring commit history.

Inhumanity of Root Cause Analysis – Verica

Tags: tech, complexity, project-management, failure, postmortem

A bit heavy handed in the way it tries to paint Root Cause Analysis as evil. Still it has good points about its shortcomings. In particular I appreciate the emphasis on complexity which indeed points to have contributing factors and unexpected outcomes. Definitely things to keep in mind for any postmortem efforts.

The Ancient Japanese Technique That Produces Lumber Without Cutting Trees

Tags: history, japan, ecology

Very interesting technique. Clearly some more work but prevents deforesting like mad for lumber. It’s amazing to see those… clearly a bit like giant bonsais.

Bye for now!