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Terça, 11 de Fevereiro de 2025

One year on, with the teething problems a major new release inevitably brings firmly behind us, Plasma’s developers have worked on fine-tuning, squashing bugs and adding features to Plasma 6 — turning it into the best desktop environment for everyone!

Read on to discover all the exciting new changes landing in this release…

A script element has been removed to ensure Planet works properly. Please find it in the original post.
A script element has been removed to ensure Planet works properly. Please find it in the original post.


Clone Panels

Duplicate your setup with one click

KWin Zoom

Pinpoint individual pixels

Drawing Tablets

Fine tune your art hardware

Digital Art

We want to make Plasma the best platform for creativity, and Plasma 6.3 takes the next step in that direction by providing features that help artists optimize and customize their graphics tablets to their liking.

The System Settings’ Drawing Tablet page has been overhauled and split into multiple tabs to improve how things are organized, and new configuration options have been added to each section:

  • You can map an area of a drawing tablet’s surface to the entire screen area
  • We have refined the tablet calibration feature so that it produces more accurate calibrations
  • The stylus testing feature shows information about tilt and pressure
  • You can customize the pressure curve and range of a stylus to chop off the high and/or low parts
  • You can also re-map or swap the functions of the stylus’s buttons

Configure your drawing tablet directly from Plasma’s <em>System Settings</em> utility.

After finishing configuring your tablet, you’ll be able to see what changed thanks to System Settings’ “Highlight changed settings” feature, which works for most of the Drawing Tablet page.


The most important news regarding graphics is a huge overhaul of how fractional scaling works. In Plasma 6.3, KWin makes a stronger effort to snap things to the screen’s pixel grid, greatly reducing blurriness and visual gaps everywhere and producing sharper and crisper images.

This works at very high zoom levels as well, as KWin’s Zoom effect switches to a sharp pixel-perfect representation and overlays a grid on top of the screen. You can actually see how individual pixels look relative to other ones. Very useful for artists and designers.

KWin overlays a grid to better identify individual pixels at high zoom rates.

In the color department, screen colors are more accurate when using the Night Light feature both with and without ICC profiles, and KWin offers the option to choose screen color accuracy — although this can sometimes affect system performance.

A smaller but still nice detail is that widgets placed on the desktop are very slightly translucent, just like the popups of widgets placed on the panel:

Translucent widgets add a stylish touch to your desktop.

Hardware Monitoring

System Monitor monitors CPU usage more accurately, and consumes vastly fewer CPU resources while doing it! If you’re using Plasma 6.3 on FreeBSD, you’re in luck: the System Monitor app and widgets can now collect GPU statistics on your system too.

Info Center also provides more information, exposing data about all of your GPUs as well as your batteries’ cycle counts.

Monitoring printers is equally easy, as each printer’s print queue is shown directly in the widget. The widget also shows a little spinner on any printers that are currently printing, so you can see at a glance which ones are in use.

Plasma already includes a variety of background services that let you know when something has gone wrong and what to do about it. New in Plasma 6.3 is a service that detects when the kernel terminated an app because the system ran out of memory. The service shows a notification explaining what happened, and suggests ways of avoiding this issue in the future.


Moving on to specific tools, Plasma 6.3’s KRunner (the built-in search tool that also does conversions, calculations, definitions, graph plotting, and much more), Discover (Plasma’s software management/app store application), and the Weather Report widget all come with new features and improvements:


KRunner and KRunner-powered searches now let you jump between categories using the Page Up/Page Down keys and Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down key combinations.


A security enhancement landing in Discover highlights sandboxed apps whose permissions will change after being updated. This allows you to check on such changes in case you suspect any shady behavior.

In a similar vein, you can now see whether apps are packaged directly by their developer, or verified by a trusted third party.

Elemento Meteorológico

If you’re a fan of the forecasts provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst, you’re in luck: Plasma 6.3’s weather widget allows using this source for weather data.


Plasma 6.3 makes things easy without ditching flexibility. If you prefer using a mouse with your laptop, you can now configure its built-in touchpad to switch off automatically, so it doesn’t interfere with your typing. Also, if you set up your machine as a network hotspot, Plasma generates a random password for the network so you don’t have to think one up.

Finding help is easier in Plasma 6.3. A “Help” category has been added to the launcher (the menu that tends to live on the left hand side of your panel), and we have removed the Settings category entirely. Its contents have been merged into the System category, reducing the number of categories that don’t offer meaningful grouping.

Help is readily available right from the launcher menu.

Speaking of menus, the default Kickoff launcher menu now switches categories only when you click on them, matching the behavior of all other sidebar lists. However, if you preferred the old switch-on-hover behavior, it’s still available too.

