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KBibTeX 0.10.0 released

Sunday, 26 March 2023 | Thomas Fischer

After the recent release of KBibTeX as the last release of the 0.9.x branch, it is now time to make a stable release of KBibTeX 0.10.0. Tar-balls are as usual available at KDE’s download mirrors. Some of the changes were documented more than two years ago in a pre-release (0.9.90), but here are the highlights taken from the ChangeLog:

  • New online search: Semantic Scholar
  • Migrating Inspire Hep to REST API
  • Fixing and revamping ACM's Digital Library (a.k.a. ACM Portal) online search
  • Refactoring NSA ADS to use official API
  • Updating BibSearch code: cover page improved, preparing code for translations, adding progress bar
  • Tabs in the entry editor can show short messages to use, e.g. in which tab DOIs or URLs are to be entered
  • Fixing UI issues with ColorLabelWidget
  • Using KRatingPainter instead of home-made StarRating's paint function
  • Various improvements and refactoring when (PDF) files get associated with an entry
  • Use Qt's own QOAuth1 class instead of external library QOAuth
  • Having ICU as an optional dependency only, provide internal, static translation from Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) characters to ASCII-only representations
  • Greatly refactoring and modernizing CMakeLists.txt files, generation of camel-case headers, private/public linking to libraries, ...
  • Updating translations (contributions by various authors)
  • KDE Bug 421612: When suggesting entry ids, do not count ‘small words’
  • KDE Bug 424033: Can't associate a file with a relative path without having the file copied
  • KDE Bug 423976: When formatting IDs, non-word characters should be used as word separators
  • KDE Bug 426856: File encoding is not always stored
  • KDE Bug 379443: Slowdown when loading citation with many authors
  • KDE Bug 433005: Cannot unselect entry list view columns in BibLaTeX mode
  • KDE Bug 433084, KDE Bug 453455: Fixing crash when opening .bib file
  • KDE Invent issue 1: Properly handling letter modifiers such as \c{e} instead of \ce
  • Adding and extending numerous automated tests
  • Numerous other fixes, clean-ups, refactoring, ...

Thank you to everyone who contributed. Happy compiling and packaging!