KDE, Kubuntu, Debian: Weekly progress report Qt6 updates.
Thankfully no tragedies to report this week! I thank each and everyone of you that has donated to my car fund. I still have a ways to go and could use some more help so that we can go to the funeral. https://gofund.me/033eb25d I am between contracts and work packages, so all of my work is currently for free. Thanks for your consideration.
Another very busy week getting qt6 updates in Debian, Kubuntu, and KDE snaps.
- Merkuro and Neochat SRUs have made progress.
- See Debian for the qt6 Plasma / applications work.
- qtmpv – in NEW
- arianna – in NEW
- kamera – experimental
- libkdegames – experimental
- kdenetwork-filesharing – experimental
- xwaylandvideobridge – NEW
- futuresql – NEW
- kpat WIP
- Tokodon – Done, but needs qtmpv to pass NEW
- Gwenview – WIP needs kamera, kio-extras
- kio-extras – Blocked on kdsoap in which the maintainer is not responding to bug reports or emails. Will likely fork in Kubuntu as our freeze quickly approaches.
KDE Snaps:
Updated QT to 6.7.2 which required a rebuild of all our snaps. Also found an issue with mismatched ffmpeg libraries, we have to bundle them for now until versioning issues are resolved.
Made new theme snaps for KDE breeze: gtk-theme-breeze, icon-theme-breeze so if you use the plasma theme breeze please install these and run
for PLUG in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:icon-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${PLUG} icon-theme-breeze:icon-themes; done
for PLUG in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${PLUG} gtk-theme-breeze:gtk-3-themes; done
for PLUG in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:gtk-2-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${PLUG} gtk-theme-breeze:gtk-2-themes; done
This should resolve most theming issues. We are still waiting for kdeglobals to be merged in snapd to fix colorscheme issues, it is set for next release. I am still working on qt6 themes and working out how to implement them in snaps as they are more complex than gtk themes with shared libraries and file structures.
Please note: Please help test the –edge snaps so I can promote them to stable.
- Elisa – stable https://snapcraft.io/elisa
- Okular – stable https://snapcraft.io/okular
- Konsole ( please note this is a confined terminal for the ‘project’ and not very useful except to ssh to the host system ) – stable
- Kwrite – stable https://snapcraft.io/kwrite
- Gwenview – stable https://snapcraft.io/gwenview
- Kate ( –classic –edge ) https://snapcraft.io/kate
- Gcompris –edge https://snapcraft.io/gcompris
- Alligator stable https://snapcraft.io/alligator
- Angelfish –edge https://snapcraft.io/angelfish ( Crashes on first run, but runs fine after that.. looking into it)
- Arianna –edge ( Just pushed fix for required browser-support plug)
- Ark stable https://snapcraft.io/ark
- Blinken stable https://snapcraft.io/blinken
- Bomber stable https://snapcraft.io/bomber
- Bovo stable https://snapcraft.io/bovo
- Calindori stable https://snapcraft.io/calindori
- Digikam stable https://snapcraft.io/digikam
- Dragon –edge ( just pushed dbus fix )
- Falkon stable https://snapcraft.io/falkon
- Filelight stable https://snapcraft.io/filelight
- GCompris –edge https://snapcraft.io/gcompris ( Will remain in edge until official release )
- Ghostwriter –edge ( Broken, need to workout Qt webengine obscure way of handling hunspell dictionaries.)
- Granatier stable https://snapcraft.io/granatier
- Kalzium stable https://snapcraft.io/kalzium
- Kapman stable https://snapcraft.io/kapman
- Kasts –edge ( Broken, portal failure, testing some plugs)
- Kate stable –classic https://snapcraft.io/kate
- Killbots stable https://snapcraft.io/killbots
- Katomic stable https://snapcraft.io/katomic
- Kbackup –edge ( Needs auto-connect udisks2, added home plug)
- Kblackbox stable https://snapcraft.io/kblackbox
- Kblocks stable https://snapcraft.io/kblocks
- Kbreakout stable https://snapcraft.io/kbreakout
- Kbruch stable https://snapcraft.io/kbruch
- Kcharselect stable https://snapcraft.io/kcharselect
- Kcolorchooser stable https://snapcraft.io/kcolorchooser
- Kdebugsettings –edge ( Added missing personal-files plug, will need approval)
- Kdf stable https://snapcraft.io/kdf
- KDiamond –edge ( sound issues )
- Kfind –edge ( request in for udisks2)
- Kfourinline stable https://snapcraft.io/kfourinline
- Kgeography stable https://snapcraft.io/kgeography
- Kgoldrunner stable https://snapcraft.io/kgoldrunner
- Qrca –edge ( needs snap connect qrca:camera camera until auto-connect approved, will remain in –edge until official release)
- Kclock –edge https://snapcraft.io/kclock
- Kigo –edge https://snapcraft.io/kigo
- Kimagemapeditor –edge https://snapcraft.io/kimagemapeditor
- Kspacedual –edge https://snapcraft.io/kspaceduel
WIP Snaps or MR’s made