We have made things clearer by adding a Show Target item to the desktop context menu for symbolic links, the digital Clock widget displays all events on days with more than five of them (giving you a complete view of upcoming commitments), and when you want to reboot into the bootloader menu the next time your machine reboots, the logout screen now indicates this.

The <em>Show Target</em> option shows you what a symbolic link is pointing to.

To avoid overwhelming you with too much information, when notifications arrive while Plasma’s “Do Not Disturb” mode is engaged, exiting that mode shows the number of missed notifications, rather than sending them all in one giant torrent.

Additionally, a subtle but important change: when you drag a file out of a window that’s partially below other windows, it no longer jumps to the top, potentially obscuring what you wanted to drag it into!


Finally, what would Plasma be without customization? To begin with, panels can be cloned! You can also use scripting to change your panels’ opacity levels and what screen they appear on.

In Plasma 6.2, we introduced symbolic icons in Kickoff’s category sidebar. Some people didn’t like that, so in 6.3 you can undo the change yourself: we modified the implementation to pull icons from the standard data source, allowing you to set them to whatever you want using the Menu Editor app.

Speaking of the Menu Editor app, editing desktop files for apps from the “Edit Application…” menu item in Kickoff (and other launcher menus) opens the app in the editor, rather than showing you file properties. This lets you easily edit the entire applications list!

Edit the apps in the launcher using KDE’s <em>Menu Editor</em> application.

If you have ever lost a widget in the process of customizing your system, you’ll love this new feature: in Plasma 6.3, the Widget Explorer gives you the opportunity to remove every instance of a widget, including those that got lost or are only present on unplugged screens.

…and there’s much more. To see the full list of changes, check out the complete changelog for Plasma 6.3.

Quarta, 29 de Janeiro de 2025

gcompris 25.0

Today we are releasing GCompris version 25.0.

As you can see, we are now basing the major version number on the release year. This makes sense as we are doing one major version per year. It is also a good occasion to do it now to celebrate the 25 years of GCompris.

This version adds translation for one more language: Sanskrit.

This new version contains 195 activities, including 5 new ones:

  • "Sketch" is an activity for drawing freely with multiple tools to let children explore their creativity.
  • "Calculate with ten's complement" is the continuation of the existing ten's complement activities. This one helps the children to swap the numbers to easily compute a sum.
  • "Vertical addition" is an activity to write an addition and solve it.
  • "Vertical subtraction", is similar to the addition activity but for subtraction with the borrowing by regrouping method.
  • "Vertical subtraction (compensation)", is similar to the subtraction one with the borrowing by compensation method.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

With the help of teachers, we rewrote a big part of the activities description to be clearer.

When we switch language in the menu, the new language is now applied directly, without having to restart GCompris.

On the technical side, it is also the first release using Qt6.

We have also set the graphical renderer to direct3d11 by default on Windows.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Árabe
  • Búlgaro
  • Bretão
  • Catalão
  • Catalão (Valenciano)
  • Grego
  • Espanhol
  • Basco
  • Francês
  • Galego
  • Croata
  • Húngaro
  • Italiano
  • Letão
  • Malayalam
  • Holandês
  • Polaco
  • Português do Brasil
  • Romeno
  • Sanskrit
  • Esloveno
  • Sueco
  • Turco
  • Ucraniano

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijano (90%)
  • Bielorrusso (86%)
  • Checo (98%)
  • Alemão (88%)
  • Inglês Britânico (99%)
  • Esperanto (99%)
  • Estoniano (88%)
  • Finlandês (91%)
  • Hebraico (96%)
  • Indonésio (93%)
  • Georgian (85%)
  • Lituano (92%)
  • Macedónio (83%)
  • Norueguês (Nynorsk) (94%)
  • Português (89%)
  • Russo (92%)
  • Eslovaco (82%)
  • Albanês (98%)
  • Swahili (92%)
  • Chinês Tradicional (88%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android and Raspberry Pi on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

Quinta, 28 de Novembro de 2024

gcompris 4.3

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.3.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Árabe
  • Búlgaro
  • Bretão
  • Catalão
  • Catalão (Valenciano)
  • Grego
  • Inglês Britânico
  • Esperanto
  • Espanhol
  • Basco
  • Francês
  • Galego
  • Croata
  • Húngaro
  • Indonésio
  • Italiano
  • Lituano
  • Letão
  • Malayalam
  • Holandês
  • Norueguês (Nynorsk)
  • Polaco
  • Português do Brasil
  • Romeno
  • Russo
  • Esloveno
  • Albanês
  • Sueco
  • Swahili
  • Turco
  • Ucraniano

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijano (97%)
  • Bielorrusso (87%)
  • Checo (97%)
  • Alemão (96%)
  • Estoniano (96%)
  • Finlandês (95%)
  • Hebraico (96%)
  • Macedónio (90%)
  • Português (96%)
  • Eslovaco (84%)
  • Chinês Tradicional (96%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. Also this update will soon be available in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

