KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
This is a maintenance release as part of the ongoing effort to support our users and fix bugs and annoyances. If you think you can support the project with some code changes or your artistic or writing talent, please take a look at the some low hanging fruits at the KMyMoney junior job list. Any contribution is welcome.
Despite the ongoing permanent testing we understand that some bugs may have slipped past our best efforts. If you find one of them, please forgive us, and be sure to report it, either to the mailing list or on
The details
- 432380 Appimage unable to print reports
- 426161 Duplicating an investment transaction also duplicates a matched but not accepted transaction in the brokerage account with original not the new date on the matched transaction
- 447025 Calculation of the balance is incorrect for future balances
- 445458 Investment Cap Gains by Account (Customized) crashes with my dataset. Changing the date of one ledger entry fixes the crash.
- 450016 Attempting KMyMoney 5.0.8 “Currencies” Maintenance, Application Crash
- 451677 crashes on new category with a double colon
- 223708 Closed accounts are not hidden in accounts/categories view
- 411272 Not saving changes to Shortcuts
- 424303 Export report as csv file gives a html file
- 425333 no pre-defined account templates on a mac
- 428156 OFX import goes to the wrong account
- 435866 No ledger icon in the pane of the left side
- 439287 Home view is missing styling
- 439722 Equities are shown with currencies in new account dialog
- 439819 Issue with changing credit card limits
- 439861 Rounding error on investment transactions
- 440060 Icons are missing on Linux if Breeze icon theme shipped by the bistro is older than 5.81
- 440111 Tags/Payees Double Enter
- 440476 Can not update stock price manually
- 440500 Stock wizard shows online source that no longer exist
- 440681 Currency list not sorted with locale awareness in the new account wizard
- 440692 When importing OFX, the OK and Skip buttons are reversed
- 440695 Unable to inspect the Splits when account is closed.
- 441292 Impossible to paste into calculator widget
- 443208 Build failure with aqbanking 6.3.2
- 444414 Transaction notes are not imported from paypal account
- 445472 Stock split transactions can cause rounding problems
- 446990 Wayland: Tooltip on date input fields steals focus, prevents entering data
- 451891 Setting the payee matching to exact name is not persistent
- 452068 kmymoney complains about “GPG no secure keyring found”
- 452497 Scheduled transactions: “Next due date”, “Number remaining” and “Date of final” do not always update in step
- 452616 Missing transaction information
- 452720 Provide feature to rename existing loan accounts
- 452918 Payee > Account Numbers > IBAN does not accept pasted content with a space at the start
- 456520 OFX import broken upstream
- 440736 In “New Account” wizard, Enter key does not work on “Parent account” page
- 441296 Fields in Exchange Rate/Price Editor misaligned
- 441937 Default cash flow report: Name does not match date range
- 448013 Unresponsive UI elements in “New File Setup” > “Select Accounts”
- 452863 New file setup wizard: UK VAT Accounts produces “invalid top-level account type” error
- 399685 add match strings as well as name from deleted payee to new payee
- 424377 Change default matching behavior for new payees to “match on exact payee name”
- 440586 When exporting a report, the file name (suggested) takes the report name
- 441581 When “Amount” at ledgers get the focus by click, select the entire value
- 444262 Date picker, frequency and process schedule at last day of the month should interact
- 447480 Allow currencies to be divisible by more than ten decimal places
- 450965 Please add Functionality to Scheduled Transactions
- 453922 Decimal and thousands separators in ordinate axis labels are missing
A complete description of all changes can be found in the ChangeLog.