Quinta, 19 de Setembro de 2024

gcompris 4.2

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.2.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

This version adds translation for Latvian.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Árabe
  • Búlgaro
  • Bretão
  • Catalão
  • Catalão (Valenciano)
  • Grego
  • Inglês Britânico
  • Esperanto
  • Espanhol
  • Basco
  • Francês
  • Galego
  • Croata
  • Húngaro
  • Indonésio
  • Italiano
  • Lituano
  • Letão
  • Malayalam
  • Holandês
  • Norueguês (Nynorsk)
  • Polaco
  • Português do Brasil
  • Romeno
  • Russo
  • Esloveno
  • Albanês
  • Sueco
  • Swahili
  • Turco
  • Ucraniano

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijano (97%)
  • Bielorrusso (87%)
  • Checo (97%)
  • Alemão (96%)
  • Estoniano (96%)
  • Finlandês (95%)
  • Hebraico (96%)
  • Macedónio (90%)
  • Português (96%)
  • Eslovaco (84%)
  • Chinês Tradicional (96%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

Segunda, 2 de Setembro de 2024

O Kdenlive 24.08 foi lançado, está atualização chega com novos recursos e aprimoramentos em especial para Effects and Transitions. Esta versão aumenta o desempenho na reprodução de sequências e na renderização de visualização da linha do tempo, melhora o tratamento de problemas de transcodificação ao importar grandes quantidades de clipes, adiciona perfis de transcodificação VAAPI e corrige a transcodificação de GPU para Nvidia. 

Acompanhe mais detalhes na página oficial

Sexta, 14 de Junho de 2024

Após três meses de trabalho, o tutorial de Kirigami da KDE foi portado para o Qt6. Caso você não saiba o que é o Kirigami: O Qt fornece duas tecnologias GUI para criar aplicativos de desktop: o QtWidgets e o QtQuick O QtWidgets usa somente C++ enquanto o QtQuick usa QML (e opcionalmente C++ e JavaScript) Kirigami é uma biblioteca feita pela KDE que extende o QtQuick fornecendo vários componentes vantajosos e que facilitam a vida Tecnicamente não houveram muitas mudanças de API no Kirigami.

Quinta, 23 de Maio de 2024

A script element has been removed to ensure Planet works properly. Please find it in the original post.


Dolphin lets you navigate your folders and files, move and copy things from one place to another, connect to file servers and manage everything in your local and remote storage.

It is important to the Dolphin team that you can see what is happening at all times, and we have implemented animations to help you follow every action. For example, dragging a file or folder over another folder triggers a subtle animation if the option to open the folder is enabled. Dolphin's bars also animate when they appear and disappear.

Dolphin also provides more tailored and informative insights into specific folders by default, so when browsing through recently used files and folders, users will find modification times listed by default and have streamlined access to the most recent items. Similarly, the Trash folder now offers detailed information on the time and origin of each deleted file.

During searches, Dolphin has refined its result views to offer more pertinent details. For images, we display dimensions and creation times, while audio files reveal track information such as author, album, and duration. For general searches, results are conveniently accompanied by their respective paths and modification times, so you have all the context you need at your fingertips.

Seamless navigation through interfaces is crucial for users around the world, and our latest update delivers just that. Now, when using right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew, Dolphin's arrow navigation works flawlessly.


Itinerary now shows more information about your train and coach facilities (where this information is available). This includes general comfort features such as air conditioning or WiFi, as well as things specifically relevant if you are traveling with young children, a bicycle, or a wheelchair. These can also be qualified by availability (e.g. if they require a special reservation) and marked as disrupted. This information is displayed when viewing a train's car layout and when searching for a connection.

The Itinerary team, in collaboration with other open source projects, has started work on a community-run, vendor-neutral international public transport routing service called Transitous. Transitous aims to focus on users' interests rather than on those of public transport operators). It is free to use, respects users' privacy, and does not stop at borders. We are now at a point where public transport information is available for a large part of Europe, and the data for services outside Europe is growing. The amount of information is now large enough that we have decided to enable support for Transitous by default in Itinerary and KTrip.

Current Transitous coverage for long-distance travel in Europe.

As with most updates, we've improved the coverage of travel document extractors, as well as adding support for a number of companies including AMSBus, ANA, Deutsche Bahn, Eckerö Line, Elron, European Sleeper, Eurostar, Eventim, Finnair, Flibco, Leo Express, LTG Link, Moongate, National Express, Pasažieru vilciens, Salzbergwerk, SNCF, Thalys,, Trenitalia and UK National Railways.


NeoChat is a chat app that lets you take full advantage of the Matrix network.

In its newest version, we moved the search to a popup allowing you to search for a conversation independently of the space you are in.

NeoChat will also now scan PDFs and other files sent to the chat for travel documents, and displaying all the relevant information directly in your conversation. All the processing is done on your device and no private information is sent to any third parties servers. Similarly your text documents will be directly displayed in the timeline.


Tokodon brings the Mastodon federated social media platform to your fingertips. With Tokodon you can read, post, and message easily. Now when writing a new post, it is possible to do that in a separate window, allowing you to continue using Tokodon while writing your post.

In this release, we also added a badge counter for follow requests in the sidebar.


Kdenlive is KDE's full-featured video editor that gives you everything you need to build advertisements, documentaries, TV shows, and full-fledged movies.

Version 24.05 adds Group Effects, effects that can be added to clips grouped together all at the same time. You can also reach wider audiences by using an offline AI that can translate your subtitles with the Automatic Subtitle Translations feature.

The feature that allows you to capture audio from your desktop or microphone from directly within Kdenlive is back, and the performance of moving clips with the spacer tool has been hugely improved. The multiple resource bins management feature (bins being the areas where you keep your clips, images, titles and animations) has also been reworked and improved.


Elisa is KDE's elegant and feature-rich music player. Yet another improvement to its already sleek design is that this new version lets you switch between list and grid views.

And all this too...

Ark helps you manage compressed files and archives. Ark can now open and un-archive self-extracting .exe archive files

The date and time picker in Merkuro has been updated and is now significantly faster.

The reading experience on Akregator, KDE's RSS news reader, is more pleasant in this version thanks to a new layout and the support of dark themes.


Registo de alterações completo aqui

Onde obter as aplicações do KDE

Ainda que tenhamos suporte completo para as distribuições que fornecem as nossas aplicações, as aplicações do KDE Gear 24.05 também estarão disponíveis nestas lojas de aplicações de Linux em breve:


If you’d like to help us get more KDE applications into the app stores, support more app stores and get the apps better integrated into our development process, come say hi in our All About the Apps chat room.

Quarta, 22 de Maio de 2024

gcompris 4.1

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.1.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Árabe
  • Búlgaro
  • Bretão
  • Catalão
  • Catalão (Valenciano)
  • Grego
  • Espanhol
  • Basco
  • Francês
  • Galego
  • Croata
  • Húngaro
  • Italiano
  • Lituano
  • Malayalam
  • Holandês
  • Norueguês (Nynorsk)
  • Polaco
  • Português do Brasil
  • Romeno
  • Russo
  • Esloveno
  • Sueco
  • Turco
  • Ucraniano

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijano (97%)
  • Bielorrusso (86%)
  • Checo (95%)
  • Alemão (95%)
  • Inglês Britânico (95%)
  • Esperanto (99%)
  • Estoniano (95%)
  • Finlandês (94%)
  • Hebraico (95%)
  • Indonésio (99%)
  • Macedónio (90%)
  • Português (95%)
  • Eslovaco (83%)
  • Albanês (99%)
  • Swahili (99%)
  • Chinês Tradicional (95%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

Domingo, 19 de Maio de 2024

Domingo, 19 de Maio de 2024

O KDE anuncia hoje o lançamento das Plataformas do KDE 5.116.0.

KDE Frameworks are 83 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.

Esta versão faz parte de uma série de versões mensais planeadas que disponibilizam as melhorias aos programadores de uma forma rápida e previsível.

Novo nesta versão

Breeze Icons

  • Add audio/ogg and audio/x-vorbis+ogg icons
  • Add audio/vnd.wave MIME type

Extra CMake Modules

  • ECMAddQch: drop trying to set IMPORTED on targets with installed config
  • Remove extraneous docs-build CI job that is no longer needed following the switch of to Gitlab CI


  • resultset: fix agent escape string


  • Fix Calendar::updateNotebook event visibility updates


  • Restore country detection tests on FreeBSD
  • Disable FreeBSD tests that recently started to fail in the CI


  • Wait until kconf_update finished


  • fix handling of attribute namespacing


  • - don't look for python[2,3] on Windows
  • KCountrySubdivision: unbreak support of iso-codes >= 4.16


  • TGA: added options support (bug 479612)
  • More header checks (CCBUG: 479612) (bug 479612))


  • Strip trailing slash in iconForStandardPath


  • Trivial fix for crash in buddy() when sourceModel isn't set yet

KPackage Framework

  • testpackage: Add a website so that the tests succeed


  • Add default arg to AbstractRunner QVariantList constructor


  • Fix warning: mimeType "x-scheme-handler/file" not found (bug 442721)


  • Localization support

Syntax Highlighting

  • fix refs
  • use (?:sub){0,2} to work with all pcre versions

Security information

The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key: pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB

Quarta, 28 de Fevereiro de 2024

Full content here: